Power Utility Pak Add-in for the Mac

Hi all

I like to share the release of this new Mac Excel add-in with you all. After many days of hard work I have upload the first Mac version of the very popular Excel for Windows Add-in “Power Utility Pak” from John Walkenbach on my site.

Power Utility Pak for the Mac, Add-in Tools for Excel 2011

You can also use this link from John’s site to go to the Add-in

The Spreadsheet Page – PUP/Mac Home

As a bonus I also add my mail add-in to the collection. Please give feedback good or bad so I can make this product error-free and accurate.

Use the mail address that you find in the PUP About option in the menu if you want to report bugs or want to give feedback.


3 thoughts on “Power Utility Pak Add-in for the Mac

  1. Hi Ron,

    I tested on my excel mac 2011 (mountain lion), and when I tried to insert the datetime, it would prompt me this

    run-time error ‘-2147483640 (80000008)’

    I have no idea what’s wrong? When I enter to editor and want to troubleshoot, it prompts me for password.

    What should I do to make this work?


  2. Hi Eric

    Drop me a mail, use the addrss you find in the Add-in(About PUP menu item)
    We can see if we can find the problem on your machine

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