Excel Power Analyst Bootcamp Omaha

Excel Power Analyst Bootcamp Omaha

Microsoft MVPs Dick Kusleika (Daily Dose of Excel) and Mike Alexander (DataPig) are joining together to bring you our acclaimed Power Analyst Boot Camp!

This two-day boot camp is designed for Excel Power Analysts who are looking to more effectively build and manage better data reporting mechanisms. During this workshop, you’ll be introduced to a wide array of tips and techniques that will muscle up your skills in Data Crunching, Reporting, and Automation.

Register early to get a $150 per seat discount. Only $700 for two days of awesome training.

Also, if you didn’t know, Omaha is my home town. That doesn’t just mean that I’ll be more rested during the training, it also means the class will fill up fast as I pressure my colleagues, friends, and family to attend. Don’t wait to sign up. Register here.

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