I finally have a gmail account. That makes 5 email accounts for me. The one that comes with my internet connection is simply a spam holder. I can’t remember the last time I got a legitimate message on that. The only messages that I get on my mvps.org email are from the administrator to tell me when the server will be down for maintenance.
I get offered email accounts for nothing, what am I supposed to do, turn them down? I don’t think so.
Anywho, the gmail account is about 120 seconds old and still no spam. To be honest, I like Outlook and am not sold on web based email. My dicks-clicks.com email has a web interface which I like because if I need to check my mail while I’m away, I can use the web. But if I’m home, it comes into Outlook with my 2 other non-work related email accounts. Now I guess I’ll have to check my mail in two places.
So let’s give dkusleika@gmail.com a good test. I’m thinking of a community project here. Remember the Pixilate post. The hardest part of setting up that spreadsheet is manually pixilating the characters on the alphabet sheet. So here’s what I’m thinking: All the Daily Dose readers do one or two letters and send them to me. I’ll compile them into one workbook and make it available as a download. All the upper case letters are done, so I think if we can just get the lower case ones, then it will be an accomplishment.
Since lower case a and b are done, I’m going to do c, d, and e. Here’s what you do. Download the workbook from the above link (as if you haven’t already). Leave a comment to this post indicating which letters you will pixilate. You can do 1, 2, or as many as you like. Just make sure you check the comments so you don’t do some that someone else is doing. Put the new letters right under b in the downloaded workbook, that is, no need to leave space because I’ll be copying and pasting to a master workbook. Finally, email the workbook to my new gmail account. I will post the newly updated workbook for you to download, and then you can start programming your own scrolling marquee. Wheee!
P.S. If no one volunteers to do even one letter, I will mix stories from my childhood into my Excel posts. You’ll fall asleep reading them at work and likely be fired. You don’t want that kind of bad mojo, so get pixilatin’.
Frankly, Dick, stories from your childhood sound much more interesting than pixilating. I’ve often wondered what childhood experiences could have driven someone to become an Excel maven. In JWalk’s case, I think it was probably one of the government’s experimental LSD programs, or mandatory fluoridation of the water supply. The jury’s still out on you, though. ;-)
I will try f and g. And then if I enjoy that, maybe I’ll do some more. No promises, though.
I actually did f, g, h, i, j, k and l.
My HP calculator uses pixulated letters that are almost the same size as these. I copied them to make t,u,v,w,x,y,z, and @.
I’m working on M N O P Q R S!