I use the heck out the JoinRange function I wrote a few years back. The vast majority of the time I’m using it for two purposes: creating a table in a Trac wiki page or creating an HTML table. I’ve been typing those same delimiters over and over and it has to stop.
I add an optional sMacro argument as the first argument. I can fill this argument with some predefined terms and it will create the necessary delimiters. And as long as I was in there, I change the range looping to array looping. Here’s what it looks like now.
' Procedure : JoinRange
' Author : dick
' Date : 3/31/2012
' Purpose : Concatenate cell values with delimiters and line ends
' Args : sMacro - preset delimeters, overrides other arguments
' sDelim - text inserted between cell values
' sLinestart - text inserted before the first cell value
' sLineEnd - text inserted after the last cell value
' sBlank - text used instead of nothing for blank cells
Public Function JoinRange(rInput As Range, _
Optional sMacro As String = "", _
Optional sDelim As String = "", _
Optional sLineStart As String = "", _
Optional sLineEnd As String = "", _
Optional sBlank As String = "") As String
Dim sReturn As String
Dim vaValues As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Select Case UCase(sMacro)
sDelim = "
sLineStart = "
sLineEnd = "
sDelim = "||"
sLineStart = "||"
sLineEnd = "||"
End Select
vaValues = rInput.Value
sReturn = sLineStart
For i = LBound(vaValues, 1) To UBound(vaValues, 1)
For j = LBound(vaValues, 2) To UBound(vaValues, 2)
If Len(vaValues(i, j)) = 0 Then
sReturn = sReturn & sBlank & sDelim
sReturn = sReturn & vaValues(i, j) & sDelim
End If
Next j
Next i
sReturn = Left$(sReturn, Len(sReturn) - Len(sDelim))
sReturn = sReturn & sLineEnd
JoinRange = sReturn
End Function
Abigail | Taylor | Coral Springs |
Bryan | Burns | Charlotte |
Trinity | Wallace | Clarksville |
Arianna | Reynolds | Elizabeth |
Gabriella | Roberts | Providence |
Katherine | Foster | Miami |
Megan | Hunt | Toledo |
Diego | Black | Garland |
Oh, I’m going to save so much typing.
Hi Dick –
Presuming the joined range is destined for display in other software, should you make it a data object and put it in the clipboard? Save those mouse clicks and paste in one swell foop.
… mrt
Nice, though I suspect the HTML code needs a tweak. For a multi-row range, shouldn’t the LineStart and LineEnd tokens be added to the HTML for each row? Currently, they are added only once for the entire range.
I made that change, and also added the option of a header row (the option Hdr parameter). If present, this will create a row with TH tags. Also, one can request html code with the sMacro=”HTML”
I also added an option for XML (sMacro=”XML”). In this case, one must specify a ‘Entity ID’ that is used as the XML wrapper for each row (the parameter EntityID). In addition, one must specify a header row. This can be either through the Hdr parameter or, if missing, row 1 of a multi-row range.
To ensure I did not impact the existing code for sMacro=”TRAC” or no sMacro specification, I modularized the HTML and XML related code.
Option Explicit
' Procedure : JoinRange
' Author : dick
' Date : 3/31/2012
' Purpose : Concatenate cell values with delimiters and line ends
' Args : sMacro - preset delimeters, overrides other arguments
' sDelim - text inserted between cell values
' sLinestart - text inserted before the first cell value
' sLineEnd - text inserted after the last cell value
' sBlank - text used instead of nothing for blank cells
Private Function doHTMLHdr(ByVal sBlank As String, ByVal Hdr) As String
doHTMLHdr = "
If TypeOf Hdr Is Range Then Hdr = Hdr.Value
Dim J As Integer
For J = LBound(Hdr, 2) To UBound(Hdr, 2)
doHTMLHdr = doHTMLHdr & "
& IIf(Hdr(LBound(Hdr, 1), J) = "", sBlank, _
Hdr(LBound(Hdr, 1), J)) _
& "
Next J
doHTMLHdr = doHTMLHdr & "
" & vbNewLine
End Function
Private Function doHTML(rInput As Range, _
Optional ByVal sBlank As String = "", _
Optional ByVal Hdr) As String
Dim sDelim As String, sLineStart As String, sLineEnd As String
If Not IsMissing(Hdr) Then _
doHTML = "
sLineStart = "
sDelim = "
sLineEnd = "
Dim vaValues: vaValues = rInput.Value
Dim I As Long, J As Long, sReturn As String
For I = LBound(vaValues, 1) To UBound(vaValues, 1)
sReturn = sLineStart
For J = LBound(vaValues, 2) To UBound(vaValues, 2)
If Len(vaValues(I, J)) = 0 Then
sReturn = sReturn & sBlank & sDelim
sReturn = sReturn & vaValues(I, J) & sDelim
End If
Next J
sReturn = Left$(sReturn, Len(sReturn) - Len(sDelim))
sReturn = sReturn & sLineEnd & vbNewLine
doHTML = doHTML & sReturn
Next I
If Not IsMissing(Hdr) Then doHTML = doHTML & "
End Function
Private Function doXML(rInput As Range, _
ByVal EntityID As String, Optional ByVal Hdr) As String
If TypeOf Hdr Is Range Then Hdr = Hdr.Value
Dim vaValues: vaValues = rInput.Value
Dim I As Long, J As Long, sReturn As String
For I = LBound(vaValues, 1) To UBound(vaValues, 1)
sReturn = "<" & EntityID & ">" & vbNewLine
Dim HdrIdx As Integer: HdrIdx = LBound(Hdr, 2)
For J = LBound(vaValues, 2) To UBound(vaValues, 2)
sReturn = sReturn & vbTab & "<" & Hdr(LBound(Hdr), HdrIdx) & ">" _
& vaValues(I, J) _
& "" & Hdr(LBound(Hdr), J) & ">" & vbNewLine
HdrIdx = HdrIdx + 1
Next J
sReturn = sReturn & vbTab & "" & EntityID & ">" & vbNewLine
doXML = doXML & sReturn
Next I
End Function
Private Sub copyToClipBoard(ByVal sWhat As String)
Dim X As DataObject: Set X = New DataObject
X.SetText sWhat
End Sub
Public Function JoinRange(rInput As Range, _
Optional ByVal sMacro As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sDelim As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sLineStart As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sLineEnd As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sBlank As String = "", _
Optional ByVal EntityID As String, Optional ByVal Hdr) As String
'EntityID is required when sMacro=XML _
Hdr applies only when sMacro=XML or HTML
Dim sReturn As String
Dim vaValues As Variant
Dim I As Long, J As Long
Select Case UCase(sMacro)
JoinRange = doHTML(rInput, sBlank, Hdr)
Case "XML":
If IsMissing(EntityID) Then _
JoinRange = "EntityID is required for XML output": GoTo ErrXIT
If Not IsMissing(Hdr) Then
ElseIf rInput.Rows.Count > 1 Then
Set Hdr = rInput.Rows(1)
Set rInput = rInput.Offset(1, 0).Resize(rInput.Rows.Count - 1)
JoinRange = "Hdr is required for XML output": GoTo ErrXIT
End If
JoinRange = doXML(rInput, EntityID, Hdr)
sDelim = "||"
sLineStart = "||"
sLineEnd = "||"
Case Else:
End Select
vaValues = rInput.Value
sReturn = sLineStart
For I = LBound(vaValues, 1) To UBound(vaValues, 1)
For J = LBound(vaValues, 2) To UBound(vaValues, 2)
If Len(vaValues(I, J)) = 0 Then
sReturn = sReturn & sBlank & sDelim
sReturn = sReturn & vaValues(I, J) & sDelim
End If
Next J
Next I
sReturn = Left$(sReturn, Len(sReturn) - Len(sDelim))
sReturn = sReturn & sLineEnd
JoinRange = sReturn
copyToClipBoard JoinRange
Exit Function
End Function