Formula Auditing by RefTreeAnalyser: Objects included

Hi all,

I’ve been working on my RefTreeAnalyser again. What I’ve been up to this time is building tools which help with the analysis of dependencies which are mostly hidden from view:

  • Charts (series formula)
  • Pivot table (source data)
  • Data Validation formulas
  • Conditional Formatting formulas
  • Form controls (linked cell, listfillrange)
  • ActiveX controls (linked cell, listfillrange)
  • Picture objects (linked cell)

A new dialog has been added that shows all sources of the objects in your file:

Objects analysed for cell dependencies

Moreover, when you analyse a particular cell for its dependencies, objects are taken into account too (well, to be perfectly honest, only if you purchase a license):


If you haven’t already done so, why don’t you head over to my website and download the tool. The demo is free and (almost!) fully functional.


Jan Karel Pieterse

2 thoughts on “Formula Auditing by RefTreeAnalyser: Objects included

  1. Hi Jan, is this a new version? I have 2.0 build 43.
    Does this require an upgrade fee or is it part of 2.0 ?


  2. It is a free update. The system looks for updates about once a week (unless you turn that off). You can force the update from the settings dialog.

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