Excel On The Cheap

This guy’s giving it away.

Excel geek

I like the idea. He gets real world solutions on which to practice and beer money to boot. He hasn’t updated his blog in a while, so maybe he bit off more than he can chew. I’m interested to see more blog entries about $50 projects.

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5 thoughts on “Excel On The Cheap

  1. As a self employed Excel specialist I’d say $ 50 will get you what you pay for: about half an hour’s worth.

    Now don’t tell me my rates are extravagant :-). It is what I need to make ends meet, to cover for my non-billable hours and for the risk I take being self employed. It is also what you pay to get your job done professionally and efficiently.

  2. “As a self employed Excel specialist Iíd say $ 50 will get you what you pay for: about half an hourís worth.”

    I agree, the hourly rate should cover taxes, social fees, insurances and some percentage on top of it for retirement-savings.

    Aspects that not self employed easily forget (and usually are not aware of).

    Kind regards,

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