VBA Language Specifications

VBA Language Specifications at MSDN

Here’s a taste

A class is a declarative description of a set of objects that all share the same procedures and have a similar set of variables and events. The members of such a set of objects are called instances of the class. A typical class may have multiple instances but VBA also allows the definition of classes that are restricted to having only one instance. All instances of a specific class share a common set of variable and event declarations that are provided by the class but each instance has its own unique set of variables and events corresponding to those declarations.

It’s like reading the tax code. I can’t wait to get the Kindle edition.

via jtolle at StackOverflow

Excel and LinkedIn Groups

As I write, there are 1,055 LinkedIn groups with the keyword Excel. Not all of them are about software. Some exist to “support members to learn, grow, and excel.” So, I refined the search to include groups only in English. There are still 939 of those, but with some still learning, growing, and excelling. Moving then to Excel, English, and networking, there are 243 (and the learners are not yet gone). Using Excel, English, and Professional Group, it’s 409 groups, no learners, but also not the largest Excel group, either. Making it Microsoft Excel limits the list down to a mere 41.

Of the 939, the largest is Microsoft Excel Users with 16,677 members, and the smallest is the MS Pivot Table Discussion Group with a mere 8.

Which of these groups are worth writing about? I’m in Daniel Ferry’s Excel Hero group, but it’s listed three pages in, just approaching 2000 members. Dick is, too. What groups are you in, and why?



IFERROR is a worksheet function that was introduced in Excel 2007. It’s a catch-all error handler that you can wrap around a formula and return a different value if the formula evaluates to an error. Like most people, I was happy to see it to avoid the old

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(...)),"Not Found",VLOOKUP(...))

construct. Two VLOOKUPs in the same formula is terribly inefficient, so this new worksheet function is welcome. Or is it. I read this over at StackOverflow.

It nearly makes me weep. I can think of no better way to get incorrect results than by wrapping every formula in IFERROR. It got me thinking about IFERROR in general, so I went and read about at office.microsoft.com. Here are the examples they give.

More weeping. Boy, I’m emotional today. It’s just an illustration, I know, but consider this

Microsoft’s method is on the left and mine is on the right. My formula is =IF(E3<>0,D3/E3,0). Microsoft’s example totally masks the fact that there’s an error in the first line. They’re trying to avoid a divide by zero error, but they’re using a sledge hammer on a push pin. If they want to catch more errors than just #DIV/0!, they should test for them explicitly.

As long as I’m writing about errors, another error handling construct that I dislike is this one.

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(...)),"Not Found",VLOOKUP(...))

I don’t like this because ISERROR will detect any kind of error when the only one that should be detected is NA. If there’s a #NUM! error in there, you’ll get the result “Not Found”, which is technically true but hardly helpful and sometimes damaging.

I’d like to have some guidelines about error checking in formulas. I’m the wrong guy to write these guidelines, but I’ll get the ball rolling.

  1. Don’t use error handling without a specific reason
  2. Test for the condition that would cause the error instead of error handling (examples: zero denominators, all IRR arguments with the same sign)
  3. Wrap the smallest piece of a formula with error handling that is possible
  4. Use the smallest scope error handling function possible (in order: ISNA, ISERR, ISERROR, IFERROR)

I’m sure you guys can poke some serious holes in that list, so please do. I guess my point is that errors are good. When you see an error returned in Excel, you know you made a mistake and you can fix it. If you don’t see it, you may not know and you may not fix it. Some errors are predictable and unavoidable, so we use the tools we have to deal with those errors in a responsible manner.

Blog Blog Blogaversary

DDoE had a birthday on March 29th and I totally forgot about it. I would forget my own birthday if my wife didn’t buy me a present, so I don’t feel too bad about it. I often tell people that DDoE is the first Excel blog. Is that really true? I did a Google search and limited the dates to before March 29, 2004 and not much showed up. There were blogs that mentioned Excel, but not Excel blogs. Now I hear that blogs are dead and Tumblr is the new thing. I think I’ll skip that “revolution” and catch the next one.

I thought I’d check the stats eight years in and see what’s what.

Hmmm, seems I may have forgotten to put the Google Analytics javascript back in when the blog took a crap last fall. But that begs the question why isn’t it showing all zeros?

Thanks for reading. And thanks to the other authors for picking up the slack when I have nothing to say. As for the title, I can’t get the Flip-a-delphia song out of my head today.

Fitting curves to your data using least squares


If you’re an engineer (like I used to be in a previous life), you have probably done your bit of experimenting. Usually, you then need a way to fit your measurement results with a curve. If you’re a proper engineer, you also have some idea what type of equation should theoretically fit your data.

Perhaps you did some measurements with results like this:

Data with fitted equation

I’ve created an Excel file with which you can fit curves to your data, check out the article on my website:

Fitting curves to your data using Least Squares



Jan Karel Pieterse


VBHelpers Update

If you’re using my VBHelpers add-in and haven’t made these fixes yourself, you may want to download the latest version at the end of this post.

Fix Public to Private Set

When I convert public variables to private and it’s an object, I would call the property Public Property Set, but I didn’t use the Set keyword in the actual variable assignment statement. So I fixed that.

Make FillFromRange use a Variant array

My old FillFromRange used a For Each rCell in rRng.Columns(1).Cells to loop through the cells. Now it read the range into a variant array and uses For i = LBound(vaValues,1) to UBound(vaValues,1). I never had a huge performance problem with it, but generated code should use best practices, don’t you think?

Insert Module Bug

Whenever I would insert a new module, it would put it in the project for the active workbook, not the active project. I finally decided to figure out the problem and fix it. The old code looks like this:

The InputBox call made the Excel Application active (rather than the VBE) which switches the active project to the active workbook. By storing the active project before I show the InputBox, it does the right thing.

You can download VBHelpers.zip

Lunch Pairing Performance

A little history:
Lunch Pairing Objects
Populating Lunch Pairings
Lunch Pairing Constraints

To round out the Lunch Pairings series, I want to write about some of the design decisions and performance measurements.


I’m not totally happy with the end result. This always happens when I have combinations and constraints. Combinations are fine. Constraints are fine. But combinations that must be constrained always make me loop more than I like. It just seems like there should be a better way. Maybe someday I’ll be smart enough to figure it out.

I started with a collection of contacts and I removed a contact from the collection when I added it to a lunch. I like this method of avoiding duplicates – make a list and remove the selected item from the list. The problem with this method is that it only serves one of my constraints – no lunch per contact per month. It doesn’t consider duplicates over two or ten months.

Another method I like to use when working with combinations is to make a list of every possible combination and choose randomly from the list. This works great with non-combination lists. There’s a lot of overhead with creating every possible combination and, when I had finished coding it, I realized that it’s a stupid idea. Rather than create every combination then test it, I could test it as I create it, which is what I ended up doing.

I’m still not supremely confident that the current method will procedure good results, particularly as the history of lunches grows. Time will tell, I guess.


My first iteration with the final design took 282 seconds to run. I never optimize code for speed until the end. Make it work, make it pretty, make it fast. In that order. Well, it was time to optimize and 282 seconds was not an acceptable run time.

Well it’s pretty obvious where to start. My AttendeeList property returned a delimited string of sorted contact names. Calling that 3.5 million times was costly, to say the least. Once a lunch was create, its contacts did not change. There was no need for me to keep calculating that property every time. I made the property a write-once, read-many property.

Public Property Get AttendeeList() As String

Dim aList() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sTemp As String
Dim sReturn As String
Dim lCnt As Long

If Len(msAttendeeList) = 0 Then
ReDim aList(1 To Me.Attendees.Count)
For i = 1 To Me.Attendees.Count
lCnt = lCnt + 1
aList(lCnt) = Me.Attendees.Contact(i).FullName
Next i

For i = LBound(aList) To UBound(aList) - 1
For j = i To UBound(aList)
If aList(i) > aList(j) Then
sTemp = aList(i)
aList(i) = aList(j)
aList(j) = sTemp
End If
Next j
Next i

For i = LBound(aList) To UBound(aList)
sReturn = sReturn & aList(i) & "|"
Next i

sReturn = Left$(sReturn, Len(sReturn) - 1)
msAttendeeList = sReturn
End If

AttendeeList = msAttendeeList

End Property

The first thing the property does is check for the existence of msAttendeeList, the module level variable. If it’s there, it simply returns it. If it’s not there, then it hasn’t been calculated yet. The string is created and stored so future calls don’t have to calculate. This got my run time down to 60 seconds.

The next lowest hanging fruit was checking to see if there are any matches. Here’s what that property looks like now – I cleaned it up for the previous posts.

Public Property Get AttendeeMatch(clsLunch As CLunch, lMatchMax As Long) As Boolean

Dim vaMe As Variant
Dim vaLunch As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim clsMeAtt As CContact
Dim clsLunchAtt As CContact

' For Each clsMeAtt In Me.Attendees
' For Each clsLunchAtt In clsLunch.Attendees
' If clsMeAtt.ContactID = clsLunchAtt.ContactID Then
' lCnt = lCnt + 1
' If lCnt >= lMatchMax Then Exit For
' End If
' Next clsLunchAtt
' If lCnt >= lMatchMax Then Exit For
' Next clsMeAtt

vaMe = Split(Me.AttendeeList, "|")
vaLunch = Split(clsLunch.AttendeeList, "|")

For i = LBound(vaMe) To UBound(vaMe)
For j = LBound(vaLunch) To UBound(vaLunch)
If vaMe(i) = vaLunch(j) Then
lCnt = lCnt + 1
End If
Next j
Next i

' For i = LBound(vaMe) To UBound(vaMe)
' If InStr(1, clsLunch.AttendeeList, vaMe(i)) > 0 Then
' lCnt = lCnt + 1
' End If
' Next i

AttendeeMatch = lCnt >= lMatchMax

End Property

I used the Split function on both lunch’s attendee lists and roll through the array looking for matches. First, I tried to use Instr instead of split (that’s the lower commented out area).

Nope, that’s worse. Next I try going to a For Each loop (the upper commented area).

Oh, that’s way worse. Back to my original Split way and my 60 second run time. Then I figured it out. Sometimes, often times, I get so hung up on the Total column that ignore the Count column. Once I worked on lowering the count, everything got a lot faster. How to lower the count of the match calls? Find matches sooner rather than later. Instead of For Each looping through the lunches, I looped through in reverse. I was far more likely to have a match on a lunch from the current month because the constraints are tighter. So by checking the most current lunches first, I reduce the overall number of calls. Here’s the IsRepeat property that loops through the lunches backward.

Public Property Get IsRepeat() As Boolean

Dim clsLunch As CLunch
Dim bReturn As Boolean
Dim i As Long

For i = gclsLunches.Count To 1 Step -1
Set clsLunch = gclsLunches.Lunch(i)

If clsLunch.LunchDate = Me.LunchDate Then
If clsLunch.AttendeeMatch(Me, 1) Then
bReturn = True
Exit For
End If
End If

If clsLunch.IsWithin(Me.LunchDate, 2) Then
If clsLunch.AttendeeMatch(Me, 2) Then
bReturn = True
Exit For
End If
End If

If clsLunch.IsWithin(Me.LunchDate, 10) Then
If clsLunch.AttendeeMatch(Me, 3) Then
bReturn = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i

IsRepeat = bReturn

End Property

That got me down to a manageable 13 seconds. That I can live with.

I need to get the code to PerfMon because there are two things I don’t like about it. First, it doesn’t respect my indented Exit Sub lines. Second, I would rather if it kept a history of output (append rather than output to a text file) and allowed me to comment on them. I’ve done that here by copying the results to the right and writing a comment before re-importing the sheet.

You can download LunchPairings.zip, which contains the workbook with the code and the workbook with the PerfMon results.

Access data in a closed workbook containing a protected worksheet

In a LinkedIn group, someone wanted to access data in a shared server-based workbook that contained a protected sheet with locked cells that were not selectable. In addition to sharing an automated way of doing this, this post contains two other embedded tips.

The solution, as many know, is to enter a formula in the destination worksheet that references the source cell, e.g., =’C:\Temp\[Book2.xlsx]Sheet1′!$E$5

Given the high likelihood of making an error in entering long formulas, I decided to see if I could automate the process.

Tip 1: In doing so, I discovered that under certain circumstances Excel will make a very interesting correction. If the source workbook has a single worksheet, then one can use any sheet name in the formula and Excel will change it to the correct one! So, if book2.xlsx contains a single sheet named Sheet1, and one were to enter the incorrect formula =’C:\Temp\[Book2.xlsx]abc’!$E$5, Excel will correct it to =’C:\Temp\[Book2.xlsx]Sheet1′!$E$5.

That aside, since the cells in the source worksheet are not selectable, one cannot construct the formula using click-and-point. So, I decided that as long as one wants the values from the source cells to be in the same cell in the destination worksheet, why not select the cells in the destination worksheet? The code below does just that. Also, there is no longer a need to open the shared server workbook at all!

One final note. I rarely use so many different interactions with the consumer, preferring a userform. But, the below is easier to share. ;-)

Tip 2: The Inputbox method gets a single piece of information from the user, e.g., the sheet name in the code below. If the user were to cancel the resulting dialog box, the method returns False. The usual way to check for this is to compare the returned value with “False”. But, this precludes a legitimate response of “False”! So, I tend to check if the returned type is a boolean. The same applies to the GetOpenFilename method.

Enter the code below is a standard VBE module. Then, open the destination worksheet (or create a new one), and then run the linkToExternal subroutine. It will ask for the source workbook, the source worksheet, and then the destination cells. The code will add in each destination cell a formula that links to the same cell in the source worksheet.

Option Explicit

Sub linkToExternal()
If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Please open the destination workbook before running this macro"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim FName
FName = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
Title:="Please select the source workbook")
If TypeName(FName) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
FName = Left(FName, InStrRev(FName, Application.PathSeparator)) _
& "[" & Mid(FName, InStrRev(FName, Application.PathSeparator) + 1) _
& "]"
Dim SheetName
SheetName = Application.InputBox("Please enter the name of the source sheet", Type:=2)
If TypeName(SheetName) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
FName = "='" & FName & SheetName & "'!"
Dim Rng As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set Rng = Application.InputBox( _
"Please select the destination cells into which you want the corresponding source cell values", _
On Error GoTo 0
If Rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim aCell As Range
For Each aCell In Rng
aCell.Formula = FName & aCell.Address(True, True)
Next aCell
End Sub