Number Stored as Text

When importing data from external sources you may find that your number values unexpectedly import as text.
It’s usually obvious when this happens – the numbers are left-aligned.

The cells may look like a number, but Excel thinks that they are text.
You’ll find that you can’t perform calculations against “text-numbers”. For the picture below, if I used the formula =SUM(A1:A10) then the result would be 0.

Excel 2002 (Excel XP) made some advances in this area by way of automatic error-checking (aka the Green Triangle).

You can quickly convert the cell to a proper number by highlighting your list of misbehaving numbers, click the exclaimation mark and choose ‘Convert to Number’ from the dropdown.

For those of you running a version of Excel less than 2002, the trick I use goes as follows:

1. Copy a Blank Cell (or a cell containing the number 0)
2. Select your list of text-numbers
3. Choose Paste Special from the Edit menu.
4. Paste=Values, Operation=Add

By applying a math operation on the text-numbers, the result is a number!

Sure beats pressing “F2 Enter” 100 times like I used to.

Registering a User Defined Function with Excel

When one writes a User Defined Function in Excel VBA, this function appears in the function wizard under the category “Custom”. It is possible to set which category the function belongs to by changing the “macro properties” of the UDF.

Unfortunately, VBA does not allow specifying a description for the UDF’s arguments. There is a workaround which uses the old XLM REGISTER function in conjunction with the ExecuteExcel4Macro function from within VBA (as described in the excellent book Professional Excel Development). This function however only accepts 255 characters or less, which is insufficient for UDF’s with more than just one or two arguments and severely limits the amount of text one can use for the explanation of the arguments.

This article describes how this can be overcome, using an ancient XLM macro sheet together with some trickery invented by Laurent Longre.

It enables you to set your own category:

Custom category created by technique described in the article

and your own descriptions for each argument:

Argument descriptions created by technique described in the article



Jan Karel Pieterse
JKP Application Development Services

Printing Fit to Page Width

Making printed pages format correctly from Excel can sometimes be difficult.
The most common printing-related request I receive is: “How do I get Excel to print all of my columns on the same page?”

Take Northwind’s Customers table for example.
I’ve just extracted about 6 columns into my worksheet.
If I Autofit the columns, then do a Print Preview, some of the columns end up on a page of their own.

Here is how to fit them all on the same page.

From the File menu, select Page Setup…
On the Page tab, make it so that it reads: Fit to 1 page(s) wide by __ tall.
(The __ is intentionally blank).
Excel will interpret the settings as: Fit to 1 page wide by ‘as many pages as necessary’ tall

As you increase the number of columns, Excel automatically fits them into a print out.
Though, once the text becomes too small to read, you’ll want to flip the Orientation to Landscape mode.

Conditional Compilation Arguments

When I first started programming for Excel, I decided it would be a good idea to standardise on a method for switching between Production mode and Testing mode.
You know, so you save face after your code just failed to build the where clause into a delete query.
I’d seen a few approaches but I eventually settled on a Public Const in the first module of the workbook.

However, I’ve just discovered another way to switch between Production and Test modes: Conditional Compilation Arguments
I think if I had the choice again, this is the way I’d have chosen.

You get to them from the Visual Basic Editor menu: Tools – VBAProject Properties…
Usually that’s VBAProject Properties, but will be whatever you’ve named your project.
You can also get to the same window by right-clicking the Project from the Project Explorer pane.

The Project Properties window appears…

The last textbox of the General tab is Conditional Compilation Arguments
This is where you put your Compiler Constants.

They behave just like #Const constants. They will save when your save the Workbook.

You can enter more than 1 argument by separating them with a colon :

So your VBA code could look as follows:

Sub MyCode()
    #If TestMode Then
        MsgBox “This is Test Mode”, vbExclamation
        MsgBox “This is Production Mode”, vbInformation
    #End If
    #If Not AdministratorMode Then
        InputBox “What’s the password?”
    #End If
End Sub

I’m interested in your feedback – please post a comment.
How do you separate Production from Test?

Hyperlinks and Network Shares

The other day I wanted to insert a hyperlink to another spreadsheet.

I hardly ever put Hyperlinks into Spreadsheets – I almost always link to a web page. This time, however, I wanted to link to a document on the file server.

Insert – Hyperlink – Double click the file – done! “Wow! that was easy” I thought, then promptly attached and e-mailed the spreadsheet to the customer.

“Great spreadsheet” was the feedback, “but the hyperlink is broken – it’s pointing to my C: drive!”

It appears as though hyperlinks are stored by relative path (rather than absolute path) when the linked document is on the same Network Share. His e-mail program had saved the attached spreadsheet to C:\Temp before opening it, so the hyperlink also looked to the C: drive.

When I hover my mouse pointer over a hyperlink, the tool tip reveals the true path.

Here is me hovering over the hyperlink from my computer:

Here is my customer hovering over the hyperlink from their computer:

Fixed it – Here is my customer hovering over the fixed hyperlink from their computer:

What’s the difference between the first and last hyperlink?

The last hyperlink is actually a formula which forces an absolute path:


Streamlining Data Entry

Sometimes filling a sheet full of data can be slow and painful. It’s the navigating between cells that slows me down.
You know how it goes, type the First Name, (arrow right), (arrow right), (arrow right), type the Last Name, (arrow down), (arrow left), (arrow left), (arrow left), type the Occupation, etc…

Maybe you’ve resorted to using the mouse for field navigation.
Maybe you’ve even set up sheet protection so the cursor automatically moves between unlocked cells.

Here is another way.

If you have a bunch of cells selected, you can press Enter (or Tab!) to move between them (it cycles through them).
The trick is in the order that you select them.
So if you have 5 cells:
Click Cell 2
While holding down the Ctrl key click Cell 3, Cell 4, Cell 5 then Cell 1

If you want to save that selection for later, make it a Named Range. Excel remembers the order you clicked and saves that as part of the Name.

Conditionally Formatting Command Buttons

I’m designing a data entry form that uses the dynamic table as described in Professional Excel Development. It basically uses conditional formatting to “open” a data entry line when the one above is has something in it.

I want to put a command button on every line so the user can optionally do a special calculation. It will only be used on less than half of the data entry lines, but it has to appear on all of them. Since more than half of the lines will be hidden initially by conditional formatting, I need a way to hide the buttons for those lines. One of the reasons I don’t like using all those buttons is I don’t want to write the code to manage them and writing code to hide them would only add to the problem.

One solution I came up with was to simulate a command button. I sized the column appropriately and formatted the cell to look like a button. I created a custom color to closely match a button from the Forms toolbar and set that as the pattern. I then used another technique from PED by applying white and black borders to give the raised effect. The top one is the fake button, but I’m sure you could tell.

cell made to look like button next to forms toolbar button

The last step in completing the simulation was changing the cursor and maintaining the proper cell selection. Since my fake button was really just a cell, that cell would be active when I clicked the “button”. Not good. I made a rectangle that fit the cell exactly and placed it over the cell. Then I set the properties of the rectangle to No Line, Transparency=100%, and Move and Size with Cells. I can then assign a macro to that rectangle and simulation is complete.

The benefit of this is that when conditional formatting is applied to that fake-button cell, it disappears. The rectangle is still there and is still clickable, but I hope the rest of the UI design discourages the mouse from wandering down there. Wishful thinking, I’m sure.

In the end, I’m going to have 60 shapes on my sheet all pointing to the same macro. I’m not too keen on having so many shapes. It’s not that I suspect something will go wrong, it’s that I don’t suspect it. That’s a sure fire way to guarantee something goes wrong.

The other options I considered are using a menu item instead of a command button on the sheet. That’s sure easier to manage, but I like the contextualness of the commandbutton, so there’s a trade-off there. Also, I could use one real command button and move it based on the data entry cell the user is in. Other than having the worksheet’s selectionchange event fire continuously, that’s not too bad of an idea. Since most of the rows will be “unavailable”, the user won’t be selecting those cells so the button won’t be moving to unintended rows.

I’m not particularly happy with any of those solutions. If any of you have dealt with the same issue, I’d love to hear about how you solved it.

Recording Swimming Splits

I was talking with a workmate of mine and he mentioned that he is a swimming coach.
He told me that it’s difficult to record swimming times in Excel.
His approach was to record Minutes, Seconds and Splits (Split Seconds) as separate columns. Now, I can only imagine what sort of frustrating (if not impressive!) formulas this led to.

I explained to him that Excel can store Split Seconds right out of the box.
Just format the cell as mm:ss.00

Great! That’ll work.

In addition to simplifying time recording, investing in dedicated swimming pool management software like SwimClub Manager can streamline various aspects of running a swimming program.

From managing finances to scheduling swim meets and coordinating team activities, such software offers comprehensive solutions tailored specifically to the needs of swimming coaches and clubs.

By centralizing all aspects of swimming club management, SwimClub Manager not only saves time but also enhances the overall efficiency and organization of the coaching process.

Being the thinker, he suddenly realised typing in the times would be even more difficult than before. It’s that fiddly colon key :

“Is there a way to type the times with a decimal point as a separator?” he asked.

Fair enough question. His times on paper are written as dot separated.

Fun! Let’s write a formula!

I figured out there were 3 formats of time:
23 which means 23 seconds
23.45 which means 23.45 seconds
1.23.45 which means 1 minute and 23.45 seconds
The hour portion of the time is never reached.

So for a time typed into A1, the following formula turns it into an Excel time.
=IF(LEN(A1) – LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1, “.”, “”)) = 2, TIMEVALUE(“00:” & SUBSTITUTE(A1, “.”, “:”, 1)), TIMEVALUE(“00:00:” & A1))

Again, the cell has a custom format of mm:ss.00