Hi all
This week I create a small Add-in to add a few options to the contextual Table Tools tab.
This is a start and love to have feedback what you miss or like to see in a add-in like this.
This are now the options in the Add-in
1) Turn AutoFilter On or Off
2) Clear Filter of the ActiveCell’s column
3) Special Filter options : Filter on selected Cell value, Color, Font color or Icon
4) Special Sort Options : Put selected Cell Color, Font Color or Icon on top and Custom Sort
5) Copy Visible data to a new worksheet
6) Copy visible data to a new workbook
7) Delete visible data
8)) Print Table
9) Split data of every unique value in a column to a new worksheet of the same workbook
10) Split data of every unique value in a column to a new worksheet in a new workbook
11) Split data of every unique value in a column to a new workbook in a new folder
This option creates a worksheets with hyperlinks to the workbooks so you can open them easy.
You can find the add-in together with a test workbook on the page
Thanks for looking at it
See also the links in the “More Information” part
Ron de Bruin
For those of us still using Excel 2003, can you also add a Toggle Word Wrap (Wrap Text) option? I currently have a toolbar button tied to macros in my Personal.xls that do this for me.
I add a new version today with a lot of Date options
And error checking for the 8192 areas limit and more.
Have fun