Five Thirty Eight

This is the 538th post on Daily Dose of Excel. I meant to post when it was at 500, but somehow it slipped away from me. So, instead of celebrating 500, we’ll celebrate 538.

Five hundred thirty-eight might be the most boring number in the entire universe. The most interesting result of a Google search is a radio station from the Netherlands. Why, I wonder, is there so much English on their site? Don’t they have words for “Now on Air”?

It goes down hill from there. There’s Form I-538 Certification by Designated School Official from the INS.

This form is used to certify aliens seeking off-campus employment as a student and that the employment is related to the student alien’s field of study.

Zzzzzz. Oh, excuse me. I must have dozed off there. Who better than Internal Revenue to rival Immigration for the boredom champion. They have Publication 538 Accounting Periods and Methods (pdf). I’m an accountant and I think this is boring.

This publication explains some of the rules for accounting periods and accounting methods. In many cases, however, you may have to refer to the cited sources for a fuller explanation of the topic.

They can’t explain how long a freakin’ year is 33 pages? Finally, what Bibliographic Formats and Standards page would be complete without 538 System Details Note. Not the Online Computer Library Center, that’s for sure.

1st Indicator Undefined. The 1st indicator position is undefined and contains a blank

You go, OCLC! Daily Dose’s anniversary is coming up next month. I’d better mark it in my Outlook Calendar so I don’t forget to post THAT day too. Thanks for reading, everybody.

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3 thoughts on “Five Thirty Eight

  1. I agree on your comment about the English usage on that Dutch site.

    It seems nowadays when anything needs to sound modern, we Dutch need to use English instead of our native language. As much as I appreciate the English language and culture(s), this I detest.

    It was one of the reasons why I created a full Dutch site, identical to my English pages.


    Jan Karel Pieterse

  2. There is crossword puzzle #538 found [a href =””> here…[/a]

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