
The Boy (but not this The Boy) is taking a Java class. I was watching him code up a hangman game last night. There’s a lot to like about Java, I think. It’s frustrating working with a new language when you don’t know all the debugging tricks. I couldn’t figure out how to step through code or use the console to inspect variables (like an Immediate Window) in Eclipse. I’m sure it can be done, I just don’t know how.

I decided to replicate his game in VBA. It’s pretty rough. It doesn’t tell you what you’ve already guessed, for one thing. Also, I don’t use the grid because he was using ASCII art in the Eclipse console and I wanted to do the same. Clearly shapes on the grid would be cooler. VBA doesn’t have a “scan” feature to get input, so I had to use InputBox and MsgBox to get user input.

As I was coding it, I was thinking that I should have use test-first development as an exercise, but I didn’t. For what it’s worth:

Posting code? Use <pre> tags for VBA and <code> tags for inline.

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