The 2012 Financial Modeling World Championships

I “pre registered” even though there’s not a lot of information on the site. For example, I could not find any information about the organizers, nor could I find any motivational details other than “The prize pool…will include cash, interviews with leading global Financial Institutions, product giveaways and more.” Neither is there any information about how the finalists will participate in the “Live Judged Event in New York.”

Of course, the competition, by necessity, will be measure ability / skill along whatever dimension(s) the organizers value. Nonetheless, it might be fun and an opportunity to see what others do in such an event.

Tushar Mehta

6 thoughts on “The 2012 Financial Modeling World Championships

  1. Seems like it is at least sponsored by a reputable bunch, Deloitte & Bloomberg etc.
    5pm NY time doesn’t sound very convenient for most of the world. I think the US has a disproportionate advantage, I had better get into preparation by sleeping during working hours and staying up late playing with excel, oh hang on a minute that’s what I do anyway….

    Thanks for the post Tushar !

  2. I pre-registered as well.

    But not very impressed to get an email last week asking for a US$30 “registration” fee. That doesn’t gell for a competition where 50% of the *competitors* make it to the second round, and then presumably a handful compete for a little over 50K in prize money. With no further info as to whether contestants get a final ranking, overall assessment etc

    I won’t be playing on those terms

  3. Yeah, me too. I’d decided I didn’t know enough about how the contest would be judged to invest all the time required by it.

    Then, yesterday I got an email inviting “pre registered” competitors to go through round 1 gratis with payment required to get the results of the round.

    Even with the free entry for round 1, I know I am not a speed demon when it comes to Excel. Creative? Yes. Push the envelope? Yes. I also take my time with the mouse and the UI.

    So, the time limits for the 1st two rounds and the itsy bitsy that the organizers shared about the finals make me skeptical about my chances in the competition. The final will involve “Innovation, Speed, Data and Risk understanding, Best Practice Modeling Theory and more” That comes across as way too subjective. And, just wtf is “Best Practice Modeling Theory?”

    In a competition that I participated in last year, one of the persons who beat me had the wrong result. But, s/he was faster than I was. The judge(s) ruled it was an “acceptable” error!

    On the other side, there is El Greedo. The prize pool is nothing to sneeze at.

    Well, I still have 2-1/2 hours to decide. {grin}

  4. >”And, just wtf is “Best Practice Modeling Theory?”
    Exactly. An incredibly subjective area

    >The final will involve “Innovation, Speed, Data and Risk understanding, Best Practice Modeling Theory and more”
    One of the judges is Simon Benninga, author of Financial Modelling,

    So perhaps some heavy duty VBA options pricing.

    >The 4am start put me off.
    Hui, WA is in a hell of a timezone.

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