Beware the Indian Army

4-Hour Work Week
The 4-Hour Work Week

From page 115 of The 4-Hour Work Week:

Honey has completed her first project for me: research on the person Esquire has chosen as the Sexiest Woman Alive. I’ve been assigned to write a profile of this woman, and I really don’t want to have to slog through all the heavy-breathing fan websites about her. When I open Honey’s file, I have this reaction: America is f*cked. There are charts. There are section headers. There is a well-organized breakdown of her pets, measurements, and favorite foods (e.g. swordfish). If all Bangalorians are like Honey, I pity Americans about to graduate college. They’re up against a hungry, polite, Excel-proficient Indian army.

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One thought on “Beware the Indian Army

  1. Can you pronounce Gurgaon? You might want to learn. Gur-Ga-Wan

    I know a lot of major UK corporates that are all setting up Excel model departments in Gurgaon. It is definately the future for adhoc bespoke builds and review work as well as IT support.

    If that is not enough then select a white T and opt for the India design from this popular online UK IT Magazine.

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