The Userform Toolbar

When you’re working with userforms, don’t forget about the Userform toolbar in the VBE.


It has some handy tools on there, particularly for lining up controls. Here’s a userform with four checkboxes on it.


The same form after using the Align Lefts and Make Width Same Size buttons. (This sounds like a commercial for detergent.)


In Access, you can use the Control and Shift keys in combination with the Arrow keys to move and resize controls. As far as I know, there’s nothing similar for Excel userforms. It sure would be nice, though.

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5 thoughts on “The Userform Toolbar

  1. I have that docked with the MZTools commandbar, and I also customized it a bit… took out the zoom combobox, and put there the spacing controls (Horizontal and Vertical), which are the ones that I use a lot !

    Definitely a useful toolbar !

  2. Lately I’ve been trying to teach myself VB.NET. I really like the editor but one thing bugging me was that the right-click menu does not offer Align choices for form controls as it does in the VBE.
    On reading your post I looked in the .NET editor for a similar toolbar. There is one, in fact it’s been there all along at the top of the screen, and it has all those choices. Who knows how long before I would have noticed it without your suggestion (yes, I’m in way over my head with VB.NET).


  3. Dick: In response to your question to ross I nosed around and found the “Align or Distribute” toolbar:
    Application.CommandBars(“Align or Distribute”).Visible = True
    It has most of the same controls, but not the “Make Same Size.”

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