A year and a half ago, I decided that I was going to make a change to my KwikOpen add-in to get rid of recent files that no longer exist. Well, I finally got it done. No, it didn’t take that long to implement. The performance of the add-in has been fine so there wasn’t a pressing need. The other day, the addin seemed a little less peppy than usual and I thought it was time for a look.
I had 2,368 files in my MRU and 465 of them are dead links. That’s about 20% and it’s similar to the proportion I saw back in February 2015. Of the three options I listed at the bottom of my previous post, I chose none of them. Instead, I weeded out some files as I wrote them back out to disk.
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Public Sub WriteToDisk() Dim sFile As String Dim lFile As Long Dim clsRcntFile As CRcntFile Dim aFiles(1 To 3000) As String Dim lFileCnt As Long Dim lWriteCnt As Long Const dWEEDLIMIT As Double = 0.9 For Each clsRcntFile In Me lFileCnt = lFileCnt + 1 If lFileCnt < Me.Count * dWEEDLIMIT Or clsRcntFile.Exists Then lWriteCnt = lWriteCnt + 1 aFiles(lWriteCnt) = clsRcntFile.FullName End If If lWriteCnt >= UBound(aFiles) Then Exit For Next clsRcntFile sFile = Environ$("APPDATA") & "\Microsoft\Addins\" & msMRUFILE lFile = FreeFile Open sFile For Output As lFile Print #lFile, Join(aFiles, vbNewLine) Close lFile End Sub |
The file names are written to the file with the most recent at the top – sort of. Because I’m using the built-in MRU as well as my own, it’s not exactly that way, but it’s close enough for government work. Instead of time stamping the entries, I decided to dump any nonexistent files that were near the bottom of the list. If a file is in the top 90% of the list, it stays regardless of whether it exists. If it’s in the bottom 10%, it only stays if it’s still where it was.
Iteration | Total Files | Orphaned Files |
Beg. | 2,368 | 465 |
1 | 2,250 | 345 |
2 | 2,226 | 321 |
3 | 2,225 | 320 |
Looking at the last 100 or so files, they’re mostly from 2014. I could cap this at 2,000 and probably not notice.
Turns out that checking whether the file exists in a loop adds about 2000 milliseconds to the operation. That’s not happening, so I updated the WriteToDisk method.
it only does the expensive operation the first time it writes to the disk that day.
would you post a version of the updated kwikopen that is an add-in like in the comments here?
If appropriate, how about a HOW-TO on how to get to the add-in?
Thank you.
It can be found here
Unzip and put the xlam file anywhere you want. From Excel, File – Options – Addins – Manage Excel Add-ins – Go. Browse to xlam file. OK.
Now Ctrl+O and Ctrl+Shft+S will be work differently. If you don’t already have KwikOpenFiles.txt in your My Documents directory, you will now.