Opening the Addin Dialog like a Pro

Back in the old days when Excel had menus and toolbars, a guy could use Alt+t+i to open the Addins dialog (Tools – Addins). But that would only work if there was an open workbook. No open workbook, no dialog. Now in the days of the Ribbon, the shortcut is Alt+f+t a a Alt+g (File – Options – Addins – Go). You don’t need to have a workbook open, which is nice, but there is a bit of delay between the two “a’s” in the keyboard sequence.

MS did a wonderful thing when they made the old 2003 menu navigation still work in later versions. Even though there’s no longer a Tools menu, you can still use Alt+t+i to open the dialog. Unfortunately you still need to have a workbook open for it to work. I can’t imagine why that is, but it is.

Well, it’s VBA to the rescue. You can show most any dialog with Applicaiton.Dialogs().Show. But showing the Addins dialog returns an error if there is not an active workbook, just like with the old menus. It’s trivial enough to fix, to wit:

Sub ShowAddinDialog()

Dim wb As Workbook

'Dialog won’t show if there’s no workbook showing
If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
Set wb = Workbooks.Add
End If

'Show addin dialog

'Close wb if it was created
On Error Resume Next
wb.Close False

End Sub

That creates a new workbook if needed, then shows the dialog. It keeps track of whether it created a workbook and, if so, closes it without saving. Hardly worth your time to read this post, you say? You already knew about this, you say? Here’s the real magic. Those old 2003 commandbars still lurk behind the scenes in Excel. If you create new ones, they show up on the Add-ins tab. But you can modify the existing one too. I put this little gem in the Auto_Open macro in the same workbook as my ShowAddinDialog procedure.

With Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("Tools").Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , 1)
.Caption = "&I"
.OnAction = "ShowAddinDialog"
End With

And then to clean it up in Auto_Close.

On Error Resume Next

Commandbars(1) is the menu and Controls(“Tools”) is the Tools menu. I add a new control to position 1 on that Tools menu. I don’t need a fancy caption because I can’t see it anyway. I just need a caption with I as the hotkey. Whichever letter follows the ampersand (&) is the hotkey. The built-in addins menu item has a caption of Add-&Ins... making I the hotkey for it. But mine is higher up, so it wins.

In the previous post I referenced above, I add this macro to the QAT. But the muscle memory of Alt+t+i dies hard. Rather than retrain myself like a normal person, I’m embracing my quirks. I can now use Alt+t+i and get the desired results.

“Always” vs “Never”

I always select data from the top down, when I go to make a chart.
I never think to hit the Ctrl + Down Arrow first, so that I can select the range while leaving the active cell at the top.

I always end up with a chart waaay down at the bottom of that very long selection, where my active cell is.
I never want it all the way down there.

I always select the wayward chart, then move it gingerly up towards the Headings bar, in the vain hope that Excel will go into scroll mode, and let me release the chart where it belongs…at the top.
I never seem to hit that magic sweet spot, where Excel starts scrolling quicker than a crawl.

I always curse, then cut the chart, hit Ctrl + Up Arrow, then paste it up where it belongs.
I never remember this monkey business the next time I go to make a chart.

I always hope that MS will sort out basic usability stuff like this in the next release.
I never hold my breath.

“Yes please” vs “WTF?”

DDOE_Thank you vs. WTF_Formula Notation
Yes please.

DDOE_Thank you vs. WTF_Table Notation
WTF? That formula is the same as the last one, only it uses Table notation!


Out of interest, here’s how that 1st message looks in Excel 2010. (Apologies for the old-school look of these next two screenshots, vs the previous ones. I’m too tight to install Excel 2010 AND 2013 on all the machines in our house, so this screenshot comes from my wife’s PC, which runs XP, on account of that same monetary tightness.)

DDOE_Yes Please vs WTF_Old Correction

Let’s say I do decide to take the option offered in that 2nd bullet point – to close the message and correct the formula myself – and click NO. What do I get?

DDOE_Yes Please vs WTF_Old Yes

You told me that one click ago. Get out of my way, so I can do what I said I was going to do one click ago…i.e. fix the damn thing!

I spend heaps and heaps of my time on usability things when I build stuff in Excel. I can’t comprehend why these really crappy legacy usability issues are still perpetuated by the MS developers release after release. WTF.

Formula Auditing by RefTreeAnalyser: Objects included

Hi all,

I’ve been working on my RefTreeAnalyser again. What I’ve been up to this time is building tools which help with the analysis of dependencies which are mostly hidden from view:

  • Charts (series formula)
  • Pivot table (source data)
  • Data Validation formulas
  • Conditional Formatting formulas
  • Form controls (linked cell, listfillrange)
  • ActiveX controls (linked cell, listfillrange)
  • Picture objects (linked cell)

A new dialog has been added that shows all sources of the objects in your file:

Objects analysed for cell dependencies

Moreover, when you analyse a particular cell for its dependencies, objects are taken into account too (well, to be perfectly honest, only if you purchase a license):


If you haven’t already done so, why don’t you head over to my website and download the tool. The demo is free and (almost!) fully functional.


Jan Karel Pieterse

The Duality of Hyperlinks

Cells can contain two types of hyperlinks. There’s the embedded kind that you create using Insert – Hyperlink and the formula kind that you create using the HYPERLINK function. The function kind is nice because you can make the address and display text dynamic without using VBA. They’re just text arguments to a function and any function that modifies text can be used to modify them.

If you have HYPERLINK in a cell, the Insert – Hyperlink control is disabled (grayed out). Excel is wise enough to know that you shouldn’t have both kinds of hyperlinks in a cell. But it’s only half wise. Excel does not stop you from entering a HYPERLINK formula in a cell with an embedded hyperlink. If you do, you can end up with what seems like two hyperlinks in one cell.

I say “seems like” because Excel only recognizes one. And to be even more precise, it recognizes pieces of both hyperlinks to make one. Let me explain. If I type a URL in a cell, Excel converts it into a hyperlink. (Pro Tip: Press Ctrl+Z immediately after the conversion to undo the conversion, but keep the text). Let’s say I copy that down a few cells.

Now let’s say that I edit these cells to contain a HYPERLINK formula with a different address and a different display text. In this case, I’ve change the address by adding “my” in front of it and change the display text from the URL to the word “blog”.

If I hover over the new hyperlink, check what happens. There are three important properties of hyperlinks: Address (where it goes when you click), Text to Display (what shows up in the cell), and Tooltip (what pops up when you hover). With two hyperlinks, it appears that the Address and tooltip are driven by the embedded hyperlink and the Text to Display is driven by the formula.

I don’t know why it happens this way. I can’t even come up with a good story about how it’s an unintended consequence of some design decisions on Microsoft’s part. But it is what it is. I don’t know of any quick way to fix this through the user interface, but I wrote a macro to fix it.

The code removes the embedded hyperlink and leaves the formula. The line that sets the formula equal to the formula is get the blue underline formatting back. The traditional hyperlink formatting disappears when you delete the hyperlink even though the formula remains. You can see that the tooltip now draws from the only remaining hyperlink, the formula one.

UnPivot Shootout

Jeff here, again. PivotTables again. Sorry ’bout that.

snb posted a very concise bit of code to unwind crosstabs over at Unpivot by SQL and so I got to wondering how my much longer routine handled in comparison.

My approach used SQL and lots of Union All statements to do the trick. And lots and lots of code. Whereas snb uses arrays to unwind the crosstab, which is fine so long as you don’t run out of worksheet to post the resulting flat-file in. Which is going to be the case 99.999999% of the time. And frankly, crosstabs in the other 0.000001% of cases deserve to be stuck as crosstabs.

At the same time, I thought I’d also test a previous approach of mine that uses the Multiple Consolidation trick that Mike Alexander outlines at Transposing a Dataset with a PivotTable. This approach:

  1. copies the specific contiguous or non-contiguous columns of data that the user want to turn into a flat file to a new sheet.
  2. concatenates all the columns on the left into one column, while putting the pipe character ‘|’ between each field so that later we can split these apart into separate columns again.
  3. creates a pivot table out of this using Excel’s ‘Multiple Consolidation Ranges’ option. Normally this type of pivot table is used for combining data on different sheets, but it has the side benefit of taking horizontal data and providing a vertical extract once you double click on the Grand Total field. This is also known as a ‘Reverse Pivot’.
  4. splits our pipe-delimited column back into seperate columns, using Excel’s Text-to-Column funcionality.

snb’s approach

snbs’ code for a dataset with two non-pivot fields down the left looked like this:

…which I’m sure you’ll all agree falls somewhere on the spectrum between good looking and positivity anorexic. So I put a bit of meat on it’s bones so that it prompts you for ranges and handles any sized cross-tab:

Talk about yo-yo dieting!

Multiple Consolidation Trick approach

And here’s my code that uses the Multiple Consolidation trick:

The SQL appoach is the same as I published here.

And the winner is…

…snb. By a long shot. With the ever-so-slight caveat that you’re crosstabs are not so stupidly fat that the resulting flat file exceeds the number of rows in Excel.

Here’s how things stacked up on a 53 Column x 2146 Row crosstab, which gives a 117,738 row flat-file:

Approach Time (M:SS)
snb 0:01
UnPivotByConsolidation 0:04
UnPivotBySQL 0:14

And here’s how things stacked up on a 53 Columns x 19,780 Row crosstab, giving a 1,048,340 row flat-file (i.e. practically the biggest sized crosstab that you can unwind):

Approach Time (M:SS)
snb 0:19
UnPivotByConsolidation 0:42
UnPivotBySQL 2:17

So there you have it. Use snb’s code. Unless you have no choice but to use my longer, slower SQL approach.

Update 26 November 2013
It was remiss of me not to mention the Data Normalizer routine in Doug Glancy’s great yoursumbuddy blog, which is just about as fast as snb’s approach below. Go check it out, and subscribe to Doug’s blog while you’re there if you haven’t already.

If you don’t want the hassle of working out which to use, here’s a routine that uses snb’s if possible, and otherwise uses mine:

Repeating Values in Pivot Tables

Often I’m using a PivotTable to aggregate some data to use elsewhere. I’ll take a PivotTable that looks like this

and make it look like a grid so that I can copy and paste it somewhere else. To do that, I first go to the PivotTable Options – Display tab and change it to Classic PivotTable layout.

Then I’ll go to each PivotItem that’s a row and remove the subtotal

and check the Repeat item labels checkbox.

And I get a PivotTable that’s ready for copying and pasting.

After about 50 times of doing that, I got sick of it. Now I just run this code.