I have a custom keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+L, to “click” on a hyperlink in Excel. I thought I had posted that code, but I can’t find it. It’s not much.
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If ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then ActiveCell.Hyperlinks(1).Follow End If |
It doesn’t work with links created with the HYPERLINK function because a formula doesn’t create a member of the Hyperlinks collection. I fixed it by parsing the formula and trying to follow the link inside.
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Public Sub FollowLink() Dim vaSplit As Variant Dim sForm As String Const sLINKFORM As String = "=HYPERLINK(" On Error GoTo ErrHandler If ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then ActiveCell.Hyperlinks(1).Follow Else If InStr(1, ActiveCell.Formula, sLINKFORM) = 1 Then sForm = ActiveCell.Formula sForm = Left(sForm, Len(sForm) - 1) 'remove last parent sForm = Replace(sForm, Mid(sLINKFORM, 2, 255), vbNullString) 'Remove function name vaSplit = Split(sForm, ",") If IsError(Evaluate(Join(vaSplit, ","))) Then 'friendly name argument used ReDim Preserve vaSplit(0 To UBound(vaSplit) - 1) End If ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Evaluate(Join(vaSplit, ",")) End If End If ErrExit: On Error Resume Next Exit Sub ErrHandler: MsgBox Err.Description & vbNewLine & Evaluate(Join(vaSplit, ",")) Resume ErrExit End Sub |
Here’s an example of a HYPERLINK formula I use.
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=HYPERLINK(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("filename"),"[",""),FIND(".",CELL("filename"))-2)&"_Backup.pdf","Backup") |
This links to a file named CurrentFileName_Backup.pdf. The first thing the code does is remove the last parenthesis.
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=HYPERLINK(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("filename"),"[",""),FIND(".",CELL("filename"))-2)&"_Backup.pdf","Backup" |
Next it removes the function name. It doesn’t remove the equal sign because I’ll need that for the Evaluate function later.
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=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("filename"),"[",""),FIND(".",CELL("filename"))-2)&"_Backup.pdf","Backup" |
Next it splits the string on a comma. A comma will separate the link argument from the friendly name argument. This one has more than one comma, but we’ll deal with that later by Joining the array.
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vaSplit(0) = =LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("filename") vaSplit(1) = "[" vaSplit(2) = "") vaSplit(3) = FIND("." vaSplit(4) = CELL("filename"))-2)&"_Backup.pdf" vaSplit(5) = "Backup" |
The friendly name argument is optional. This example has a friendly name, but not every one will. To determine if the friendly name argument is used, I try to evaluate the string. A legitimate formula with a
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, friendly_name |
after it won’t evaluate and will return an error. If that’s the case, I remove the last element of the array and evaluate the remaining elements.
In this case, the Redim Preserve gets rid of element #5, but leaves the others intact. The remaining five elements are joined into
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=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("filename"),"[",""),FIND(".",CELL("filename"))-2)&"_Backup.pdf" |
The Evaluate function turns into the result of the formula (the file is named JE35.xlsm).
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S:\Accounting\General_Ledger_Information\201606\JE35\JE35_Backup.pdf |
Passing that to FollowHyperlink opens the file. Unless it doesn’t exist. Then I get an error “Cannot open the specified file.” and a message box tells me the file name it tried to open. That way I can troubleshoot any problems before I go ask why the backup wasn’t included in this journal entry.