RefTreeAnalyser: Two updates

Hi There,

It’s been a while since I last posted here. Today I have released an update of my RefTreeAnalyser utility.

The tool now allows you to add a Table Of Contents to your workbook which contains lists of all sheets, all charts and all Pivottables:

In addition I have added a Feedback button to enable my users to send their complaints -I mean compliments- directly to me! So as of now, if you have ideas for improvements or suggestions for additions or a bug to report, use that feedback button!

Be safe!

Jan Karel Pieterse

Excel VBA Masterclass

Hi there. Hope you and yours are well in these difficult times!

This is just a very short announcement that I’ll be doing an on-line version of my Excel VBA Masterclass.

The training is scheduled for May 18, 20, 26, 28, June 2, 4 and I’ll be using Microsoft Teams to deliver it to your homes!

Register now!


Jan Karel Pieterse

Combinations, Combinations. A challenge

In case you’re bored stiff during your holiday, here’s a nice Excel challenge for you all.

In my newsletter for May 2019 I showed you a trick to get all possible combinations of two lists. This time I have a related problem. Suppose I have 10 ballot tickets. My job is to draw 5 random tickets from that set of 10 repeatedly until I have drawn all possible combinations:

The challenge I would like to give you all:
Please use any technique in Excel to list all possible unique combinations of ticket numbers drawn this way. Note that the order in which the tickets are drawn makes no difference and that each number can only be drawn once per set of 5. This means that a draw of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is considered the same as (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) or (2, 1, 3, 4, 5).

What’s in it for you?

The 5 best submissions will receive:

Send your solutions to using this subject line: “JKPADS Combinations Challenge”

Submission ends on September 9, 2019

Excel VBA Masterclass Ljubljana

Great news for anyone who would like to combine visiting the beautiful city of Ljubljana and learn about Excel VBA coding techniques!

On Novermber 5th, 2018 I’ll be teaching the Excel VBA Masterclass in Ljubljana.

In short I’ll be addressing:

  • Classes in VBA
    • Classes and Objects
    • Instantiating a class
    • Methods, properties, Events
    • Event classes
    • Instantiating an object from a class
    • Classes of classes
  • Userforms
    • Design
    • Events, methods, properties
    • Making a userform sizable
    • Splitter bars
    • Using in an Object oriented way
  • Efficient coding in VBA (2 sessions, one theoretic one and one hands-on lab)
    • Measuring performance
    • Break the rules
    • Fast VBA algorithms
    • Micro-optimization
    • Efficiently exchanging information with Excel

There are still some seats available, so hurry up and register soon!

Jan Karel Pieterse

PS: There are two other very interesting masterclasses on that same day, so if you are not into VBA (I can’t imagine you aren’t) there are alternatives!

The Amsterdam Excel Summit 2018

Hi Excel lovers,

Wanted to draw your attention to our fifth

Amsterdam Excel Summit

June 7 and 8 , 2018

We’ve worked hard to get an exciting line-up of speakers presenting on a wide variety of Excel subjects during our two-day conference.

So if you’re an Excel power-user, this is one of those one-of-a-kind conferences you cannot afford to miss!

Registration is now open

Hope to see you in Amsterdam on June 7 and 8 2018!

Jan Karel Pieterse, Tony de Jonker