Todo.txt TDD Part 2

In Part I, I started writing tests and then writing code to make them pass. Let’s continue with more tests.

The next test will be for an incomplete todo with no priority and a completion date.

Hey, it already passes. Let’s add some tests for when there’s a priority and a completion date

I expected these would already pass as a result of my refactoring, and they did. The next part of the spec says “Optional Creation Date, must be specified if completion date is”. First, I just want to test that it exists. That is, if there’s a completion date, there must be a creation date.

This fails because I haven’t parsed the creation date yet. So let’s do that.

My test passes, but I broke a previous one. In my prior completion date testing, I didn’t include a creation date because I wasn’t that far in the spec yet. I need to rewrite those tests

I added a creation date to the Raw for each of those tests, and now all tests pass. Now I can move on to testing what the creation date actually is.

This test already passes. Once I get past the creation date, the rest of the string is called the Description. It can contain projects that start with a plus sign(+) or contexts that start with an at symbol(@) or key/value pairs with a colon(:). We’ll test those in the next part.

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  1. todo-txt-tdd-part-1/
  2. todo-txt-tdd-part-2/
  3. todo-txt-tdd-part-3/

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