Russian Peasant Multiplication

The Daily WTF posted a challenge to code the Russian Peasant Multiplication. Here’s mine:

Function RussianPeasant(lFirst As Long, lSecond As Long) As Double
    Dim lDiv As Long
    Dim lMult As Long
    Dim lMod As Long
    lDiv = lFirst
    lMult = lSecond
    Do Until lDiv = 1
        Debug.Print lDiv, “x”, lMult
        If lDiv Mod 2 = 1 Then
            <strike>lMod = lMult</strike>
            lMod = lMod + lMult
        End If
        lDiv = lDiv 2
        lMult = lMult * 2
    Debug.Print lMult, “+”, lMod
    RussianPeasant = lMult + lMod
End Function

The backward division sign means integer divison. I checked the first BASIC entry in the comments and it was done in five lines. Clearly I have some variable declarations, debugs, and white space that he doesn’t, but reading his code caused me to think about the problem in a slightly different way. He just aggregates lMult every time lDiv is odd, whereas I do the same thing just not as concisely.

Posted in Uncategorized

9 thoughts on “Russian Peasant Multiplication

  1. Dick – your code doesn’t always give the right answer. The line:
    lMod = lMult
    should be
    lMod = lMult + lMod

    Here’s my effort:

    Function RPMult(Num1 As Long, Num2 As Double) As Double
    Do While Num1 >= 1
    If Num1 Mod 2 = 1 Then RPMult = RPMult + Num2
    Num1 = (Num1 2)
    Num2 = Num2 * 2
    End Function

    I made Num2 a double so it didn’t overflow so quickly.
    I’ll be intrerested to see the worksheet approach (I had a think about it, but my brain crashed).

  2. The best I can do…

    Array formula in Excel:
    where G9 and G10 contain the numbers to be multiplied.

    and in VBA

    Option Explicit

    Function RussianPeasant(ByVal Int1 As Long, ByVal Int2 As Long) As Long
        If Int1 = 0 Or Int2 = 0 Then Exit Function
        Dim SignMult As Integer: SignMult = Sgn(Int1) * Sgn(Int2)
        Int1 = Abs(Int1): Int2 = Abs(Int2)
            RussianPeasant = RussianPeasant + IIf(Int1 Mod 2 = 1, Int2, 0)
            Int2 = Int2 * 2: Int1 = Int1 2
            Loop Until Int1 = 0
        RussianPeasant = RussianPeasant * SignMult
        End Function

  3. I’ve tried doing this in a plain spreadsheet (and I’m not that great at maths so I may have missed something), but it seems to only work if the number being divided is even. It gets the wrong answer if it’s odd.

    So 19 * 23 comes out using this method:



    Have I misunderstood this completely?

  4. Lizz,

    You have missed the other odd element in the list.

    It decomposes to


    so you add all of the odds, 368+46+23. You seem to have missed the starting element which is also odd.

  5. Yeah, I was thinking that the first number would only be odd once. But that’s clearly not true. I have no excuse as I was sober when I wrote this post.

  6. Ah, that makes sense, thank you :o) I hadn’t realised the original numbers were included.

  7. Spreadsheet formula.


    If you have a modern spreadsheet, absolutetly no need to conform to the old ways.

Posting code? Use <pre> tags for VBA and <code> tags for inline.

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