Wednesday J-Walk had a post about a code library. What? No VBA? I guess we’re just the red-headed step children of the programming world.
I’ve created a category called “VBA Code Library”. Every so often, I’ll post some reusable code in there, then we can all have a VBA code library to reference.
Send me your code and let’s start filling it up.
Dick, I can’t believe anyone else has commented yet. A comprehensive source for VBA? What a wonderful idea!
Speaing for a VBA challenged person like myself, I really appreciate all the help I can get, especially with learning the basics.
Please keep posting more and more VBA! Thanks!
Here’s my code:
a=1, b=2, etc.
That’s about as far as I’ve gotten so far. lost my order for JWalk’s VBA programming book. 2-1-19-20-1-18-4-19!
VBA Code Library – has the link been removed?
Link fixed.
And here’s the link to the actual code library
Dick, I’m getting an error using the link you posted May 20th 8:26 am
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error ‘80040e4d’
Login failed for user ‘sa’.
/web/default.asp, line 64