Everything We Could Find on Microsoft VBA

Microsoft VBA Resource Reference is a Word document that Microsoft offers for download. It lists a lot of resources, both Microsoft and non-Microsoft, for Visual Basic for Applications. Some of the links point to sites that haven’t been updated in a while. And at least one of the links was to a site that’s simply selling something. No free information that I could see, although I admit I didn’t look very hard. Nevertheless, some of the links were new to me, so it was worth a look.

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11 thoughts on “Everything We Could Find on Microsoft VBA

  1. I already learned something that I didn’t know.

    “You know the little yellow debugging symbol (right-pointing arrow) that sits in the margin as you are stepping through / debugging your VBA code? Don’t laugh, but the other day, I saw somebody take that little symbol and drag it to a totally different place in the procedure and drop it. The code started running right from where he dropped it. I was floored. I was humbled. In all these years, I have never tried to do that. I have never had an associate tell me that they did that. I have never read anything (at least that I can remember) that hinted that I could do that (and I read A LOT)…Was I the last programmer in the world to learn this little trick or are YOU?”

  2. OK, so it does list some useful resources… but

    “Everything We Could Find on Microsoft VBA”

    Someone didn’t spend very long looking….
    Have they HEARD of Google!!

    VBAX, but no Mr Excel… some glaring MVP sites missing, no Ozgrid, no Tushar… etc etc…

  3. Mike –

    I’ve known that one for a long time. I did’t really get that there are alternate keystrokes for this and other things. Sure, F5 just starts it running from where it’s at, and F8 steps through one line at a time. I recently learned that Ctrl-Shift-F8 runs through the current procedure, so if it’s a sub or function you’ve called from the procedure you’re testing, you don’t need to step through the called procedures too. There’s more that I wrote down and keep by my monitor, in hopes that I’ll learn them. If you put the cursor some rows below the yellow arrow, Ctrl-F8 will run to the cursor. If you put the cursor in a row, Ctrl-F9 moves the yellow arrow there, as if you had dragged it. Shift F8 skips the highlighted step.

    – Jon

  4. I didn’t know you could do that, but how dangerous. I just dragged it inside of a with block that evaluates to false and it kept running. Hmmmm.

  5. I use Shift – F8 all the time, as well as Ctrl Shift F8 to step out as Jon said. But now, instead of using F8 I use Shift F8, the difference is that this one steps ‘over’ each line as if it was just that, one line of code, even if its a call to a function or a sub. Now, if I want to step inside, I use F8.

  6. I also use these all the time. Wouldn’t it be great if there was something like that in real life, i.e., just Shift-F8 right over a work day?

    A favorite of mine is Shift-F2 when the cursor is on a procedure name – it takes you to the procedure. I read that in PED I think. I think there were some other similar shortcuts, but can’t remember what they are.

  7. Ha!!!!

    I found that out about hummm 3 weeks ago! I too was amazed that i had not come a cross it before!!!!

  8. DougG: “A favorite of mine is Shift-F2 when the cursor is on a procedure name – it takes you to the procedure.”
    JamieC: Similarly, Shift-F2 when the cursor is on a variable name takes you to that variable’s declaration.



  9. DougG: “A favorite of mine is Shift-F2 when the cursor is on a procedure name – it takes you to the procedure.”
    JamieC: Also worth noting is that this will jump into the Object Browser if necessary (and the procedure is not ‘hidden’).



  10. Thanks Jamie – those are useful too.

    So what does hidden mean here? E.g., Shift-F2 on “Activeworkbook” and the Object Browser can’t “jump” to it because it’s hidden.

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