9 thoughts on “Macros are disabled when you open password protected workbooks

  1. Hi Ron,

    Good to know a fix. The problem also occurs when the workbook protection password is set (not the file open password). Not sure which password your example refers to.

  2. Unfortunately then registry key in mention never worked for me, I struggled with this for days. We are not able to have password protected xlsm files at the moment. I have no idea what goes on.

  3. This has been driving me mad!!! I created a little Excel VBA project on my laptop for a friend who needed it password protected from other users. On mine, no problem. She has the exactly the same laptop model (an HP) and the same office enterprise version – yet trying passwords failed – even when I tried a simple user-input password in the worksheet open module – no vba code would execute. You are a god-send!!! Wish MS help was as helpful!

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