A winner of the Microsoft BI PowerView contest

Microsoft’s BI group is running a contest on using PowerView to answer business questions about one of its demo datasets. More than anything it’s knowing how to use the PowerView GUI to build the appropriate query because the winner is the first person to reply with the correct answer. In any case, I won today’s 4pm question.

Microsoft BI ‏ @MicrosoftBI
Congrats to @tusharm10 who is the final winner of the #MSPV contest today! Thank you everybody for playing; new set of questions coming Tue!

I wonder when (if?) PowerView will find its way to Excel.

For all the tweets regarding the contest search Twitter for #MSPV.

And, yes, to enter the contest I had to create a Twitter account. You can find me at @tusharm10

PowerView contest details:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/microsoft_business_intelligence1/archive/2012/02/16/the-power-view-contest-is-here.aspx

Tushar Mehta

4 thoughts on “A winner of the Microsoft BI PowerView contest

  1. LOL!

    Well, Microsoft has been doing some amount of “outreach” through Facebook and Twitter. In a way it’s good. It’s an acknowledgement that no one company can be everything to everyone.

  2. Twitter is for narcissist with ADHD and Stalkers – steer clear. (I love the way they specify you need a Twitter account on Twitter.com – there are other Twitter accounts???)

    I agree that Power view would be great for excel, as there is an ever growing demand for ‘Dashboards’ for even the most basic workbook these days. Assuming Power View is easy and quick to set up – sorry, I don’t do SQL so have steered clear.

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