Inversely filter a Pivot based on an external range

Howdy folks. Jeff here, with a money-saving Christmas tip. Oh, and some PivotTable code.

I recently posted a routine to filter pivots based on an external range. My code worked out whether it was fastest to either:

  1. Hide all items in the field, then unhide those Pivot Items that matched the search terms; or
  2. Unhide all items in the field, then hide those Pivot Items that don’t match the search terms.

It worked out what to hide or leave by adding the Search Terms to a Dictionary, then trying to add the Pivot Items and catching any errors. In that first case where it unhides Pivot Items that match the search terms, here’s the code that did the dictionary check on the PivotItems – after the Search Terms had already been added:

…but that seems like overkill, because the only line we want to conditionally change is that If Err.Number <> 0 Then line. The rest of the block is just fine the way it is.

So how to conditionally change just that one line? Like this:

Boy, that was simple. Adding the 2nd logical effectively flips the If Err.Number <> 0 bit to If Err.Number = 0 in the case that bInverse is TRUE.

It works a treat: I tested it on a Pivot containing the things I’m willing to buy the kids for Christmas, and an external list of things containing the presents that the kids actually want. Suffice to say I set bInverse to TRUE, and saved myself a small fortune in a few milliseconds.

And there’s your Christmas tip. Ho ho horrible, I know.

Here’s the whole amended routine:

Much ado about ADO

Jeff here again. I had a crack at rewriting my Unpivot via SQL routine, to see if I could make it simpler and faster. The point of the routine is to let you turn a very large cross-tab directly into a PivotTable in the case that a flat file would be too long to fit in Excel’s grid. The original routine works by making a temp copy of the file (to avoid Memory Leak) and then doing lots and lots of UNION ALLs against that temp copy to unwind it one cross-tab column at a time. (The reason we need those UNION ALLs is that there is no UNPIVOT command in the pigeon English dialect of SQL that Excel and Access speak.) My routine then executes the SQL via ADO, and creates a Pivot directly out of the resulting RecordSet.

So if we had a data set that looked like this:


…then the resulting SQL looks something like this:

SELECT [Country], [Sector], [Base year (Convention)], [1990] AS Total, '1990' AS [Year] FROM [Data$A18:H28]
UNION ALL SELECT [Country], [Sector], [Base year (Convention)], [1991] AS Total, '1991' AS [Year] FROM [Data$A18:H28]
UNION ALL SELECT [Country], [Sector], [Base year (Convention)], [1992] AS Total, '1992' AS [Year] FROM [Data$A18:H28]
UNION ALL SELECT [Country], [Sector], [Base year (Convention)], [1993] AS Total, '1993' AS [Year] FROM [Data$A18:H28]
UNION ALL SELECT [Country], [Sector], [Base year (Convention)], [1994] AS Total, '1994' AS [Year] FROM [Data$A18:H28]

But as per my previous post, the code to accomplish this is pretty long. This is partly because the Microsoft JET/ACE Database engine has a hard limit of 50 ‘UNION ALL’ clauses, which you will soon exceed if you have a big cross-tab. I get around this limit by creating sub-blocks of SELECT/UNION ALL statements under this limit, and then stitching these sub-blocks with an outer UNION ALL ‘wrapper’. But that results in fairly complicated code and presumably quite a bit of work for the JET/ACE driver.

So I got to thinking that rather than using all those UNION ALLs to create the RecordSet with SQL, why not just populate a disconnected RecordSet directly from an amended version of snb’s elegant code, like so:

This routine worked fine on a small number of records. For instance, it unwound a cross-tab of 1000 rows x 100 cross-tab columns = 100,000 records in 8 seconds. Not exactly lightning, but it got there.

But it did not work fine on larger ones: at around 2500 rows x 100 cross-tab columns = 250,000 records it returned an Out of Memory error. So that rules the Disconnected RecordSet approach out for unwinding super-size cross-tabs. Unless you’re manipulating small data sets, steer clear of disconnected RecordSets.

Not to be deterred, I thought I’d try a different approach: I amended snb’s original approach so that it split a large flat file across multiple tabs in need, and then wrote a seperate routine to mash together the data in those tabs with SQL. This will result in far fewer UNION ALL’s (one per sheet) than my original code (one per column), and hopefully much faster performance.

Here’s how I revised SNB’s code:

That part works a treat. Takes around 38 seconds to take a 19780 Row x 100 Column crosstab = 1,977,900 records and spit it out as a flat file in two sheets.

And here’s the code that stiches those together into one PivotTable:

I tested this routine on some sheets with smaller datasets in them initially. Works just fine.

200,000 records in 2 sheets, no problem

But on bigger stuff, weirdsville:
For instance, here’s what I got when I tried to run it on 250,000 records split across two sheets:
What do you mean, “External table is not in the expected format“? It was just a minute ago!

Pushing debug shows that the oConn.Open sConnection line is highlighted. When I pushed F5 then the code ran without hitch, and produced the pivot as expected. So who knows what that was about.

But when I tried it on a larger dataset of 600,000 records in each sheet, I got an ‘Unexpected error from external database driver (1)’ message:


You betcha it’s unexpected! Googling didn’t turn up much, apart from some people having issues trying to get very big datasets from Excel into SQL Server. One person’s problem was solved by adding in imex=1 in the connection string, but it didn’t do anything for me.

I tried running the sub on several sheets with various amounts of records in each. About the maximum I could pull through was 3 sheets of 400,000 rows. But anything bigger, then I got that Unexpected Error From External Database Driver error again.

Next I tried running the code on just one sheet with various rows of data in it, to see what happened. After I push F5 to ignore the External Table Is Not In The Expected Format error, it did manage to produce a pivot in all cases, but the pivot may or may not contain all the data, depending on how many records were in the source sheet. For instance:

  • If there’s 500,000 records in the flat file I 500,000 records in the pivot.
  • If there’s 750,000 records in the flat file I only 613,262 records in the pivot. wtf?
  • If there’s 1,000,000 records in the flat file, I 613,262 records in the pivot again. wtfa?

Whereas my original UNPIVOT BY SQL routine could handle much larger datasets than either the disconnected RecordSet approach or the above one without complaining.

Well screw you, code…I’m giving you an error back:

UnPivot Shootout

Jeff here, again. PivotTables again. Sorry ’bout that.

snb posted a very concise bit of code to unwind crosstabs over at Unpivot by SQL and so I got to wondering how my much longer routine handled in comparison.

My approach used SQL and lots of Union All statements to do the trick. And lots and lots of code. Whereas snb uses arrays to unwind the crosstab, which is fine so long as you don’t run out of worksheet to post the resulting flat-file in. Which is going to be the case 99.999999% of the time. And frankly, crosstabs in the other 0.000001% of cases deserve to be stuck as crosstabs.

At the same time, I thought I’d also test a previous approach of mine that uses the Multiple Consolidation trick that Mike Alexander outlines at Transposing a Dataset with a PivotTable. This approach:

  1. copies the specific contiguous or non-contiguous columns of data that the user want to turn into a flat file to a new sheet.
  2. concatenates all the columns on the left into one column, while putting the pipe character ‘|’ between each field so that later we can split these apart into separate columns again.
  3. creates a pivot table out of this using Excel’s ‘Multiple Consolidation Ranges’ option. Normally this type of pivot table is used for combining data on different sheets, but it has the side benefit of taking horizontal data and providing a vertical extract once you double click on the Grand Total field. This is also known as a ‘Reverse Pivot’.
  4. splits our pipe-delimited column back into seperate columns, using Excel’s Text-to-Column funcionality.

snb’s approach

snbs’ code for a dataset with two non-pivot fields down the left looked like this:

…which I’m sure you’ll all agree falls somewhere on the spectrum between good looking and positivity anorexic. So I put a bit of meat on it’s bones so that it prompts you for ranges and handles any sized cross-tab:

Talk about yo-yo dieting!

Multiple Consolidation Trick approach

And here’s my code that uses the Multiple Consolidation trick:

The SQL appoach is the same as I published here.

And the winner is…

…snb. By a long shot. With the ever-so-slight caveat that you’re crosstabs are not so stupidly fat that the resulting flat file exceeds the number of rows in Excel.

Here’s how things stacked up on a 53 Column x 2146 Row crosstab, which gives a 117,738 row flat-file:

Approach Time (M:SS)
snb 0:01
UnPivotByConsolidation 0:04
UnPivotBySQL 0:14

And here’s how things stacked up on a 53 Columns x 19,780 Row crosstab, giving a 1,048,340 row flat-file (i.e. practically the biggest sized crosstab that you can unwind):

Approach Time (M:SS)
snb 0:19
UnPivotByConsolidation 0:42
UnPivotBySQL 2:17

So there you have it. Use snb’s code. Unless you have no choice but to use my longer, slower SQL approach.

Update 26 November 2013
It was remiss of me not to mention the Data Normalizer routine in Doug Glancy’s great yoursumbuddy blog, which is just about as fast as snb’s approach below. Go check it out, and subscribe to Doug’s blog while you’re there if you haven’t already.

If you don’t want the hassle of working out which to use, here’s a routine that uses snb’s if possible, and otherwise uses mine:

In an ideal world

Howdy folks. Jeff here, with yet another post on Pivot Tables.

Just kidding. :-)

My good internet pal Craig Hatmaker gives me a friendly ribbing every time I send him some code that does something in Excel that a database could implement much more efficiently. He points out that because he’s in IT, he doesn’t have anyone stopping him from doing things as he thinks they should be done. So he has no impediment to doing what seems ideal to him.

And he points out that you needn’t be from an IT background in order to replicate his type of approach: if you can master xl, you can master databases. (And he should know: check out his amazing Beyond Excel: VBA and Database Manipulation blog, where he starts off with looking at how to use simple things like Microsoft Query to get data, then progressively teaches you more and more every post until you’re using excel to add records to an access database using a table driven approach, so you don’t have to write SQL or update a single line of code. )

I agree 100%. If you can master xl, you can master databases. The problem is, most people don’t master the first. And out of those that do, many don’t choose to master the second. So the majority will continue to shoehorn large datasets into Excel crosstabs, and then do incredibly convoluted things in order to get the equivalent functionality of a PivotTable out of those crosstabs.

And so I’ll continue to build routines like my Unpivot Via SQL and Filter Pivots Based on External ranges to help them manage their lunacy. Even though I know I shouldn’t encourage them.

This reminds me of the conversation in the comments over at Chandoo’s blog in his post on Speedo Charts called Hack together a Gauge Chart in Excel without sweat, but which Jon Peltier would likely retitle Speedo Charts: The Little Chart That Shouldn’t:

  • Jon Peltier: Speedo charts? Do you really want to encourage such poor presentation techniques
  • Me: Despite the fact that we “shouldn’t really” use dials, I think that if a paying client or monster boss wants them and it’s a deal-breaker, then we best know how to whip one up.
  • Chandoo: As long as we have bosses asking for gauges, we will have gauge charts.
  • Anonymous Reader: Thank you for you posts Chandoo. Gauge/Speedometer chart is exactly what my superiors asked me to make for next EB meeting.
  • Jon: Another happy reader led astray by the gauge chart instructions in this post.
  • Me: Here’s a legitimate speedo chart that I’m sure even Stephen Few couldn’t argue with:

Explanation for non-Australian or non-New Zealand readers:
Speedos: Gentlemen’s bathing suit, typically in close form-fitting style.
Bonza: Slang for “remarkable or wonderful”
Crikey Dick: expression of surprise

Craig sums this up this tension between utopia and reality really succinctly: “That’s why we work in opposite directions. I do what seems ideal. You do what is necessary given restraints.”

*Sigh*. Afraid so. On the upside, I’ve formulated this into two helpful business rules:

Rule number 1: As long as clients keep shoehorning large amount of data badly in Excel, they will inevitably get into an urgent pickle.
Rule number 2: As long as Rule Number 1 holds true, I will continue to charge an ‘urgent pickle’ hourly rate.

On rule number 1, I’ve told several clients again and again that they need to migrate their 100MB+ spreadsheets to 0.05 MB database tables. I point out that these spreadsheets are inevitably just one in a chain of fat spreadsheets that contain data they use to make up monthly reports for clients. And I highlight that just getting those monthly BAU reports out the door inevitably has become a full-time exercise.
But they won’t migrate this data to a more sensible solution, because:

  1. They don’t know whether the benefit of migration will outweigh the cost, and/or
  2. They don’t want the hassle of working out how to migrate, and/or
  3. They don’t want to master SQL, and/or
  4. I’m really crap at communicating this stuff, and/or
  5. This is the least pressing of their pressing business issues.

On that second point, I point out that their existing process is nothing but hassle, and that it will be a real big hassle when their spreadsheet finally dies, along with all their data. And on point 5, by the time this becomes the most pressing of their pressing business issues, they no longer have a business.

On that 3rd point, they generally answer “we are Economists/Accountants/Whatevers, not Data Analysts”. I say “Given your business is built around data, you are Data Analysts first, and Whatevers second”.
Cue blank stare.

UnPivot via SQL

Howdy folks. Jeff Pivot…err…Weir here again.

Recently Ken Puls did a handy post on how to unpivot data using PowerQuery. Jan Karel commented that you can do this using Multiple Consolidation Ranges. That’s true, but what I like about the PowerQuery approach is that you can translate the currently selected columns into attribute-value pairs, combined with the rest of the values in each row. That is, you can have multiple hierarchical columns down the left of your CrossTab as well as the column headers across the top that you want to amalgamate. Which is great if you have a crosstab like this:


Whereas the Multiple Consolidation trick only handles one column down the left out of the box.

Mike Alexander posted a great bacon-tasting morsel of a trick to get around that issue way back in 2009 when he used to blog. He simply concatenating all the non-column-oriented fields into one dimension field into one temporary column. Check out his post Transposing a Dataset with a PivotTable. But as commenter dermotb said…it’s like a magic spell that you have to write down somewhere, and try to find when you need it, because it’s complex. (I love Mike’s reply to that: Come on. Excel is full of magic syntax, mystical hot keys, and vba voodoo that requires some level of memorizing steps. That’s why I can make a living peddling “tips and tricks”.)

Another problem with the Multiple Consolidation trick is that you might well end up with more data than fits in your sheet, by the time you flatten it out. Especially in old Excel. Because the number of rows you end up with in a flat file is the number of rows you start off with times the number of columns that you’re going to amalgamate. So for say a time-series dataset that covers quite a few items and a reasonable period of time, you could be in trouble.

So a while ago I had a crack at writing a SQL routine that unpivots by doing lots of UNION ALL joins, and writes the data directly to a PivotTable. The UNION ALLs are required because the pidgin English version of SQL that Excel speaks (and Access too, I guess) doesn’t have a UNPIVOT command.

I struck a few hurdles along the way. For instance, it turns out that the Microsoft JET/ACE Database engine has a hard limit of 50 ‘UNION ALL’ clauses, which you will soon exceed if you have a big crosstab with multiple columns down the left. I found a great thread over at MrExcel at which Fazza overcame this hard limit by creating sub-blocks of UNION ALL statements, then stiching them all together with another UNION ALL. Another problem is that SQL didn’t like dates (and sometimes numbers) in the headers. So I turn them into text with an apostrophe.

And another thing I do is save a temp version of the file somewhere, and then query that temp version rather than querying the open workbook. Even though the Memory Leak issue that this avoids has been largely fixed in New Excel, I still found that querying the open book was causing grief occasionally.

Anyway, here’s the result. I’ve turned it into a function, and you can pre-specify inputs if you like. Otherwise you’ll be prompted for the following:

20131119_UnPivot_Select Entire Crosstab

20131119_UnPivot_Select Left Column Headers

20131119_UnPivot_Select Crosstab Column Headers


…and then you’ll get a Pivot:


Take it for a spin, let me know of any issues in the comments. Note that I’ve tried to code it to handle Excel 2003 and earlier, but I don’t have old Excel anymore so couldn’t test it. In fact, that’s why the TabularLayout sub is separate – I had to put it in a subroutine because if someone has ‘old’ Excel then the main function wouldn’t compile.

—Edit 11 March 2014—
I’ve updated the below code to incorporate snb’s approach using array manipulation from Unpivot Shootout where possible.



Filtering Pivots based on external ranges.

Howdy, folks. Jeff here again. We might as well rename this blog Daily Dose of Pivot Tables, because here’s yet another treatment of this well-worn subject this week.

Let’s say you’ve got a PivotField with 20,000 items in it. What’s the quickest way to filter that PivotTable based on an external list that contains either 100, 10000, or 19900 of those items?
The usual approach to a task like this is to just iterate through each pivotitem in the PivotItems collection, and check if that PivotItem is in the list of search terms. If it is, you make the PivotItem visible, otherwise you hide it.

But this requires us to:

  • Read the PivotItem name
  • Read in the Search Terms
  • Check if each PivotItem is in the list of search terms. If it is, you make the PivotItem visible, otherwise you hide it.

How long does each part of this take? Where are the bottlenecks? Let’s find out.

First, how long does it take just to iterate through all 20,000 items and get the value of each PivotItem? (Note that I’ve set pt.ManualUpdate = True before running all the following snippets, so that the PivotTable doesn’t try to update after each and every change)

Not long at all. Under a second.

How long to work out what the current visiblestatus is of each PivotItem?

One minute and twenty seconds? Really? Not exactly lightning fast, is it?

Okay, how long does it take to set the .Visible property of each item, without checking what it currently is? Let’s set .visible = true for each and every PivotItem (even though they are already visible) just to find out what the worst case scenario is.

Two minutes, 43 seconds. So it takes longer to set the .visible status than to read it. Handy to know.

Okay, how long will it take to first check the .Visible property of each item, and then change it?

Four minutes, 26 seconds. Not surprising I guess, because it’s got to first find the current state of each item – which we already established above takes around one minute and twenty seconds – and then we need to change the state – which we already established above takes around 2 minutes 43 seconds. And those two times add up to 4 minutes.

So that’s how long it would take in principle to filter the PivotTable based on the initial approach I suggested above, excluding the time taken to actually check for duplicates between the PivotItems and the search terms.

Ahhh… I hear you say (I have good ears). What if we first check whether the .visible status of a PivotItem is already set how we want it. That way, we can save some time by only changing it if it actually needs to be changed. Good point, and nice to see you’re alert.

So here’s our efficient tweak of the ‘traditional’ method:

  • Add all Search terms to a dictionary (or collection, if you prefer)
  • Try to add each PivotItem to that same dictionary.
  • If that last step caused an error, we’ll know that this PivotItem is in our list of search terms. In this case, we can check what the current visible status is of the PivotItem. If it’s NOT visible, we’ll make it visible. If it IS visible, we do nothing
  • IF this didn’t cause an error, we’ll know that this PivotItem IS NOT in our list of filter terms. In this case, we again check what the current visible status is of the PivotItem. If it’s visible, we’ll hide it. If it’s already hidden, we do nothing

So this approach is quite efficient in that it only changes the .visible status of the PivotItem if it has to. Which is good, because this is the bottleneck. And the general approach of using a Dictionary (or collection) is very efficient, compared to other ways I’ve seen on line that use say applicaiton.match to check the PivotItem against a variant array or (far worse) against the original FilterTerms range in the worksheet.

On a pivot of 20,000 items that currently has all items visible, here’s how this ‘tweaked traditional’ method performed:

  • It took 4:21 to filter on a list of 100 terms. When I ran it again without clearing the filter, it only took 1:32. That faster time is because it didn’t have to change the .visible status of any items at all, because they were already in the ‘correct’ state after the last run. But it still had to check them all
  • It took 3:03 to filter on a list of 10,000 terms. The shorter time compared to the first test case is because it only had to set the .visible status of half the pivot items. It took 1:35 when I ran it again without clearing the filter, same as before. That’s what I would expect.
  • It took 1:35 again to filter on a list of 19900 items – the same as the 2nd pass in the other cases, which again is what I would expect given it only had to hide a few items. And of course it took about the same time again when I ran it again without clearing the filter, same as before.

(Note that my ‘tweaked traditional’ routine has some extra checks to handle errors caused by dates in PivotFields not formatted as Date Fields, something I discussed here. And it also has to do some extra checking for PivotItems such as “1.1”, because VBA’s IsDate function interprets such a string as a date. But the extra processing time of these extra loops is pretty inconsequential compared to checking and changing the .Visible status.)

Can we do better than that?

Of course we can. What if we work out how many PivotItems in the PivotField, and how many search terms in the Search list, and either make all PivotItems visible or all PivotItems (bar one) hidden before we start, so that we minimise the amount of PivotItems we have to change the .Visible status of?

  • If there’s just 100 items in our Search Terms list, hide all but one PivotItem, then unhide just the 100 matching items
  • If there’s 19900 items in our Search Terms list, make all PivotItems visible, then hide the 100 PivotItems that are not in the Search Terms list
  • Because we know in advance whether all PivotItems are visible or hidden, we don’t have to check their .visible status at all.

Genius in theory, I know. And it’s certainly trivial to clear a PivotFilter so that all items are visible in that 2nd case. But that 1st case is tricky: how do you hide all but one PivotItem via VBA without iterating through and having to do all that incredibly slow .visible = false stuff? You can do it manually very easily of course. But via VBA? You can’t do it directly except if you make the field a Page Field and set .EnableMultiplePageItems to False. And then as soon as you change it to True again, VBA helpfully clears the filter so that all items are visible again. And so you’re back to square 1.

Enter the slicer

It turn out that you can very quickly hide all but one PivotItem programatically if you make a temp copy of the Pivot, make the field of interest in the temp into a Page field with .EnableMultiplePageItems set to False, and then hook it up via a slicer to your original Pivot. This forces the original PivotField to have the same filter setting – just one item visible. But it doesn’t make that original Pivot have the same layout. So the original pivot can still be say a Row field where you can then merrily make additional items visible.

How fast is this approach? Very. Again, using a test pivot with 20,000 items in it:

  • Filter on 100 search terms: 0:05 (compared with 4:21 in the approach above)
  • Filter on 10,000 search terms: 1:26 (compared with 3:03 in the approach above)
  • Filter on 19,900 search terms: 0:03 (compared with 1:35 in the approach above)

Now that is some improvement.

Here’s the two routines below for your viewing pleasure. I turned both routines into functions, which you call by a wrapper. This lets you pre-specify what PivotField you want to filter and where your search terms are. Otherwise you’ll be prompted to select them via some input boxes.

Also check out the attached workbook that has the code inside, and that lets you generate random alphanumeric PivotFields and Search Terms in a jiffy (something I’ll cover in a future post). Just click the Create Sample Data button after changing the input parameters, and then click on the command button of choice. When you run the code from the command buttons, the times of each pass will be recorded in the workbook too, so you can compare different settings.

Filter PivotTable 20131114

Have at it people. Look forward to comments, feedback, suggestions, and Nobel Prize nominations.


Slower Approach

A date with PivotItems

Howdy, folks. Jeff here again. I’ve been sharpening up some code to manually filter a PivotField based on an external list in a range outside the PivotTable. It works blazingly fast. Unless there’s dates as well as non-dates in my PivotField. In which case it errors out.

Try this:
Put “Pivot” in A1
Put =TODAY() in A2
Put =VALUE(TODAY()) in A3

Now make a PivotTable out of that data.


Now put this code into the VBE and step through it:

If the same thing happens to you as happens to me, you will either be speaking aloud the title of this routine, or you will be speaking aloud this:
Unable to get the PivotItems property of the PivotField class.

Go type these in the immediate pane:

What the…?

Now try these:

So it seems can’t do certain stuff to a PivotItem if that PivotItem is a date but your PivotField number format is set to General.

That’s weird.

Equally weird, try this:
Select the PivotTable, and record a macro as you change it’s number format back to General.

What the …? Change the PivotField Number Format, and you get a macro that tells you that you changed the PivotField name!

So what happens if you run that macro? Well, it changes the name of the PivotField:

It does nothing to the number format.

Strangely enough, I found some info on this problem at one of my most revisited blogposts that I had somehow missed: Jon Peltier’s Referencing Pivot Table Ranges in VBA

Stranger still, the answer was by Jon Peltier back in 2009 in relation to a question asked by….wait for it…me. Don’t know how I missed that. Must have been sleeping.
So I’ve come across this problem before, found an answer, completely forgotten about it, and then wasted 2 days trying to work out what the problem was, purely so I could Google my own answered question.

I’m going to read through all 238 ( and counting) comments in that thread and see what else Jon has told me over the years I’ve been learning VBA.
There’s also something on this at stackoverflow


Jon’s method was to loop through the pivot items, and compare the pivot item caption to what he was looking for:

But now I know it’s probably easier just to change the format of the PivotField.

—edit 30 May 2014 —
Prompted by Jerry Sullivan’s comment I found that this was only an issue for non-US regional settings, and that this issue is now fixed in Excel 2013. (Thank you, Microsoft. But why the heck didn’t you tell me you’d fixed it?)

According to IronyAaron in the comments at this thread:

When VBA recognizes the dates in the pivot cache, it reads the US version after parsing although the item is read as a locally formatted string. This therefore causes VBA to fail when recognizing Date variables.

Bummer! So write some code that filters PivotItems, and you might find that non-US users have issues, unless they change their regional settings in Windows to US beforehand. Good luck with that.

— edit over —

Excel isn’t fully cooked.

It’s still raw in the middle, a bit.

  • PivotTables are great, but why can’t I filter one based on an external range?
  • Shape Styles would be cool, if I could add my own styles.
  • Slicers are great, but why isn’t there an easy way to instantly get an overview of what Slicers are connected to what PivotTables, and at the same time use the same interface to effortlessly manage this and set up exclusions?
  • Charts are great, but why do I have to manually cut and paste them many times in order to make up the equivalent of a Small Multiple chart?

Fortunately, in most cases Excel is pretty programmable. If it doesn’t do something out of the box – or if using the built-in functionality is tedious – then given the requisite skills or the right Google search then you can almost always work around such bottlenecks fairly efficiently.

Unfortunately, Excel isn’t fully programmable no matter what skills you have. The Partial Text Search box that you can use to manually filter PivotFields on partial text pretty much instantly is awesome. But you can’t address it via VBA…it’s for humans only. Which means you’ve got to iterate through potentially large PivotItems collections s-l-o-w-l-y in maybe minutes in order to do something that users can do in seconds. (I won’t mention VBA support for PowerPivot as another example, because PowerPivot is still fairly new. Rough rule of thumb: Don’t complain about something until it’s been sitting around at least 5 years in an unfinished state. At least, that’s what I tell my wife).

I’ve got some great code to handle the Filtering Pivots and the Slicers things. And I can code up a cut and paste thing for Charts pretty easily. But that Partial Text Search box I can’t help you with. Maybe this will help get it on someone’s radar, but obviously including such ‘niceties’ in the in-box functionality isn’t trivial. Otherwise the dialog box for MSQuery (which I still use) would let me expand it. And the Name Manager would let me do the things that the better Name Manager will do. And so on.

So presumably these things are not trivial to enhance, or they would be enhanced already. But here’s the thing: by comparison, my code for filtering pivots or managing Slicers is trivial to roll out to users compared to the effort required to add this functionality natively.

So question: Why don’t MS supplement their great unfinished app by building and offering to users useful workarounds in one of the most agile-ready platforms there is…VBA? Why aren’t they monitoring forums and blogs for the best and brightest productivity enhancements, and buying the IP from content creators at a song, then offering it to users as add-ins that plug the gap until they get around to finishing Excel?

Jeff Weir.
Cosmetic Surgeon.