One of the cool things that Microsoft does at the MVP Summit is they hire a photographer. The also give you a gift certificate for a free photo. I opted for the digital photo and here it is.
Left to Right: Zack, Shane, Ken, Charley, Curt, Jon, John, Bob, Dick, Bill, Damon
Only Curt and I couldn’t put our beers down for five seconds or at least didn’t do a good job of hiding that fact.
Is that your preferred beer? I’ll start brewing again after the youngest is out of diapers. Right now (I’ve moved back home to Atlanta, GA, from Lexington, KY) my favorite is Sweetwater’s 420 Pale Ale It’s an IPA-style beer; nice and hop-strong! I’ll never tire of Bass or Guiness Extra Stout.
Of course, no one looks as they did in my mind’s eye. It’s great to have a real picture, though.
No, choices were limited. I drink Bud Light more than anything else. I like Bass, Tecate, Newcastle, Rolling Rock and a few others, but they’re not ubiquitous enough. And they don’t sell them in 20 packs of bottles. What? Am I supposed to go to the store every day?
Ticks in all of the boxes: Beer in one hand, Excel book in the other…
Looks like Bob didn’t quite manage to stand on the X though!
If you’ve got the time I think you would like brewing. Right now I’m only set to do 5 US gal at a time (approx. 60 X 12 oz) Homebrewing also allows me to do a final ferment in a Cornelius Cannister and have it on tap. Lots o’ fun!!
Brett: Like all
alcoholicsbeer drinkers, I’ve often pined of brewing my own beer. Here’s the catch: Everyone I know who’s tried it has to suffer through, something like, 10 gallons of crappy beer before they get it right. But I think I’ll try it this Summer anyway. Any pointers or references to get me started?