Hi all,
Now that Office 2007 is RTM, Charles Williams and I have released an Excel 2007 version of our Name Manager.
The only differences with the 97-2003 version are that it is saved in native 2007 xlam format and uses the new ribbon UI:
Jan Karel Pieterse
JKP Application Development Services
Not a custom task pane??
Also, as addin writers, I think we owe it to our users to take up as little Ribbon space as possible, so I really dislike the massive amount of space you’ve taken up with the “Short Cut Key” label. Much better to have that as an option on the form and/or use the Alt+ key combination for the Ribbon control. Nice icon, though – I like the idea of showing a thumbnail of the dialog as the icon!
I stephen,
As much as I liked the CTP, it has two disadvantages:
1. I have to inlude your CTP tool and that means a setup package is needed IMO. For many corp users, this means my tool is out of reach since those have no rights to run a setup.
2. I’d have to do a complete redesign of the UI, which will take far more time than I can afford to spend.
About the ribbon space: I agree. Next update will consume less space. Also: localisation for the ribbon is not yet in place.
Hi Stephen,
I’ve changed the UI so the shortcutkey thingy is just a single icon.
(and I’ve updated the post with the new UI screenshot too)
or buy a 24? wide screen monitor
Best thing I ever bought and plenty of room for those few extra icon’s
Jan Karel,
Using a dialogBoxLauncher seems to make sense in your case as well, don’t you think ?
This may be off topic but, when does MS intend to make Office 12 more than Beta?
Hi Juan Pablo,
dialogBoxLauncher? You mean the little plus bottom-right on each group? I find those not very “discoverable”.
Would be interesting to create one on the Defined Names group though.
Doco: I guess you’re not talking about the RTM version, but maybe SP1?
I’ve read that a trial of the RTM will be available to non-MSDN persons (like me) on 12/1.
Hey Jan,
Yes, those little things. And my point would be, does it hurt to have it? if it helps 2% of your users, well, then, that’s a good thing. I don’t believe it’ll take any screen space from you anyway.
Hey Doco,
Last I heard, Office 2007 will be available to corporate customers (through volume licensing) on November 30, 2006. For retail boxes versions (including corporate that are not on volume licensing), you’re looking at January 31, 2007.
Juan Pablo: No, no harm in having it. I wouldn’t know the XML to create one though.
Is there a comprehensive resource on the syntax somewhere?
Yep, this is what I’ve been using:
Thanks. I knew there was a spot, just misplaced the link.
dir sir
i wanted name ,apply paste label range in excel 2003 tips with exmple and name manager in excel 2007 tips with exmple
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