KwikOpen Addin

I’ve been using this recent files userform for quite a while now and I like it. I haven’t added Eric’s comment yet (and for no good reason), but I’m going to in the next version. I don’t know if that solves the Sharepoint problem or just the ChDrive problem as neither are problems for me.

Here are my two problems:
Not enough recent files. I’m shocked – SHOCKED – at how often 50 recent files is not enough. It’s usually when I have to open a whole bunch of very similar files that I will never open again, but that clean out my recent files list. I decided to, sort of, maintain my own list. Because I use class modules *ahem* changing things to maintain my own list was pretty easy. I had to change how I fill the CRcntFiles class, but everything that consumes that class downstream just works. Here’s the new Fill method in CRnctFiles.

First, I read in the 50 Excel most recently used files. Then I read in the 1,000 most recently used files that I store in a text file, weeding out the duplicates as I go. The advantage of continuing to use the Excel MRU is that I can leverage its pinning feature. I don’t have to write my own pinning bullshit – if you want to pin something, do it via Excel and it will always be in the MRU. Awesome.

Why 1,000 files? I don’t know. We’ll see how the performance holds up. I’ve been using it for three days and my text file is only up to 58 files – the 50 Excel stores plus eight additional. I guess it will take a bit longer to get to 1,000 than I thought, but I think it will be clear when their are too many and I can pare it down.

Next I need a way to write the files back to the text file. When the userform closes, the CRcntFiles.WriteToDisk method is called.

I lazily write 1,000 lines to the disk even if I don’t have that many. I mean efficiently, not lazily. The text file is 6KB, so I’m not losing sleep over it. I would be pretty trivial to Redim Preserve that after I’ve filled it up, so I supposed I’ll do that after the alpha test.

And other than a few minor tweaks, that’s the only changes I had to make. If that’s not a case for using class modules, I don’t know what is. My userform consumes a CRcntFiles class. It doesn’t care how that class gets filled up or where the list comes from. I could change to storing those recent files in the registry, in an XML file, or tattooed to my back. As long as I can get them into a CRcntFiles instance, the rest of the code is happy.

Save As is jealous of Open. My next problem is that while I can quickly open a recent file, I can’t quickly save a file to a recent place. This is primarily a problem when I open attachments in Outlook. It stores an opened attachment in the Temp folder and when I choose Save As, that’s the folder it starts me in. Nuts to that. If you download this add-in, you’ll also see that I’ve hooked up a SaveAs userform to Ctrl+Shift+S. It’s got a few problems too (it prompts to replace a file twice), but you can try it if you like.

You can download

5 thoughts on “KwikOpen Addin

  1. Hi Dick,

    Sounds useful. You might go for a treeview and group similarly named files (default to collapse) to overcome the “Opened lots of similarly named files” problem.
    Also, perhaps rather than having a numeric limit, a limit on how long ago a file was accessed is a way to manage the # of entries?

  2. Hi Dick,

    Never noticed the PinThis icons in Open Recent – thanks for sharing that one.

    The double prompt during SaveAs may be because you are not setting Cancel to true after you run your own SaveAs – just a guess since I was too lazy to download the workbook.


  3. After 8 days, only 78 files. I should have date stamped them to see how fast it grows or if it grows smoothly or in fits and starts.

  4. @Richard. Unzip it an place the xlam file anywhere. In Excel, File – Excel Options – Addins – Manage Excel Addins – Go. Browse to the file and install the add-in. Once installed, Ctrl+O should open the custom File Open dialog.

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