Chart Pattern Fills in Excel 2007

I’ve heard several people complain about the fact that the chart pattern fills are not available in Excel 2007. This feature can be useful if you print charts on a non-color printer. Although charts created with previous versions of Excel continue to display the pattern fills, there is no way to apply patterns fills using the Excel 2007 UI.

Microsoft’s Eric Patterson addressed this problem by creating an add-in. You can download it here: Chart Pattern Fills.

This add-in creates a new group (Patterns) on the Chart Tools / Format tab. The group has one control that, when clicked, shows the available patterns to apply to the selected chart element.

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9 thoughts on “Chart Pattern Fills in Excel 2007

  1. I consult for the nation’s largest insurance company [they don’t permit their name to be mentioned] and they don’t allow ADD-INS. Does Microsoft’s Eric Patterson intend to eventually enable this pattern feature in the base product? Thanks.

  2. Jim –

    “… and they don’t allow ADD-INS.”

    I dislike this draconian, self-defeating policy by IT departments. Is it possible to open an add-in as a regular file in this company? Then you could still use the add-in, without installing it. Which is the only way you’ll be able to use the patterns, because I don’t expect to see it again as a regular user interface option.

  3. The good thing is that you can have more than one function per filter but also that you can add you own function to existing filters very easily.

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