Office 2013 VBA help files

Hi All,

Microsoft announced today that the Help files for Office 2013 VBA have been made available for download.
The help files are for:

Office Shared

Note that these files do not offer context sensitive help (F1), they are presented as stand-alone help files which you have to open manually.

I invite you all to give your opinions about VBA help. Make sure you include the Office version with your comments.

9 thoughts on “Office 2013 VBA help files

  1. Jan Karel,

    I’m back in the dark ages with Excel 2003 but I love the context sensitive help available via F1 in the VBA IDE. I can’t imagine the frustration of having to do manual searches for all the things I want to look up (I use F1 a lot!) and it is one reason I’ll put off upgrading as long as possible.

  2. Excel 2013 VBA “help” has been online since July 2012, but there was little or no documentation. Hopefully, this will be much better.

  3. Great. On Windows 8, the navigation pane of the help window works fine, but the content pane is blank. But that’s pretty much as useful as the online help has been.

  4. My bad. I didn’t read the instructions about unblocking the chm files.

    I mean, who ever heard of reading the instructions for help files.

    Hmm, a help file for help files. How meta.

  5. “Excel 2013 VBA “help” has been online since July 2012, but there was little or no documentation. Hopefully, this will be much better.”

    No, it appears to be the same documentation published on July 16, 2012. It is devoid of content.

  6. Steve Ballmer is leaving Microsoft, and there’s a video of it’s on the internet…Also check out surface 2.

    What, you wanted to develop applications in VBA for Office…. ROFL….

    Dont you know what share point is a billion dollar industry?

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