Retrieving Lost Comments

I’ve restored a few posts in the last few months that were lost. I didn’t restore any of the comments. Honestly, I should have but I didn’t even think about it. But when I went to restore the In Cell Charting post, I noticed there were 85 comments. That seemed worth my while.

First I set a reference to Microsoft XML, v6.0 and Microsoft HTML Object Library. Here’s the main procedure.

I looked at the source for the web page to figure out how it was laid out and how to get at the data I needed. The CComment and CComments classes store the data as I loop through the list index items in the comment list. The first CComment method is AddNameFromCite. I didn’t even know there was a Cite tag in HTML (but you could fill a warehouse with what I don’t know about HTML).

I made this a method because I generally reserve properties to getting/setting values. If I change more than one property or do any extensive manipulation, I go with a method instead of a property. I’m not uber-consistent about it though. The comment author’s name is the innertext of the PhraseElement (that’s what a Cite is, at least according to the TypeName function). To get the AuthorLink, I need to find the anchor and get the href attribute. Because the wayback machine put its own URL in from of other URLs, I had to find the second instance of “http://” to get the real link. Next the AddDate method.

This really should have been a property instead of a method, but oh well. The innertext of the DivElement is something like “January 1, 2010 at 6:16 am”. I split that string on the “at” and used DateValue and TimeValue to build a date. Finally the content of the comment.

I passed in a collection of elements that are ParaElements (tag=p=paragraph). Then I looped through them and concatenated a string for the content. By looping through just the p elements, I skip all the comment meta crap that is auto-generated by WordPress and just get to the text.

At this point I have 85 CComment objects and I’m ready to build the SQL string.

Just a bunch string building and putting in a file that I can import into PHPMyAdmin. In the CComment class, the values are put together like this

I really like this method of building a string – putting it into an array and using Join – so I think I’ll start using it. The EscSq function turns any single quotes into two single quotes. The ContentScrubbed property converts any vbNewLines into \r\n. I exported some existing comments from MySQL to see how all this stuff went together. In the end, I ended up with a file that looks like this.

phpMyAdmin kept erroring out that the file was using too much memory. It’s 51kb, so I knew that wasn’t true. But the helpful people at HostGator imported it for me and set me up with console access so I can do it myself next time. I just need to learn the commandline stuff for importing.

I took a quick look through through the comments and they look alright. It’s hard to tell what I screwed up formatting-wise because some people use code tags and most don’t. But the info appears to be there and that’s the most important thing. I guess since I have this set up, I should go back and make sure any other lost posts get their comments too.

As always, if you see something that’s not right on the site, shoot me an email. I have a few hundred posts that still look like crap, but are readable and I’m fixing them as I see them.

One thought on “Retrieving Lost Comments

Posting code? Use <pre> tags for VBA and <code> tags for inline.

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