Sorry for the absence yesterday. As you may know, I’m an accountant and yesterday, apparently, started my busy season. I’m supposed to have the year soft-closed by Monday, only there’s a slight problem. I can’t close the year until I upgrade my accounting software. I can’t upgrade my accounting software until I upgrade the operating system on the last computer in my peer-to-peer. I cant upgrade the os until the new Dell shows up (not enough processor, not enough RAM in the current one).
The new Dell shows up Thursday afternoon and Friday I start loading the software. If I had known at 8:00 AM that I wasn’t supposed to install the software in the Program Files directory, I’d be done already. Instead, I’m starting over, rather I first need to uninstall the whole thing then re-install. Uninstall program? No, that’s too sophisticated for a $10k piece of software. You have to modify the registry manually to uninstall it.
Today, I’ll be doing the same thing I did yesterday. I’ll be back on Monday with more Excel goodies.
>>If I had known at 8:00 AM that I wasnÃt supposed to install the software in the Program Files directory,<<
Why do some vendors feel they don’t need to comply with guidelines like this? It bugs me whenever I have to install something right in the root directory.