In a previous post about Excel 2007’s new table functionality I promised to write something about working with them using VBA.
I finally got ’round to doing that, so here is my first go at it:
Working with Tables in Excel 2007 (VBA)
Have a look and write a couple of comments if you like!
Jan Karel Pieterse
I’m a networking major and I am looking for VBAs to make a switchborad in Excel. I searched everywhere and I couldn’t find anything. Do you know of a Website where I can get help creating a swithboard in Excel? I would really appreciate it; I am taking the final project and part of the capstone is to create financials statements and put them in the swithboard interface of Excel. I have already created the record macros and the interface itself, however, there is too much I don’t know how to do. Thank you in advance for any help you might give ,if not, if not thank you for you time. Sincerely and respectfuly Amber.
Amber –
Do you mean dashboard? This e-book is a very nice treatment of dashboards in Excel:
There is more information on author Charley Kyd’s web site,