I need to save the names of one or more files in the custom document properties of a workbook. I don’t want to create a separate property for every filename. I thought about saving a comma-delimited string, then parsing it out. It would look like:
Another idea I had was just save one string that could stand for both:
I need to convert a number of strings into one string with the appropriate wildcards. I came up with the code below, but it has some shortcomings. It replaces differing characters in the same position with a question mark, and converts strings of three question marks or more into an asterisk. That means for wildcards("consistent","inconsistent")
, it returns *s*
when I would prefer it return *consistent
Any suggestions on making it better?
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sShort As String, sLong As String
Dim sTemp As String
Const sQUES As String = “?”
Const sASTR As String = “*”
‘If only one string, then return it
If LBound(vaText) = UBound(vaText) Then
Wildcards = vaText(LBound(vaText))
sShort = vaText(LBound(vaText))
‘Store the longest and shortest strings
For i = LBound(vaText) To UBound(vaText)
If Len(vaText(i)) < Len(sShort) Then
sShort = vaText(i)
End If
If Len(vaText(i)) > Len(sLong) Then
sLong = vaText(i)
End If
Next i
sTemp = sShort
‘replace differing chars with ?
For i = LBound(vaText) To UBound(vaText)
If vaText(i) <> sShort Then
For j = 1 To Len(sShort)
If Mid(vaText(i), j, 1) <> Mid(sTemp, j, 1) Then
sTemp = Left(sTemp, j – 1) & sQUES & Mid(sTemp, j + 1, Len(sTemp))
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
‘pad ?s to the end of the longest string
sTemp = sTemp & String(Len(sLong) – Len(sShort), sQUES)
‘replace three or more ?s with a *
If Len(sLong) >= 3 Then
For i = Len(sLong) To 3 Step -1
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, String(i, sQUES), sASTR)
Next i
End If
Wildcards = sTemp
End If
End Function
This is similar to the ACM competition:
Problem Set 2005 – Abbreviations
How do you propose to restore the names of the original files from the stored abbreviated tokens? For example, how will you know that file?name maps to file1name and file2name but must not include file3name or fileAname?
Obviously, I don’t know why you need to store the results in a custom property but if it isn’t too out of the way…and it’s higly likely you have already thought of this but in the remote chance that you have not…consider a hidden worksheet.
This is a bit off topic, but viewing the code on the last few posts and the fact that I am in the middle of a new project, made me curious to know:
Has MS changed the infuriating process ( for Office 2007) of always returning to to a userform object after closing a routine in the VBE?
You know, while debugging or stepping through code and have to interrupt runtime to correct or add additional coding; then BAM! Back to a userform and then have to go find your code (function, sub or ???). I am hoping MS has fixed this intensely aggravating pain in the a**?
doco: Unfortunately, the VBE window is Excel 2007 is exactly the same as the VBE window in the previous version. All of the annoying quirks and PITA bugs are still present. I still get those inexplicable “Device I/O error” messages, and I still see closed workbooks in the Project windows.
I’ve seen the “Closed Workbooks in Projects window” problem before.
I cured it by removing a misbehaving Addin from the registry location:
(might pay to check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE too)
To anyone wanting to fool around with the registry, make a backup first.
Tushar: The code produces a number of unsaved workbooks – between 2 and 100 (conceivably, but not really, more like 20). A number of those workbooks are applicable to all of the others because they contain statistical information. For instance, if 10 workbooks are created, maybe two of those workbooks contain “standards” against which the other eight workbooks would be compared for reasonableness. The workbooks are created but not saved. The user can close them without saving, or save some of them, or save them in any order. Basically, I don’t know the name of the “standards” workbook when WorkbookX is saved. WorkbookX has a hyperlink to open the standards workbook(s). The user can’t name the file whatever he wants, so I can guess the filename if it is eventually saved. The FollowHyperlink event uses FileSearch to find the files and open them.
The file to be opened via the hyperlink contains its own CDP that uniquely ties it to the hyperlink-containing file, so I’ll never open fileAname unless it’s applicable, although fileAname may be in the corpus of files I check for that CDP. The folder I’m checking contains thousands of files, so narrowing down the search is important.
I don’t know why I don’t use a hidden worksheet. I almost never use a hidden worksheet to store a list of something, but I can’t think of a reason why – other than the reason that I’m “wasting” a whole worksheet when in 98% of the cases I’m only storing one file name.
This all started as a feature that checked every file in the folder for the magic CDP. That worked great when there was several dozen files. Now it takes nearly a minute – too long. Thanks for the comment.
Though this can probably be optimized a little bit, it checks every substring of the shortest string rather than character-by-character.
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim sShort As String, sLong As String, sLong2 As String, sLong3 As String
Dim sTemp As String
Const sQUES As String = “?”
Const sASTR As String = “*”
‘If only one string, then return it
If LBound(vaText) = UBound(vaText) Then
Wildcards = vaText(LBound(vaText))
sShort = vaText(LBound(vaText))
‘Store the longest and shortest strings
For i = LBound(vaText) To UBound(vaText)
If Len(vaText(i)) < Len(sShort) Then
sShort = vaText(i)
End If
If Len(vaText(i)) > Len(sLong) Then
sLong = vaText(i)
End If
Next i
sLong2 = sLong
‘find longest string in common to all parameters
For i = LBound(vaText) To UBound(vaText)
If vaText(i) <> sShort Then
sLong3 = “”
For j = 1 To Len(sShort)
sTemp = “”
For k = 1 To Len(sShort) – j + 1
If UCase(vaText(i)) Like “*” & UCase(Mid(sShort, j, k)) & “*” Then
sTemp = Mid(sShort, j, k)
If Len(sLong3) < k Then
sLong3 = sTemp
End If
End If
Next j
If sTemp = “” Then
If Not UCase(vaText(i)) Like “*” & UCase(sLong3) & “*” Then
sLong2 = “”
Exit For
End If
End If
If Len(sLong3) < Len(sLong2) Then
sLong2 = sLong3
End If
End If
Next i
‘pad ?s where longest matching substring does not match longest string
i = InStr(1, sLong, sLong2, vbTextCompare)
If i = 0 Then
sTemp = String(Len(sLong2), “?”)
sTemp = String(i – 1, “?”) & sLong2 & String(Len(sLong) – _
Len(sLong2) – (i – 1), “?”)
End If
‘replace three or more ?s with a *
If Len(sLong) >= 3 Then
For i = Len(sLong) To 3 Step -1
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, String(i, sQUES), sASTR)
Next i
End If
Wildcards = sTemp
End If
End Function
I wasn’t sure what the code/plaintext tags were, feel free to format
It seems to have cut out a chunk in the middle of my posting.. sorry
If Len(sLong3) = 3 Then ‘same as above
Please delete my previous 2 postings if possible, I can’t seem to be able to post the full code so I will just upload it to my site.
Though this can probably be optimized a little bit, it checks every substring of the shortest string rather than character-by-character.
Dick –
“I don’t know why I don’t use a hidden worksheet. I almost never use a hidden worksheet to store a list of something, but I can’t think of a reason why – other than the reason that I’m “wasting” a whole worksheet when in 98% of the cases I’m only storing one file name.”
Hidden worksheets don’t really take up much of your resources, so you’re not “wasting” anything. But if you have only one or two items to store, you could stick them into defined names.
doesn’t work.
I’ve updated my function, no longer just comparing to the longest string: http://www.hastalavidas.com/DicksBlogWildcardFunction2.txt
Is it just [ c o d e ] and [ / c o d e ] ?
Matt: Thanks for the function, I’ll be checking it out. To post code, but it in [ vb ] [ /vb ] tags without the spaces.
Rob et al:
Off topic, but on the “Closed Workbooks in Projects window” issue. An attempt or two to resolve this (in March 2006) concluded that “Phantom Workbooks” were created by other than a misbehaving addin. For example, if I remember correctly, I could reliably create one by programmatically opening a workbook (Set Wkb = Workbooks.Open(Path)), executing a dummy routine in it (via Application.Run), closing the workbook (Call Wkb.Close) and releasing its object variable (Set Wkb = Nothing). The workbook then remained as a phantom.
They’re mostly annoying. Associated objects like ThisWorkbook can’t be selected in the VBE. The “out of memory” messages are, at least, innocuous. What I most objected to was that, although you *could* exceute code in phantom modules, attempting to *remove* them crashed Excel
I’m relatively convinced that Application.Run is creating a reference within Excel that is not cleared, and I couldn’t then and can’t now see how to clear it. There likely are other ways to do the same thing. But eventually, we gave up. Restarting Excel clears things up, and that had to be a good enough “solution.” (Googling “phantom workbook” in the MS excel programming newsgroup should lead anyone to this interchange.)
Keith: I tried to reproduce the problem using the steps you provided. It didn’t reproduce the problem for me.
I’m positive that the COM add-in we use was causing the problem.
The non registry way to solve is as follows:
You need to get the “COM Add-Ins…” button onto your commandbar.
– right click the commandbar, select Customize…
– click the commands tab. From categories, choose Tools. From Commands, choose COM Add-Ins.
– drag COM Add-Ins button to your commandbar. Close the Customize windows. Click the COM Add-Ins button.
To open COM Add-Ins window directly, execute this VBA:
Then manage your Add-Ins by either unticking them, or removing them.
should return
I like the concept though. I’ll try to tweak it.
Dick Kusleika: Are you sure? Is QC123*p*123 mask is not better?
Matt –
Having just researched this, the tags are:
[ v b ] and [ / v b ]
all closed together. See the “code in comments” thread.
QC123*p*123 may look better to humans, but QC123??123 would be much more efficient for computers to process. See any text on regular expressions. So it depends on who or what would be the intended user of these patterns.
Any soundex or approximate matching algorithm could be adapted for this. They could restrict pattern generation to the two strings with the poorest match, and they could be canibalized to locate common substrings.
Note that generating a pattern for pairs is much easier than generating patterns for 3 or more strings. For example, {abc,bca} -> ?bc?, but {abc,bca,cab} -> *a*, *b*, *c* all equally applicable and inefficient. And if there are no substrings in common, e.g., {abc,defg,hijkl}, what should the return pattern be, just * or ???* ? The latter indicates at least 3 characters. Again a question of whether the generated patterns are intended for human readers or computer processes. If the former, * may be better, but ???* would be much more useful in the latter case.
fzz: I’m talking about situations like {file123A2name,file9A4name}. Where “A” is an important and separates {file123A2name,file9A4name} from {file123B2name,file9B4name}.
Of course QC123??123 will be more efficient for computer… but I think that that mask isn’t complete.
Okk: In terms of inferring a pattern, there’s a big difference between {“QC123pg123?,”QC123lp123?} and {“file123A2name”,”file9A4name”}. The first requires QC123*p*123 while the latter could be rendered as file?*A?name, where * and ?* take on their COUNTIF/SUMIF meanings: * means ZERO or more characters while ?* means ONE or more characters. Much easier to program detection of one or more characters. That said, there comes a point where only humans could detect patterns.
I recently fixed my VBE phantom workbook issue by culling the Addins from the registry.
I cannot fix the phantom workbooks in VBE by clearing the addins in Registry. The problem I have is the books I am trying to close has a reference to the one which calls the closing routine and should shut itself down at the end. However it will not as there is still a reference to it in another workbook albeit a phantom one. Crashes Excel if I close. I have taken all the code out of the phantom books and it still happens also removed the reference. Seems to happed whatever. They are all based on a template so all have the same VB project name, changing this once opened makes no difference. Can anyone give me any more ideas. May be chuck Excel 2007!