Websites Are Fun

If you can read this, then the DNS server in your part of the interweb has updated to show the new home of DDoE. Thanks to everyone for the support, help, and suggestions. I ended up at Digital Ocean for a webhost, but there’s still a lot of work to do. For now I can make new posts (and by ‘I’, of course I mean ‘Jeff’), you can comment, and Google and can index.

Digital Ocean seems fine. I’m learning a lot about servers. The downside is that it costs a lot more than I was paying. DDoE is a labor of love for me. For you, that means you don’t always get posts as frequently as you might like (sometimes I fall out of love with it). But even love has a price and I’m feeling less amorous at these rates than I did with shared hosting.

All this means is that I’m going to do some money grubbing to pay the hosting costs (not my strong suit). I have affiliate ads now, but they don’t pay much. So I’ll be replacing them with some fixed-fee ads. I’ll also be pimping some products, selling RSS feed ads, and some other stuff. Reading and commenting will always be free, of course, because I’m not a douche.

Thanks for your patience over the last few weeks. Please use the comments on this post if the website seems slow or otherwise messed up. This is my first foray into running my own server, so I had to guess at how much RAM and stuff I’d need. If things feel laggy, I may need to adjust. Don’t forget, you can always email me at to give me what-for.

9 thoughts on “Websites Are Fun

  1. You’re safe from me for a while. I’m on summer holiday in the sparsely populated east cape of new zealand. Hardly a pivot item or hobbit in sight. Plenty of smoking volcanies and hungry mosquitos though. Wish you were all here … I’ve run a monte carlo simulation that hints that as the number of naked legs increases to infinity, the number of mosquito bites on MY legs should fall to something like 11. And that’s NOT binary, nor is it both legs.

  2. OK, the site’s visible on an Android phone; and if you can se this comment, comments are working on Opera Mini. Which means that they probably work on any browser, no matter how obscure.

  3. Speed is fine, but many images have broken links.
    Just go thru the archives.
    Wait ! Even the avatars are not showing in the comments section.

  4. I can see it and if you can see this comment, then you are good to go because I have been having trouble lately posting to blogs (Windows needs to be re-installed).

    Suggestion… I think it would be useful for you to increase the Recent Comments from the 5 you are showing to 10 (or more).

  5. Images are hopefully fixed. I can see the avatars, but I didn’t change anything on those.

  6. Regards;

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