10 thoughts on “Column Letters To Numbers

  1. How about,

    Function ColNum(ByVal ColumnLetter As String) As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    ColNum = Range(ColumnLetter & “1?).Column
    End Function

  2. Apologies for the formatting, the indents seem to fall out when it gets posted…


    Function ColNum(ByVal ColumnLetter As String) As Long
    ‘Returns the column reference if valid. If reference is
    ‘invalid, returns 0.
    ColNum = 0
    If Len(ColumnLetter) = 2 Then
    If ValidColumn(Left(ColumnLetter, 1), False) And _
    ValidColumn(Right(ColumnLetter, 1), True) Then
    ColNum = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range(ColumnLetter & “1?).Column
    ColNum = 0
    End If
    ElseIf Len(ColumnLetter) = 1 Then
    If ValidColumn(Left(ColumnLetter, 1), False) Then
    ColNum = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range(ColumnLetter & “1?).Column
    ColNum = 0
    End If
    End If
    End Function

    Function ValidColumn(TestChar As String, IVTest As Boolean) As Boolean
    ValidColumn = False
    If IVTest Then
    If Asc(UCase(TestChar)) >= 65 And Asc(UCase(TestChar)) < = 86 Then
    ValidColumn = True
    End If
    If Asc(UCase(TestChar)) >= 65 And Asc(UCase(TestChar)) <= 90 Then
    ValidColumn = True
    End If
    End If
    End Function

  3. This function will work even if Microsoft expands the columns to allow three or more letters:

    Function ColNum(ByVal ColumnLetter As String) As Long
    Dim LenColLetter As Integer, i As Integer
    ColNum = 0: LenColLetter = Len(ColumnLetter)
    For i = 1 To LenColLetter
    ColNum = ColNum + (26 * (LenColLetter – i) * (Asc(UCase(Mid(ColumnLetter, i, 1))) – 64)) + 1
    Next i
    End Function

  4. Oops, the 5th line should read:

    ColNum = ColNum + (26 ^(LenColLetter – i) * (Asc(UCase(Mid(ColumnLetter, i, 1))) – 64)) + 1

    The difference is power vs multiplication.

  5. David

    THis is good. But I get “2? as a result of “A”. After removing the +1 it said 1. I ran this, combining the two:

    Sub test()
    Dim L As Long, L2 As Long, S As String
    L = 0
    L = L + 1
    S = ColumnLetter(L)
    L2 = colNum(S)
    If L2 <> L Then
    MsgBox L & ” vs ” & L2, , S
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Loop Until L > 1000000
    MsgBox S, , L
    End Sub

    No error. So either both are great or both are equally wrong. Unfortunately I have only 256 columns to check against :-)

    Best wishes Harald

  6. David,
    this eliminates the extra math. i.e. (26 * (LenColLetter – i)

    Function ColNum(ByVal ColumnLetter As String) As Long
    Dim LenColLetter As Integer, i As Integer
    ColNum = 0: LenColLetter = Len(ColumnLetter)
    For i = 1 To LenColLetter
    ColNum = ColNum * 26 + (Asc(UCase(Mid(ColumnLetter, i, 1))) – 64)
    Next i
    End Function

  7. Try this

    Also from Chip I believe

    Function ColumnNumber(ColLetter) As Integer
    ColumnNumber = Cells(1, ColLetter).Column
    End Function

    Temp = ColumnNumber(“D”) ‘ returns 4

  8. Dick, here’s a function that includes error checking and covers all positive long integers:
    Function ColumnNumber(ByVal strCol As String) As Long
    Dim length As Long, i As Long
    strCol = UCase(strCol)
    length = Len(strCol)
    If length < 1 Or length > 7 Then
    ColumnNumber = -1
    Exit Function
    End If
    If Not strCol Like Replace(Space(length), ” “, “[A-Z]”) Then
    ColumnNumber = -1
    Exit Function
    End If
    If length = 7 Then
    If strCol > “FXSHRXW” Then
    ColumnNumber = -1
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If
    ColumnNumber = 0
    For i = 1 To length
    ColumnNumber = ColumnNumber + (Asc(Mid$(strCol, i, 1)) – 64) * 26 ^ (length – i)
    Next i
    End Function

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