Recently, I wanted to create a list of all the folders in my MS Outlook PST file together with the size of each folder. Outlook provides that information through the user interface. Unfortunately, it shows the result in a modal dialog with no way to save the information elsewhere. So, I decided to check if I could find some ready-to-use (or nearly ready-to-use) code that did the needful. A search of the web led to several ideas and suggestions but no code to do the needful. So, I decided to put together a VBA module that would save the information in an Excel worksheet.
For a version in a page by itself (i.e., not in a scrollable iframe as below) visit
Paste this code in:
Outlook VB or Excel VB ?
Sub mappen_Outlookmappenstruktuur()
For Each fld In CreateObject("outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders
c01 = c01 & vbCr & fld.Name
For Each fld1 In fld.Folders
c01 = c01 & vbCr & fld1.Name & "|" & fld1.Size & "|" & fld1.Items.Count
For Each fld2 In fld1.Folders
c01 = c01 & vbCr & "|" & fld2.Name & "|" & fld2.Items.Count
Cells(1).Resize(UBound(Split(c01, vbCr))) = Application.Transpose(Split(Mid(c01, 2), vbCr))
Columns(1).TextToColumns , 1, -4142, , False, False, False, False, True, "|"
End Sub
The best place I have found so far for anything related to Outlook vba is Sue Mosher’s web site:
Lots of useful examples can be found in:
One of them seems to correspond to your issue: Listing 13.11 – List the folders and number of items in the current Outlook session (VBA).
Sub Add_Checkdigit()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Range(Cells(2, “A”), Cells(lastrow, “A”)).Select
With Selection
Set c = .Find(“”, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
lastrow = c.Row – 1
End If
End With
Range(Cells(2, “A”), Cells(lastrow, “A”)).Select
If Selection.Rows.Count = 1 Then
ReDim Data(1, 1)
Data(1, 1) = Selection
Data = Selection
End If
For x = 1 To UBound(Data)
strContainerNumber = Data(x, 1)
‘check for missing leading zero
For A = 1 To 4
checker = Mid(strContainerNumber, A, 1)
If IsNumeric(Val(checker)) Then b = b + 1
If b > 1 Then
If Len(Mid(strContainerNumber, 5)) = 5 And IsNumeric(Mid(strContainerNumber, 5)) Then
strContainerNumber = Left(strContainerNumber, 4) & “0” & Right(strContainerNumber, 5)
End If
End If
If Len(strContainerNumber) >= 11 Or Len(strContainerNumber) < 9 Then 'exit function if check digit is already included
'Exit For
Dim strDigit As String
Dim intDigitValue As Integer
Dim lngTotalDigitValue As Long
Dim intCheckDigit As Integer
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim intMultiplier As Integer
Let intLoopCounter = 1
Let intMultiplier = 1
Let lngTotalDigitValue = 0
'get total digit value
Do While intLoopCounter <= 10
Let strDigit = UCase(Mid(strContainerNumber, intLoopCounter, 1))
Select Case strDigit
Case "A"
Let intDigitValue = 10
Case "B"
Let intDigitValue = 12
Case "C"
Let intDigitValue = 13
Case "D"
Let intDigitValue = 14
Case "E"
Let intDigitValue = 15
Case "F"
Let intDigitValue = 16
Case "G"
Let intDigitValue = 17
Case "H"
Let intDigitValue = 18
Case "I"
Let intDigitValue = 19
Case "J"
Let intDigitValue = 20
Case "K"
Let intDigitValue = 21
Case "L"
Let intDigitValue = 23
Case "M"
Let intDigitValue = 24
Case "N"
Let intDigitValue = 25
Case "O"
Let intDigitValue = 26
Case "P"
Let intDigitValue = 27
Case "Q"
Let intDigitValue = 28
Case "R"
Let intDigitValue = 29
Case "S"
Let intDigitValue = 30
Case "T"
Let intDigitValue = 31
Case "U"
Let intDigitValue = 32
Case "V"
Let intDigitValue = 34
Case "W"
Let intDigitValue = 35
Case "X"
Let intDigitValue = 36
Case "Y"
Let intDigitValue = 37
Case "Z"
Let intDigitValue = 38
Case "0"
Let intDigitValue = 0
Case "1"
Let intDigitValue = 1
Case "2"
Let intDigitValue = 2
Case "3"
Let intDigitValue = 3
Case "4"
Let intDigitValue = 4
Case "5"
Let intDigitValue = 5
Case "6"
Let intDigitValue = 6
Case "7"
Let intDigitValue = 7
Case "8"
Let intDigitValue = 8
Case "9"
Let intDigitValue = 9
End Select
Let lngTotalDigitValue = intDigitValue * intMultiplier + lngTotalDigitValue
Let intLoopCounter = intLoopCounter + 1
Let intMultiplier = intMultiplier + intMultiplier
'divid the total digit value by 11. the remainder is the check digit
Let intCheckDigit = lngTotalDigitValue Mod 11
'if the check remainder equals 10 then the check digit is 0
If intCheckDigit = 10 Then
Let intCheckDigit = 0
End If
'combind the container number and the check digit
Data(x, 1) = UCase(strContainerNumber) & intCheckDigit
End If
If Selection.Rows.Count = 1 Then
Selection = Data(1, 1)
Selection = Data
End If
End Sub