Lost Stop Recording Button

When you record a macro, Excel displays the Stop Recording Toolbar. This type of toolbar is context sensitive, that is, it only displays when you’re recording a macro. Another context sensitive toolbar is the External Data toolbar. It only appears when you select a range in an External Data Table.

If you’ve lost a context sensitive toolbar, it usually means that you closed it (with the x on the toolbar) when the context was to show it. For instance, closing the Stop Recording toolbar while you’re recording a macro. Excel, in its infinite wisdom, remembers this and stops showing the toolbar even when the context dictates it be shown.

To get it back, you need to first get in the right context. If you want the Stop Recording toolbar back, start recording a macro. If you want the External Data toolbar back, select a cell in an External Data Table.

Once you’re in the proper context, show the toolbar. You can show the toolbar by right clicking on any toolbar and selecting the appropriate toolbar from the list. Now whenever you’re in that context, the toolbar will show.

Technically, you don’t need to be in the proper context. Just showing the toolbar seems to reset this. However, that toolbar is usually (maybe always) not on the list of toolbars when you right click, so being in the proper context ensures it is there.

If getting in the proper context is a pain in the neck for you, you can show a toolbar by right clicking in the toolbar area and choosing Customize. Click the Toolbars tab and place a check next to the toolbar you want to show. Close out of the dialog box and then you can close the toolbar. It will appear the next time you are in the proper context.

Finally, in VBA you can show a context sensitive toolbar by using

Application.Commandbars(“Stop Recording”).Visible = True

This will also reset the contextiveness of the toolbar. Yes, I just made up a word.

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6 thoughts on “Lost Stop Recording Button

  1. Lost Stop Recording Button? An easier way would be to start recording a macro, the choose View > Toolbars and choose the Stop Recording button. Just DON’T use the X to stop recording and it will go back to popping up when you need it.

    The Excel Queen

  2. Lost Stop Recording Button? An easier way would be to start recording a macro, the choose View > Toolbars and choose the Stop Recording button. Just DON’T use the X to stop recording and it will go back to popping up when you need it.

    The Excel Queen

  3. Thank you,

    I’ve been trying everything I knew to get that damn button back. I hate it because I know that once I find the answer it’s usually so simple. I right clicked while recording and waa-laa there it was! Once again so simple.

    Thanks again
    Dave H.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you! That damn button has caused me so much grief! I was showing someone how to record a simple macro(they are the only ones I attempt)when after showing how to change from relative to absolute references, I inadvertently closed the button box with the X. I could not find help anywhere on how to get it back until I found your site. Thanks again.

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