When I was creating sample data for Returning a Limited Collection…, I had to fill a bunch of collections with custom classes. Instead of creating the class and adding it to the collection, I created a function that returned the class and use the function call in the Add method. Here’s an example:
Set clsGroup = New CGroup
clsGroup.Name = “Group1”
Set colContacts = New Collection
colContacts.Add CreateContact(“Dick Kusleika”, _
“Company1”, “NE”), “Dick Kusleika”
colContacts.Add CreateContact(“John Doe”, _
“Company2”, “NE”), “John Doe”
colContacts.Add CreateContact(“Jane Doe”, _
“Company2”, “MA”), “Jane Doe”
Set clsGroup.Contacts = colContacts
colGroups.Add clsGroup, clsGroup.Name
clsGroup.Name = “Group1”
Set colContacts = New Collection
colContacts.Add CreateContact(“Dick Kusleika”, _
“Company1”, “NE”), “Dick Kusleika”
colContacts.Add CreateContact(“John Doe”, _
“Company2”, “NE”), “John Doe”
colContacts.Add CreateContact(“Jane Doe”, _
“Company2”, “MA”), “Jane Doe”
Set clsGroup.Contacts = colContacts
colGroups.Add clsGroup, clsGroup.Name
The CreateContact function looks like this:
Function CreateContact(sName As String, sCompany As String, _
sState As String) As CContact
Dim clsCon As CContact
Set clsCon = New CContact
clsCon.Name = sName
clsCon.Company = sCompany
clsCon.State = sState
Set CreateContact = clsCon
End Function
sState As String) As CContact
Dim clsCon As CContact
Set clsCon = New CContact
clsCon.Name = sName
clsCon.Company = sCompany
clsCon.State = sState
Set CreateContact = clsCon
End Function
I never thought of calling a function directly from the Add method of a Collection, but I can’t think of any reason not to do it.
Hi Dick:
When creating a class consider putting as much of the functionality into the class rather than relying on the client doing things correctly. For example, I would have the parent class add a single element object not an entire collection since one doesn’t know what is in the collection.
So, clsParent would contain:
Dim AllElements As Collection
Public Sub addElement(Ele As clsElement)
On Error Resume Next
AllElements.Add Ele, Ele.Key
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set AllElements = New Collection
End Sub
For the sake of simplicity I assumed that clsElement has a Key. But, PED shows how to generalize the idea.
I would even put the responsibility of listing all the elements into the class with
Dim vEle As Variant, Ele As clsElement
For Each vEle In AllElements
Set Ele = vEle
ListAll = ListAll & Ele.Key & “=” & Ele.Val & vbNewLine
Next vEle
End Function
Now, if we have an element class named clsElement containing
Dim sKey As String, sVal As String
Property Let Key(uKey As String): sKey = uKey: End Property
Property Get Key() As String: Key = sKey: End Property
Property Let Val(uVal As String): sVal = uVal: End Property
Property Get Val() As String: Val = sVal: End Property
we would use the above with code in a standard module as in
Dim aParent As clsParent
Function addEle(ByVal Key As String, ByVal Val As String) As clsElement
Dim Ele As New clsElement
Ele.Key = Key
Ele.Val = Val
Set addEle = Ele
End Function
Sub demoClasses()
Set aParent = New clsParent
aParent.addElement addEle(“1”, “One”)
aParent.addElement addEle(“2”, “Two”)
Debug.Print aParent.ListAll
Set aParent = Nothing
End Sub
One thing that VB doesn’t support is overloading functions. That is why we cannot use something like
set anEle = new clsElement (“1”, “One”)
aParent.addelement anEle
or even better
But, we can do something similar with the following:
Add to clsElement:
Me.Key = Key: Me.Val = Val
End Sub
Now, the standard module code could be shortened to
Dim aParent As clsParent
Function addEle(ByVal Key As String, ByVal Val As String) As clsElement
Set addEle = New clsElement: addEle.Init Key, Val
End Function
Sub demoClasses()
Set aParent = New clsParent
aParent.addElement addEle(“1”, “One”)
aParent.addElement addEle(“2”, “Two”)
Debug.Print aParent.ListAll
Set aParent = Nothing
End Sub
We can take it a step further approaching
with the following:
In the clsElement class replace the Init sub with
Me.Key = Key: Me.Val = Val
Set Init = Me
End Function
Now with a function that creates an empty object, the code in the standard module becomes
Dim aParent As clsParent
Function newClsElement() As clsElement
Set newClsElement = New clsElement
End Function
Sub demoClasses()
Set aParent = New clsParent
aParent.addElement newClsElement.Init(“1”, “One”)
aParent.addElement newClsElement.Init(“2”, “Two”)
Debug.Print aParent.ListAll
Set aParent = Nothing
End Sub
This, the use of a function to create an empty object, is how one can also use a class declared in another workbook/addin. See
How to use a class (object) from outside of the VBA project in which it is declared
A variation:
Contact is the simplest class, defacto a user defined type.
Group does the handling of creating the contact objects.
Group has Enumeration to enable for/each.
(needs editing on exported module to set the attributes)
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim Groups As Collection
Dim Group As CGroup
Dim Contact As CContact
Set Groups = GetGroups
For Each Group In Groups
For Each Contact In Group
If Contact.State = “NE” Then
With Contact
Debug.Print Group.Name, .State, .Name, .Company
End With
End If
End Sub
Function GetGroups() As Collection
Dim Group As CGroup
Set GetGroups = New Collection
Set Group = New CGroup
With Group
.Name = “Group1”
.AddContact “Dick Kusleika”, “Company1”, “NE”
.AddContact “John Doe”, “Company2”, “NE”
.AddContact “Jane Doe”, “Company2”, “MA”
End With
GetGroups.Add Group, Group.Name
Set Group = New CGroup
With Group
.Name = “Group2”
.AddContact “Ed Poe”, “Company3”, “AZ”
.AddContact “Bill Shakes”, “Company2”, “OR”
.AddContact “Emily Bronte”, “Company4”, “FL”
End With
GetGroups.Add Group, Group.Name
Set Group = New CGroup
With Group
.Name = “Group3”
.AddContact “Henry Ford”, “Company5”, “MI”
.AddContact “Andy Carnegie”, “Company5”, “NE”
.AddContact “Johnny Rocky”, “Company4”, “NY”
End With
GetGroups.Add Group, Group.Name
End Function
‘PublicNotCreatable Class CContact
Public Name As String
Public Company As String
Public State As String
‘PublicNotCreatable Class CGroup
Option Explicit
Dim myContacts As Collection
Public Name As String
Sub AddContact(Name As String, Company As String, State As String)
Dim Contact As CContact
Set Contact = New CContact
Contact.Name = Name
Contact.Company = Company
Contact.State = State
If Len(Name) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1, , “Contact Name must be supplied”
myContacts.Add Contact, Contact.Name
End If
End Sub
Function Contact(Index As Variant) As CContact
‘Attribute Contact.VB_UserMemId = 0
Set Contact = myContacts.Item(Index)
End Function
Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
‘Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
‘Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = “40”
Set NewEnum = myContacts.[_NewEnum]
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set myContacts = New Collection
End Sub
I’d say the create-in-a-function idea is an instance of a “Factory Method”. Or the VBA equivalent. It’s about the best we can do in a COM-influenced world where we don’t get parameterised constructors.
I do like – and often use – the idea from keepItCool: building a custom collection class, even though it needs a little external hacking to get enumeration working (I’m sure someone like Rob Bovey could extend VBE to export, hack and reimport the class…)
Hi there,
I tried the above slice of cade in excel and it stops at the following line with a runtime error ‘438’ not being able to supportthe Contect property.
“For Each Contact In Group”
Any idea why this is stopping here?
You need to export the Group class and edit the bas file, as KeepItCool mentions
Quote:”Group has Enumeration to enable for/each.
(needs editing on exported module to set the attributes)”
See Chip’s page on the subject.