Sample Data Generator

Generate fake data for testing or demonstration purposes.

Output the data to the ActiveCell, a new workbook, or a new worksheet in the active workbook.

Create your own samples. You can create:

  • Numbers: Sequential or random with a range of decimal places.

  • Lists: This can be any list you want – months, cities, names, products, department, etc. You can import a list from a text file or add list members one-by-one.

  • Constant: Use this for special characters that get inserted into compound samples.

  • Date: Sequential or random. Skip days, weeks, months, quarters, or years for sequential dates.

  • Time: Sequential or random. Skip hours, minutes, or seconds for sequential times.

  • Text: Generates a sequence of letters of the length you specify and in upper, lower, or proper case.

  • Compound: Put together any of the above sample types into one compound sample type.