Shortcut to Styles

I love the Comma style. I use for almost all of the numbers in my spreadsheets. I have been using the Number style because I could use Control+Shift+1 to apply that format easily. I doesn’t dash-out the zeros, though. Microsoft at Home says that Alt+apostrophe will take me right to the style box on the Formatting toolbar, and gosh darn it if they aren’t right. Now I can use Alt+’ then C to apply the Comma style to a range.

If you don’t have the Formatting toolbar visible, it opens the Style dialog box.

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One thought on “Shortcut to Styles

  1. The good news is that you only need to remember that until you switch to Excel 2007. You’ll find that the Style dialog only works for creating styles, not applying them. So if you type C in the Style dialog box, Excel thinks you’re creating a new style named “C”.

    You’ll need to learn this: Alt-H-K (just think of it as ‘Happy Kusleika’.

    By the way, I hope you’re reading Microsoft at Home at home rather than at work.

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