Linking Shapes to Cells

You can show the contents of a cell inside a shape. Whether it be the caption of a commandbutton from the Forms toolbar or a rectangle from the Drawing toolbar, a simple formula will do the job. Just select the shape and type the formula in the formula bar.

This example shows both a rectangle and a commandbutton.


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6 thoughts on “Linking Shapes to Cells

  1. Check out what happens with the font colour when you link a button to a cell. Change the font colour once from standard, and the font on the button changes. Change it again, and this time nothing happens on the button! Excel just keeps you guessing doesn’t it!

  2. I had call to use this today – interestingly, you can’t place a formula in there.

    Just, as you say, the contents of a cell (which is where the formula now lives!)


  3. I am trying to change a picture in an image field on a form based on a selection from a combo box. Is there any way to set the picture property from pictures stored within Excel? I don’t want to store the pictures externally.

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