A question from Chris:
[W]hat I would like to do is paste (link) a web image into a cell, the choice of web image dependent on another cell.
Eg. A1=îimage1î, paste http://web.com/image1.jpeg into A2
Here’s a macro that uses the AddPicture method of Shapes collection object.
Sub InsertPic()
Dim sPicPath As String
With Sheet1
sPicPath = “/blogpix/” & _
.Shapes.AddPicture Filename:=sPicPath, _
LinkToFile:=msoTrue, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoFalse, _
Left:=.Range(“A2”).Left, _
Top:=.Range(“A2”).Top, _
Width:=180, Height:=156
End With
End Sub
Dim sPicPath As String
With Sheet1
sPicPath = “/blogpix/” & _
.Shapes.AddPicture Filename:=sPicPath, _
LinkToFile:=msoTrue, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoFalse, _
Left:=.Range(“A2”).Left, _
Top:=.Range(“A2”).Top, _
Width:=180, Height:=156
End With
End Sub
The end result looks like this:
I misread the question and was about to describe a different solution.
My answer is sort of on the same lines, so I’ll provide anyway.
1) create a smiley face picture in mspaint, copy-paste to cell G1 so it occupies G1:I8
2) create a frowny face picture in mspaint, copy-paste to cell J1 so it occupies J1:L8
3) create a named range:
name: mypic
formula: =IF($A$1,$G$1:$I$8,$J$1:$L$8)
4) copy-paste your smiley picture to cell A3
5) highlight the new copy then from the formula bar type:
6) experiment by typing in A1 either TRUE or FALSE
you’ll need to turn off gridlines for the effect to work right.
While we are talking of refedit again, I would like to refer to an old post concerning the usage of RefEdit (which I quit using altogether because it’s tendency to lock things up).