Change ContextMenu in Excel with VBA or RibbonX(only 2010)

Hi all

I created this page this week :

I am curious about what developers think about the option in Excel 2010 to change contextmenus with RibbonX. Creating a dynamic menu in the Cell menu in Excel 2010 for example is easy to do because every time you right click on a cell it will run the getContent callback so it is very easy to change the menu.

Check out the three examples workbooks that you can download on that page for Excel 2010.

Ron de Bruin

Posted in Uncategorized

4 thoughts on “Change ContextMenu in Excel with VBA or RibbonX(only 2010)

  1. Hi Sam

    Good morning

    Like you can read in the article you can download the MS add-in.
    This will add the name of the contextmenu on the bottom of each contextmenu
    (this for example for the Cell menu ContextMenuCell).
    The name you see there you can use in the RibbonX if you want to change this menu.

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