Based on the comments from these three posts, there appears to be exactly zero people interested in this topic, so I’ll make it my last post on the matter.
In short, I wrote some code that subverts the default action of double clicking on a Pivot Cell (creating a new sheet with the underlying data) and instead filtering the source data where it lives. It worked reasonably well except for grouped dates. When a row or column contains a date and it is grouped, it is impossible to filter the source data column. There, I said it. The only way to determine if something is truly impossible is to declare it impossible. About nine times our of ten, someone will prove that it can be done. This will be a one-in-ten case. Gauntlet thrown.
My rambling analysis of why this is impossible starts with how Pivot Tables work. When Excel creates a PivotTable, it first creates a PivotCache that holds all the data. In this way, the PivotTable class doesn’t have to keep track of where the data came from (Excel range, External source, etc.). It has this PivotCache structure that it can rely on to be the same every time.
The PivotCache knows where it got the data so that it can refresh itself when the PivotTable tells it to. But it doesn’t know (or expose) the relationship between its fields and those in the source data. There’s really no reason it should, other than I want it to for this particular application.
If I click on “2010” when I’ve grouped InvoiceDate on Months and Years, there’s no way for me to know that 2010 relates to InvoiceDate or some other date field. Excel knows, it’s just not telling me. I attempted to brute-force it, but it would be faster to write out the source data by hand on a legal pad, so that’s out.
Finally I took a different tack. I let the PivotTable make its extra sheet, then used the data on that sheet to filter the source. This method has its own problems, but here’s the code.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 |
Private mPivotTable As PivotTable Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) Dim rCell As Range Dim rData As Range Dim vMin As Variant, vMax As Variant Dim rSource As Range Dim lOldCalc As Long If Not mPivotTable Is Nothing Then lOldCalc = Application.Calculation Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Set rSource = Application.Evaluate(Application.ConvertFormula(mPivotTable.SourceData, xlR1C1, xlA1)) rSource.Parent.AutoFilterMode = False rSource.AutoFilter 'Loop through the header row For Each rCell In Intersect(Sh.UsedRange, Sh.Rows(1)).Cells If Not IsDataField(rCell) Then 'initialize min and max to the first cell in the range vMin = rCell.Offset(1, 0).Value vMax = rCell.Offset(1, 0).Value 'set the min and max for the column For Each rData In Sh.Range(rCell.Offset(1, 0), Sh.Cells(Sh.Rows.Count, rCell.Column).End(xlUp)).Cells If Not IsError(rData.Value) Then If rData.Value < vMin Then vMin = rData.Value If rData.Value > vMax Then vMax = rData.Value End If Next rData 'Set the filters, ingore errors rSource.AutoFilter rCell.Column, " >= " & vMin, 1, " <= " & vMax End If Next rCell 'so it doesn’t run at next sheet activate Set mPivotTable = Nothing Application.Calculation = lOldCalc 'Delete the sheet created by double click Application.DisplayAlerts = False Sh.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True rSource.Parent.Activate End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next Set mPivotTable = Target.PivotTable On Error GoTo 0 'Make sure it’s an Excel source and that the cell clicked 'is in the data area If Not mPivotTable Is Nothing Then If mPivotTable.PivotCache.SourceType <> xlDatabase Or _ Intersect(ActiveCell, mPivotTable.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then Set mPivotTable = Nothing End If End If End Sub Private Function IsDataField(rCell As Range) As Boolean Dim bDataField As Boolean Dim i As Long bDataField = False For i = 1 To mPivotTable.DataFields.Count If rCell.Value = mPivotTable.DataFields(i).SourceName Then bDataField = True Exit For End If Next i IsDataField = bDataField End Function |
Here’s the basics: The Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick event fires when a cell is double-clicked. If that cell is within a Pivot Table, a module level variable is created to hold a reference to the PivotTable. I don’t “Cancel” the double click action causing a new sheet to be created and activated. When that happens, the Workbook_SheetActivate event is fired. It checks that module level variable to see if there’s a PivotTable in there. If so, the largest and smallest values from each column are captured and a Filter is applied to the source data with those values. Lastly, the module level variable is cleared and the sheet is deleted.
I ignore data fields for filtering, because that just don’t make any sense. The problem with this method is errors. When I capture the largest and smallest values, I ignore cells with errors, which can lead to results that aren’t accurate (more rows in the source data are shown than should be).
Thus ends my wholly unsatisfying journey through filtering source data based on a PivotCell double click. Back to potentially interesting Excel stuff tomorrow.
Hi Dick,
I must admit, I see articles on PivotTables and cringe.
I’ve re-read your previous 3 posts, and think you’re onto something!
I’ve set up a pivottable with two Date columns, each grouped by Year.
The properties of RowField (wks.PivotTables(1).RowFields) reveal interesting properties:
24Other Date
I’m probably missing something, but couldn’t you use the Position attribute to get at the proper Date column?
The user can change the Position by dragging the fields around, so it’s not predictable.
I find this all highly interesting and useful, (the final product and the process). Quite often my boss will be standing over my shoulder while having me manipulate a pivot table and then he’ll ask to see the actual underlying data for a particular intersection in the pivot table. More importantly, I’ve learned a lot of VBA working through Hector’s original code and your process here. It was great to print out all the posts and make notes as I go. I hate trying to learn by reading through VBA object model help files. It was a big help to have printouts of the example pivot table and layout wizard screen shots and make annotations of the various objects. Thank you very much for the posts. I’ll try to comment more. Not sure I have much to add yet beyond appreciation.
I am totally intrigued in this topic, and have read your struggles with interest – I would love to get this feature working, but I do use grouped dates a lot so the solution would need to be handle them. I too cringe when working with pivot tables via vba – I have clients that I have successfully automated the pivot tables, but getting my head around them again is non-trivial. The double-click on a pivot cell to see the original data in the context of the other data is very valuable – maybe Microsoft will add it to the enhancement list
@Rob – it is possible to only have the years or months and not have the actual date field in the row area, so relying on the date appearing in the row section is not sufficient.
I think I really must learn a bit more about pivottables.
I’m with Rob – above my understanding – but shows I have much to learn still.
Please do not give up on the topic, need to go through your previous posts first in order to assess the topic first, then I will give you a more detailed feedback.
In your datasource, if in a data range, you need to add 2 helper columns. ‘_Row’, with each cell set to ‘=ROW()’ and ‘_Filter’, leave those cells blank for now. In the Thisworkbook module, add the folowing code below, with a slight varation of some of your code. This code was only tested in Excel 2007 and 2010. Do not use a table name as your data source in Excel 2010 since the data source column range is not included, but is in Excel 2007.
‘ Note: Excel 2007 and 2010 create’s a range as a Table or ListObject when double-clicking inside a pivot
‘ table data field
Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim rng As Range, rngHRow As Range, rngData As Range, col As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Sh.ListObjects.Count > 0 Then
Set rngData = mrngDataSource
‘Check to make sure _Row and _Filter col’s exist
With rngData
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Rows(1), “_Row”) = 0 Or WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Rows(1), “_Filter”) = 0 Then
MsgBox “Could not find ‘_Row’ or ‘_Filter’ column(s) in “ & rngData.Parent.Name
Exit Sub
End If
End With
With Sh.ListObjects(1)
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.HeaderRowRange, “_Row”) = 0 Or WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.HeaderRowRange, “_Filter”) = 0 Then
MsgBox “Could not find ‘_Row’ or ‘_Filter’ column(s) in “ & Sh.Name
Exit Sub
End If
End With
With rngData
Set rngHRow = .Columns(WorksheetFunction.Match(“_Filter”, .Rows(1), 0))
End With
‘ Reset _Filter col values to False
With rngHRow
.Parent.Range(.Cells(2), .Cells(.Rows.Count)).Value2 = False
End With
‘ Set only those cells in ‘_Rows’ col in datasource that are also in sh
For Each rng In Sh.ListObjects(1).ListColumns(“_Row”).DataBodyRange
rngHRow.Cells(rng.Value2) = True
Next rng
‘ Delete sh
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
‘ Reset the datasource so it has only one filter, at ‘_Filter’ col & set to True
With rngHRow
On Error Resume Next
.AutoFilter field:=.Column, Criteria1:=True
End With
Set rng = Nothing: Set rngHRow = Nothing: Set rngData = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim x As PivotCell, n As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set x = Target.Cells(1).PivotCell
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set mrngDataSource = Range(x.PivotTable.SourceData)
Set mrngDataSource = Nothing
End If
End Sub
After much thought, I think this solution has a problem if you can’t guarantee the pivot cache is up to date with it’s underlying data source. For example, if the row count is smaller in the data source than in the pivot cache, an error will occur when trying to set the non-existant row to a TRUE value. Also, if at least one value in a row, that is referenced in the pivot table, is altered, then setting it TRUE means that you are referencing an invalid state between the Pivot Cache and it’s data source. There are other examples also. I think this is why Microsoft chose not to include this functionality.
I too find this topic very interesting. Thank you for all of your posts and hard work. Like Sean said, my boss wants to initially see everything in the pivot table but then double click and see the source data so I can edit it. ex. Change due dates, statuses, etc.
I can’t get Hector’s code working in Excel 2010. Too bad Excel doesn’t give you the option of viewing the source data when you double click.
Revisiting the subject in the same way, I’m using arrays in the excel 2010 autofilter to match the filtering in the Details sheet. My code is below:
Private mPivotTable As PivotTable
Sub GetDetailsOnSource()
‘turn off updates to speed up code execution
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set mPivotTable = Selection.PivotTable
On Error GoTo 0
If Not mPivotTable Is Nothing Then
If mPivotTable.PivotCache.SourceType xlDatabase Or _
Intersect(Selection, mPivotTable.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
Set mPivotTable = Nothing
End If
End If
Selection.ShowDetail = True
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
End Sub
Sub GetDetailInfo()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim rData As Range
Dim vMin As Variant, vMax As Variant
Dim rSource As Range
Dim lOldCalc As Long, sh As Worksheet
Dim colItems As Collection, arrFilter As Variant, lLoop As Long, lLastRow As Long
Dim bBlanks As Boolean, bNumbers As Boolean, sNumberFormat As String
Set sh = ActiveSheet
If Not mPivotTable Is Nothing Then
lOldCalc = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set rSource = Application.Evaluate(Application.ConvertFormula(mPivotTable.SourceData, xlR1C1, xlA1))
rSource.Parent.AutoFilterMode = False
lLastRow = sh.ListObjects(1).Range.Rows.Count
‘Loop through the header row
For Each rCell In Intersect(sh.UsedRange, sh.Rows(1)).Cells
If Not IsDataField(rCell) Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rCell.Resize(lLastRow), “”) > 0 Then bBlanks = True Else bBlanks = False
rCell.Resize(lLastRow).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlYes
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(rCell.EntireColumn) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(rCell.EntireColumn) + 1 _
And Not IsDate(sh.Cells(Rows.Count, rCell.Column).End(xlUp)) Then ‘convert numbers to text
bNumbers = True
rCell.EntireColumn.NumberFormat = “0”
rCell.EntireColumn.TextToColumns Destination:=rCell, DataType:=xlFixedWidth, _
OtherChar:=”” & Chr(10) & “”, FieldInfo:=Array(0, 2), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
bNumbers = False
End If
arrFilter = sh.Range(rCell.Offset(1), sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, rCell.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(IIf(bBlanks, 1, 0))).Value
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(3, rCell.EntireColumn) = 1 Then
rSource.AutoFilter Field:=rCell.Column, Criteria1:=””
arrFilter = Application.Transpose(arrFilter)
sNumberFormat = rSource.Cells(2, rCell.Column).NumberFormat
If bNumbers Then _
rSource.Columns(rCell.Column).NumberFormat = “0”
rSource.AutoFilter Field:=rCell.Column, Criteria1:=arrFilter, Operator:=xlFilterValues
rSource.Cells(2, rCell.Column).NumberFormat = sNumberFormat
End If
Set arrFilter = Nothing
End If
Next rCell
‘so it doesn’t run at next sheet activate
Set mPivotTable = Nothing
Application.Calculation = lOldCalc
‘Delete the sheet created by double click
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub
Private Function IsDataField(rCell As Range) As Boolean
Dim bDataField As Boolean
Dim i As Long
bDataField = False
For i = 1 To mPivotTable.DataFields.Count
If rCell.Value = mPivotTable.DataFields(i).SourceName Then
bDataField = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
IsDataField = bDataField
End Function
Hi Dick,
Not sure if you’re still interested in this topic. I’m working on an add-in that contains a feature to filter the pivot source data, and came to the same conclusion you did about this being impossible. The info exists in the pivotcache.xml file, but no way to extract it via VBA that I could find.
One possible solution, although not straight forward at all, would be to ungroup and then re-group the data field. Before the ungroup you would have to store the orientation and positions of the page, column, and row fields in an array. When you ungroup one of the created date fields (years, months, etc.), the creator of the date groups will be added back to the pivottable. Then you do a comparison between the fields in the pivot before and after the ungroup. The field that is not found in the array of original fields is your date field (group creator). Then you would have to re-group the fields based on the original grouping, and set the orientations and positions.
Like I said, this is not straight forward at all, and would probably run into it’s own set of issues with recreating the pivot. It would not work if there is any data in cells adjacent to the pivot that would be replaced during the ungrouping.
Thanks for declaring this impossible, it was driving me crazy too. I guess I’ll stick with the legal pad solution for now… :)
Jon: Good thought. I’m not sure how to determine how it’s grouped so I could regroup. I wonder about making a copy of the workbook to ungroup, then you won’t mess up the original.
Another thought I had was only making it so it worked with year-month groupings, because that’s what I use anyway. I could try to build a date and use DateValue() to see if it really is a date.
Okay, I finally worked up the nerve to read this series. You can determine whether a field is a grouped field by seeing if it’s Pivotfield.SourceName exists or not in the original data source. And in fact once you’d found that out, you probably wouldn’t need to go as far as making a copy and ungrouping to determine what the source is. Just take a punt that if Pivotfield.SourceName returns either “Years”, “Months”, “Quarters”, “Days”, “Hours”, “Minutes” or “Seconds” – and that none of those appear in the underlying data as columns – then the source field is going to probably be the only one with a date format applied.
STILL imposble? hello there . . . =(