Have you had some trouble accessing the site lately? Believe me, I’m just as sick of it as you. I suspect the problem is with MySQL, but I can’t be sure. I’m going to start by implement a really simple, clean theme. Then, I’ll add back the “features” one-by-one to see what, if anything, is causing this ungodly slowness. I’m sure most regular readers will miss the recent comments list, so that’s first on the list to come back. In the mean time, you can subscribe to the comments rss so you don’t miss anything.
Comments welcome, as always.
Good luck Dick!
Hello Dick,
I’m pretty sure the problems are related to the way the server and MySQL are configured. Yesterday I saw errors about MySQL not able to writing its temp files. A lot of times the site isn’t available at all (time-out error). If the problem is related to bad WordPress themes and/or plugings I would expect other (database) errors. Are you on a shared webhosting server? I’ve had bad experiences with this where another website on the server messed things up (bad scripts/loops) which caused problems with our site too.
Good luck,
Hi Dick,
Best of luck resolving your issues.
I do like these colors better!
Hi Dick,
I echo Bastien, doen’t look like a WP issue to me. I think it’s more likely to be your hosts – you said they changed somthing in the last few months and the site has only started to play up recently?, ect, ect
Persoanlly I actualy like the new theme more too!
Regardless, thanks hosting the DDOE, I really enjoy it!
Like the new lighter theme – quick to load and easy to read…
Good luck with bringing the features back, maybe a user poll could be used to help decide what is needed / wanted?
Keep up the good work, looking forward to more Excel posts soon!
Looks great and loads like a dream, Dick. Definitely find it easier to read and use. Glad we got them resolved anyways, this is one of my most-visited sites, and is frequently recommended to others.
Though, we DO need the Recent Comments back asap!!!!!
(our work pcs don’t allow RSS. Gits.)
MikeC try to setup RSS in your personalised google home page assuming they let you have that.
Ross pedantic i know, but its “etc” as in “et cetera”
JKP, I prefer the colours too can we keep them
I haven’t been able to view this site for days *snif*, but today it loaded easily.
Jan: no they don’t. It’s blocked as “Dating and Social Networking”. Go figure….!
Dick, This is the first time I’ve been able to load your site in about a week and the fatest it’s loaded ever. Love the new colours. I greatly appreciate this site. Thanks for hosting it.
Love the site since I first followed a link from JWalk’s website. I would like to say thanks for putting up with all the trials and tribulations in keeping DDoE up and running. I cannot tell you how much I have learned from you and your EXCELlent contributors. Thanks again, and remember your hard work and patience does make a difference and is much appreciated.
The one thing I miss in the new format is the name of the author posting.
Unless I’m missing it, it’s difficult to tell who wrote what.
No, it’s not there Mike. I need to put that in somewhere.
I like the new format as well and it is up in a snap
I’ve noticed that if a blog entry contains a screenshot, the pane on the right of the screen containing recent comments and archives is shifted even further right.
The upshot is that the recent comments section becomes unusable. I tried making the reducing my text size but then I couldn’t read anything!