There were a couple of good comments on my List Subdirectories post that were worth trying out. The first concerned writing to cells and its effect on speed. In the original code, I computed the next available cell and wrote to it. In the revised code, I store the values in an array and write the array to the range all at once.
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim StFldr As Folder
Dim Fldr As Folder
Dim aOutput() As String
Dim lCount As Long
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set StFldr = fso.GetFolder(“S:ParagonAccounting”)
lCount = lCount + 1
ReDim aOutput(1 To lCount)
For Each Fldr In StFldr.SubFolders
SFoldersArr Fldr, aOutput, lCount
Next Fldr
ActiveSheet.Range(“A1”).Resize(UBound(aOutput), 1).Value = Application.Transpose(aOutput)
Set StFldr = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SFoldersArr(MFldr As Folder, ByRef vOutput As Variant, ByRef lCount As Long)
Dim SFldr As Folder
If lCount > UBound(vOutput) Then
ReDim Preserve vOutput(1 To lCount + MFldr.SubFolders.Count)
End If
vOutput(lCount) = MFldr.Path
lCount = lCount + 1
If MFldr.SubFolders.Count > 0 Then
For Each SFldr In MFldr.SubFolders
SFoldersArr SFldr, vOutput, lCount
Next SFldr
End If
End Sub
The second comment suggested using a dos command to list the subdirectories into a text file and then opening the text file in Excel. To wit:
Dim sFname As String
Dim CommandLine As String
Dim FileSpec As String
Dim RedirectTo As String
Dim dWaitTime As Date
RedirectTo = “C:a.xls”
FileSpec = “S:ParagonAccounting”
On Error Resume Next
Kill RedirectTo
On Error GoTo 0
CommandLine = “dir ““” & FileSpec & _
“”” /a:d/s/b > ““” & RedirectTo & “”“”
Shell Environ$(“comspec”) & ” /c “ & CommandLine, vbHide
dWaitTime = Now + TimeValue(“00:00:01”)
Loop Until Now > dWaitTime
Workbooks.Open (RedirectTo)
End Sub
I used the Timer function to see how long all these take to run. I’ve heard the Timer function isn’t hyper accurate, but I think it’s useful for comparison purposes. That is, two subs may not take 3 seconds and 4 seconds respectively, but the first is roughly 25% faster than the second. I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m going with it.
Dim lStart As Long
lStart = Timer
Debug.Print “ListSubs”, Timer – lStart
lStart = Timer
Debug.Print “ListSubsArr”, Timer – lStart
lStart = Timer
Debug.Print “ListSubDos”, Timer – lStart
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks(“a.xls”).Close False
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
ListSubs | 3.94921875 | |
ListSubsArr | 3.51171875 | |
ListSubDos | 1.04296875 | |
ListSubs | 3.49609375 | |
ListSubsArr | 4.07421875 | |
ListSubDos | 2.04296875 | |
ListSubs | 4.15234375 | |
ListSubsArr | 3.71484375 | |
ListSubDos | 1.04296875 | |
ListSubs | 3.38671875 | |
ListSubsArr | 3.96484375 | |
ListSubDos | 1.10546875 |
There doesn’t seem to be a clear winner between the first two, which surprises me. Maybe the Redim Preserve
-ing is what’s slowing it down. How can I make that faster? Also, if you know of a better, built-in way to time subs, let me know.
Again, what reference needs to be made in order that the FOLDER class will be recognized?
Add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime file
>>Maybe the Redim Preserve-ing is what’s slowing it
>>down. How can I make that faster?
What I’ve done is add a counter, so the array redims in steps of ten, every tenth time it adds to the array.