Yesterday was my birthday. No complicated birthday formulas this year, just a binary cake.
I would apologize for the poor MS Paint job on that clip art, but if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know I stink at graphics.
I started browsing around for birthday cake clipart in Excel and came upon the Special Occasions section. It has balloons on the graphic, which is promising. I get in there (Insert > Picture > ClipArt) and see this:
What is happening in the second picture? Is that a guy bowling and using buildings for pins? Which special occasion does that represent, the rapture?
In picture 6, there’s a wizard looking through a telescope. I can only assumes you would use that when something good happens in your Dungeons and Dragons game. I may be nerdy enough to have a binary birthday cake, but I’m not so nerdy that I know enough D&D lingo to even make a decent joke.
Picture 7 depicts the “special occasion” when Egyptian slaves finished the pyramids. I don’t recall them wearing business suits, but to be fair, I wasn’t there.
#2 is clearly an earthquake; a yawning chasm swallowing the figure (person?) in front and the buildings trembling behind. Seriously, no idea.
Happy “B” Day
New house!
Happy birth day Dick :))))
If I understand binary correctly (which I probably don’t), you’re 36, right?
Happy 00100100’th birthday.
Happy (belated) birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear dick,
happy birthday to you.
– Just imagine it being sung :-)
Happy Birthday Dick! Hope it was a good one (Sorry to be late)
[…] to be some variants out there, but the one I like best is that suggested at halfbakery or used by a touch of grey, which is to put in a candle for each binary digit you want, and then just light those that […]