Broken Arrow

Dick et al tell me that my over-use of the arrow anti-patten is broken…

Broken Arrow

…to the point that my Ifs are well out of sight of my EndIfs. So much so, that I’ve got into the habit of appending my closing IF statements with an apostrophe and then adding the text of the matching opening IF statement, so I can keep track of exactly where each block ends, like so:

End If 'If Not bIdentified Then
End If 'If lngFields = 1 Then
End If 'If Not bIdentified Then
End If 'If InStr(.Summary, "|") = 0

Dick tells me that if things have got that bad, the code should be refactored. After making some lame excuses, I thought I’d take these comments on board, and see whether a remake made for ultimately more satisfying viewing.

With this particular code, I’m trying to find out what PivotField (if any) got filtered. I have three separate tests – each of slightly increasing complexity. The first test doesn’t require much, and picks up what PivotField got filtered in probably 80% of cases. The 2nd test requires a little bit more processing, and probably picks up what PivotField got filtered in half the remaining cases. The last test requires something quite invasive, but will correctly identify those last remaining cases that the other tests missed.

Those three tests can easily be split into three separate functions, so that someone following along finds the whole code easier to conceptualize.

So here’s the first function, which checks the structure of the PivotTable after a change against a record of the structure that we previously saved to the PivotTable.Summary field:

Function PivotChange_LayoutComparison(pt As PivotTable, ByRef strVisibleItems As String) As String

Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim i As Long

For Each pf In pt.PivotFields
With pf
Select Case .Orientation
Case xlRowField, xlColumnField
strVisibleItems = strVisibleItems & .Name & “|” & .VisibleItems.Count & “||”
Case xlPageField
‘pf.VisibleItems.Count doesn’t work on PageFields
‘So for PageFields we’ll record what that PageField’s filter currently displays.
strVisibleItems = strVisibleItems & .Name & “|” & .LabelRange.Offset(, 1).Value & “|” & .EnableMultiplePageItems & “||”
End Select
End With
Next pf

With pt
If .Summary <> strVisibleItems Then
For i = 0 To UBound(Split(.Summary, “||”))
If Split(.Summary, “||”)(i) <> Split(strVisibleItems, “||”)(i) Then
PivotChange_LayoutComparison = Split(Split(.Summary, “||”)(i), “|”)(0)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
End With

End Function

And here’s the second function, that checks all the visible fields to see if *just one of them alone* has neither .AllItemsVisible = True nor .EnableMultiplePageItems = false. If so, then by process of elimination, this field must be the one that triggered the change, as changes to any of the others would have been identified in the previous function.

Function PivotChange_EliminationCheck(pt As PivotTable, ByRef strPossibles As String) As String

'Check all the visible fields to see if *just one of them alone* has
' neither .AllItemsVisible = True nor .EnableMultiplePageItems = false.
' If that's the case, then by process of elimination, this field
' must be the one that triggered the change, as changes to any of the
' others would have been identified in the code earlier.

Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim lngFields As Long

lngFields = 0
On Error Resume Next ' Need this to handle DataFields and 'Values' field
For Each pf In pt.PivotFields
With pf
If .Orientation > 0 Then 'It's not hidden or a DataField
If .EnableMultiplePageItems And Not .AllItemsVisible Then
If Err.Number = 0 Then
'It *might* be this field
lngFields = lngFields + 1
strPossibles = strPossibles & .Name & ";"
Else: Err.Clear
End If
End If
End If
End With
On Error GoTo 0

If lngFields = 1 Then PivotChange_EliminationCheck = Left(strPossibles, Len(strPossibles) - 1)

End Function

And lastly, here’s the function that records the .VisibleItems for the PivotTable that just changed, then programatically hits the Undo button so it can play spot-the-difference between what things looked like after the user made that change:

Function PivotChange_UndoCheck(pt As PivotTable, strPossibles) As String

Dim lngFields As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim dicFields As Object 'This holds a list of all visible pivotfields
Dim dicVisible As Object 'This contains a list of all visible PivotItems for a pf
Dim varKey As Variant
Dim ctr As CommandBarControl
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim bidentified As Boolean
Dim lngVisibleItems As Long

Application.EnableEvents = False

'Create master dictionary
Set dicFields = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'Cycle through all pivotfields, excluding totals
For i = 0 To UBound(Split(strPossibles, ";")) - 1
'Create dicVisible: a dictionary for each visible PivotField that contain visible PivotItems
Set dicVisible = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(Split(strPossibles, ";")(i))
With pf
If .Orientation <> xlPageField Then
For Each pi In .VisibleItems
With pi
dicVisible.Add .Name, .Name
End With
Next pi
'Unfortunately the .visibleitems collection isn't available for PageFields
' e.g. SomePageField.VisibleItems.Count always returns 1
' So we'll have to iterate through the pagefield and test the .visible status
' so we can then record just the visible items (which is quite slow)
For Each pi In .PivotItems
With pi
If .Visible Then
dicVisible.Add .Name, .Name
End If
End With
Next pi
End If 'If .Orientation = xlPageField Then
'Write dicVisible to the dicFields master dictionary
dicFields.Add .Name, dicVisible
End With
Next i


For Each varKey In dicFields.keys
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(varKey)
Set dicVisible = dicFields.Item(varKey)

'Test whether any of the items that were previously hidden are now visible
If pf.Orientation <> xlPageField Then
For Each pi In pf.VisibleItems
With pi
If Not dicVisible.exists(.Name) Then
PivotChange_UndoCheck = pf.Name
bidentified = True
Exit For
End If
End With
Else 'pf.Orientation = xlPageField
lngVisibleItems = dicVisible.Count
i = 0
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
With pi
If .Visible Then
If Not dicVisible.exists(.Name) Then
PivotChange_UndoCheck = pf.Name
bidentified = True
Exit For
Else: i = i + 1 'this is explained below.
End If
End If
End With

' For non-PageFields, we know that the number of .VisibleItems hasn't changed.
' But we *don't* know that about Pagefields, and an increase in the amount of
' .VisibleItems won't be picked up by our Dictionary approach.
' So we'll check if the overall number of visible items changed
If Not bidentified And i > lngVisibleItems Then
PivotChange_UndoCheck = pf.Name
Exit For
End If
End If
If bidentified Then Exit For

'Resore the original settings
With Application
.CommandBars(14).FindControl(ID:=129).Execute 'Standard Commandbar, Redo command
.EnableEvents = True
End With

End Function

Lastly, here’s how I call them all:

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)

Dim strLastUndoStackItem As String
Dim strPossibles As String
Dim strVisibleItems As String
Dim strPivotChange As String

On Error Resume Next 'in case the undo stack has been wiped or doesn't exist
strLastUndoStackItem = Application.CommandBars(14).FindControl(ID:=128).List(1) 'Standard Commandbar, undo stack
On Error GoTo 0

If strLastUndoStackItem = "Filter" Or strLastUndoStackItem = "Slicer Operation" Then
strPivotChange = PivotChange_LayoutComparison(Target, strVisibleItems)
If strPivotChange = "" Then strPivotChange = PivotChange_EliminationCheck(Target, strPossibles)
If strPivotChange = "" Then strPivotChange = PivotChange_UndoCheck(Target, strPossibles)
Target.Summary = strVisibleItems
If strPivotChange <> "" Then MsgBox strPivotChange
MsgBox strLastUndoStackItem
End If

End Sub

Yep, I think this remake is much, much better looking than the original:
Broken Arrow Broken Arrow Remake

Here’s the sample file: PivotChange_20140802

What caused that PivotTableUpdate? Episode IV

Pivot Wars 3 Small

So if you’ve been merrily following along, then you’ll know that we’ve got a function that picks up which PivotField just got filtered in a PivotTable, with a couple of exceptions:

  • If users change the PivotFilter list, but leave the same count of things visible, or
  • If any stinky PageField filters read ‘Multiple Items’ both before and after the change.

We’re about to add something more to our previous function to handle those cases.

With a few very minor exceptions, the majority of our previous function remains unchanged, and looks like so:

Function PivotChange_GetFilterName(pt As PivotTable) As String

Dim strLastUndoStackItem As String
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim i As Long
Dim lngVisibleItems As Long
Dim lngFields As Long
Dim strVisibleItems As String
Dim bIdentified As Boolean
Dim strElimination As String
Dim bElimination As Boolean
Dim dicFields As Object 'This holds a list of all visible pivotfields
Dim dicVisible As Object 'This contains a list of all visible PivotItems for a pf
Dim varKey As Variant

Application.EnableEvents = False

On Error Resume Next 'in case the undo stack has been wiped or doesn't exist
strLastUndoStackItem = Application.CommandBars("Standard").FindControl(ID: = 128).Control.List(1)
On Error GoTo 0

If strLastUndoStackItem <> "" Then
For i = 1 To pt.VisibleFields.Count
Set pf = pt.VisibleFields(i)
With pf
If .Orientation <> xlDataField And .Name <> "Values" Then
If .Orientation <> xlPageField Then
strVisibleItems = strVisibleItems & .Name & "|" & .VisibleItems.Count & "||"
'pf.VisibleItems.Count doesn't work on PageFields
'So for PageFields we’ll record what that PageField’s filter currently displays.
strVisibleItems = strVisibleItems & .Name & "|" & .LabelRange.Offset(, 1).Value & "|" & .EnableMultiplePageItems & "||"
End If
End If
End With
Next i
Select Case strLastUndoStackItem
Case "Filter", "Select Page Field Item", "Slicer Operation"
With pt
If InStr(.Summary, "|") > 0 Then 'the Summary field contains previously recorded info about pivot layout etc
If .Summary <> strVisibleItems Then
For i = 0 To UBound(Split(.Summary, "||"))
If Split(.Summary, "||")(i) <> Split(strVisibleItems, "||")(i) Then
PivotChange_GetFilterName = "PivotFilter changed: " & Split(Split(.Summary, "||")(i), "|")(0)
bIdentified = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If 'If .Summary <> strVisibleItems Then

If Not bIdentified Then
'Check all the visible fields to see if *just one of them alone* has
' neither .AllItemsVisible = True nor .EnableMultiplePageItems = false.
' If that's the case, then by process of elimination, this field
' must be the one that triggered the change, as changes to any of the
' others would have been identified in the code earlier.
lngFields = 0
For Each pf In pt.VisibleFields
With pf
If .Orientation <> xlDataField And .Name <> "Values" Then
If .AllItemsVisible = True Then
'it's not this field
bElimination = True
ElseIf .Orientation = xlPageField And .EnableMultiplePageItems = False Then
' it's not this field either
bElimination = True
'It *might* be this field
lngFields = lngFields + 1
strElimination = strElimination & .Name & ";"
End If 'If .AllItemsVisible = True The
End If 'If .Orientation <> xlDataField And .Name <> "Values" Then
End With
Next pf

If lngFields = 1 Then
PivotChange_GetFilterName = "PivotFilter changed: " & Left(strElimination, Len(strElimination) - 1)
bIdentified = True

But now, to track down those exceptions, we’re going to have to work some magic. Or as I put it in the code:

' =================================
' We will have to use *The Force*
' =================================

For each visible PivotField, we’re going to compare the list of what is visible now to what was visible before. Bear in mind that we don’t know in advance what PivotTable the user is going to tamper with. Given this, you may be asking yourself:

C3PO 2

You’re dead right, Golden Rod. And that will require us to either keep a duplicate of every PivotTable in the workbook, or to extract every single pivotitem in the entire workbook to a Dictionary or Array that we would have to continually update.

Unless we use the Force. Yes, let’s use the Force. After all, it is all around us.

With the help of The Force:

  1. We’re only going to record the settings for the PivotTable that just changed
  2. Then we’re going to programatically hit the Undo button
  3. Then we’re going to play spot-the-difference between what things looked like after the user made that change:

    …and what it looked like before they made that change:

  4. Then we’re going to restore things back to the way the user wanted them:

To do this, we’re going to employ a Dictionary.
Of Dictionaries.
Like so:

If Not bIdentified Then
' The If statement above is purely there to catch the possibility that
' we failed to find the filter in the above code because it's the first
' time we've run the code, meaning nothing was previously stored in pt.summary

'Create master dictionary
Set dicFields = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'Cycle through all visible pivotfields, excluding totals
For i = 0 To lngFields - 1
'Create dicVisible: a dictionary for each PivotField that contain visible PivotItems
Set dicVisible = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(Split(strElimination, ";")(i))
With pf
If .Orientation <> xlPageField Then
For Each pi In .VisibleItems
With pi
dicVisible.Add .Name, .Name
End With
Next pi
'Unfortunately the .visibleitems collection isn't available for PageFields
' e.g. SomePageField.VisibleItems.Count always returns 1
' So we'll have to iterate through the pagefield and test the .visible status
' so we can then record just the visible items (which is quite slow)
For Each pi In .PivotItems
With pi
If .Visible Then
dicVisible.Add .Name, .Name
End If
End With
Next pi
End If 'If .Orientation = xlPageField Then
'Write dicVisible to the dicFields master dictionary
dicFields.Add .Name, dicVisible
End With
Next i

Great, so we know what’s visible now. But what about before?
Well, in keeping with the Star Wars theme, anyone fancy a prequel?


And now we’ll check how the old compares to the new:

For Each varKey In dicFields.keys
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(varKey)
Set dicVisible = dicFields.Item(varKey)

'Test whether any of the items that were previously hidden are now visible
If pf.Orientation <> xlPageField Then
For Each pi In pf.VisibleItems
With pi
If Not dicVisible.exists(.Name) Then
bIdentified = True
PivotChange_GetFilterName = "PivotFilter changed: " & pf.Name
Exit For
End If
End With
Else 'pf.Orientation = xlPageField
lngVisibleItems = dicVisible.Count
i = 0
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
With pi
If .Visible Then
If Not dicVisible.exists(.Name) Then
bIdentified = True
PivotChange_GetFilterName = "PivotFilter changed: " & pf.Name
Exit For
Else: i = i + 1 'this is explained below.
End If 'If Not dicVisible.exists(.Name) Then
End If 'If .Visible Then
End With

' For non-PageFields, we know that the number of .VisibleItems hasn't changed.
' But we *don't* know that about Pagefields, and an increase in the amount of
' .VisibleItems won't be picked up by our Dictionary approach.
' So we'll check if the overall number of visible items changed
If Not bIdentified And i > lngVisibleItems Then
bIdentified = True
PivotChange_GetFilterName = "PivotFilter changed: " & pf.Name
Exit For
End If
End If 'If pf.Orientation <> xlPageField Then
If bIdentified = True Then Exit For

Great, we’ve found it. Now it’s time for operation Application.Redo!

WAIT! There is no Application.Redo method!


Aw, screw it…let’s use that Force stuff again:

'Resore the original settings

…and then set the Hyperdrive for home:

End If 'If Not bIdentified Then
End If 'If lngFields = 1 Then
End If 'If Not bIdentified Then
End If 'If InStr(.Summary, "|") = 0 Then
End With
Case Else: PivotChange_GetFilterName = strLastUndoStackItem
End Select
End If 'If strLastUndoStackItem <> ""
pt.Summary = strVisibleItems
Application.EnableEvents = True

Set dicFields = Nothing
Set dicVisible = Nothing

End Function

Stormtrooper: Let me see your sample file.

Obi-Wan: [with a small wave of his hand] You don’t need to see his sample file.

Stormtrooper: We don’t need to see his sample file.

Obi-Wan: These aren’t the sample files you’re looking for.

Stormtrooper: These aren’t the sample files we’re looking for.

Obi-Wan: He can go about his pivoting.

Stormtrooper: You can go about your pivoting.

Obi-Wan: Move along.

Stormtrooper: Move along… move along.

Okay, okay…here’s the sample file.

Can you stop remotely squeezing my throat now, Darth?

Test Pattern


I have re-factored the code in the sample file as per the post at Broken Arrow.

What caused that PivotTableUpdate? Part Tres.

Okay, so:

  • In Part One, we considered the problem of determining what actually triggered a PivotTableUpdate (or it’s equally gormless twin, the PivotTableChangeSync event)
  • In Part Two we worked out that we could tell via the contents of the Undo Stack whether the update was caused by filtering, a refresh, a structure change, or other less common tweaks – and we determined that we still couldn’t tell what particular PivotFilter a user might have changed.

But you already know that.

Today, we’ll wrap this knowledge in a function that will determine what triggered a PivotTableUpdate event by reading and returning the related Undo Stack entry. If the update event was triggered by some hoodlum filtering the pivot, the function will *try* to determine which PivotField it was so that it can additionally return the name of that PivotField. I say *try* because there are no guarantees in life apart from death, taxes, and the fact that when my wife goes to sunny Spain for 6 weeks I get to stay behind in the Southern Hemisphere winter and pay for it. (Ah well…she took the kids, so we *both* get a holiday of sorts.)

So how are we going to do this? First, we’ll use that underwhelming PivotTableUpdate event as a trigger for our PivotChange function. In this case we’ll feed that PivotChange result to a messagebox, for instant feedback.

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim strWhatHappenned As String
strWhatHappenned = PivotChange(Target)
If strWhatHappenned <> "" Then MsgBox strWhatHappenned
End Sub

Then in our actual function PivotChange, we’ll start by retrieving the most recent item from that Undo Stack.

Dim strLastUndoStackItem As String
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim i As Long
Dim strVisibleItems As String
Dim bIdentified As Boolean
Dim strElimination As String
Dim bElimination As Boolean

Application.EnableEvents = False

On Error Resume Next 'in case the undo stack has been wiped or doesn't exist
strLastUndoStackItem = Application.CommandBars("Standard").Controls("&Undo").Control.List(1)
On Error GoTo 0

The next thing we’re going to record how many visible items there are in each visible PivotField to a pipe-delimited string, using the pf.VisibleItems property:

If strLastUndoStackItem <> "" Then
For i = 1 To pt.VisibleFields.Count
Set pf = pt.VisibleFields(i)
With pf
If .Orientation <> xlDataField Then
If .Name <> "Values" Then
If pf.Orientation <> xlPageField Then
strVisibleItems = strVisibleItems & .Name & "|" & pf.VisibleItems.Count & "||"

…unless it’s a PageField, because stinky PageFields don’t have said pf.VisibleItems property. You can pf.VisibleItems them all you want, and all you’ll ever get back is “1”. God, I hate PageFields. So for PageFields we’ll record what that PageField’s filter currently displays. This will either say “(All)” or “(Multiple Items)”, or will contain the name of just one PivotItem in the event that it’s filtered to show just one PivotItem. UPDATE: We’ll also record whether “Select Multiple Items is checked, in case a user changes that setting but changes nothing else.

strVisibleItems = strVisibleItems & .Name & "|" & pf.LabelRange.Offset(, 1).Value & "|" & .EnableMultiplePageItems & "||"
End If
End If 'If .Name <> "Values" Then
End If 'If .Orientation <> xlDataField Then
End With
Next i

Note that we didn’t use the pf.CurrentPage to retrieve the name of that stinky PageField, because if the PageField has been set so that the user can select multiple items (i.e. EnableMultiplePageItems = True) then surprise surprise pf.CurrentPage always returns “(All)” even if just one item is selected. So instead we’ll use pf.LabelRange.Offset(, 1).Value to get the filter’s title. God, I hate PageFields.

Now we’ll check if that PivotTableUpdate was caused by a user filtering a PivotField.

Select Case strLastUndoStackItem
Case "Filter", "Select Page Field Item"

If it was, we’ll use that record of currently visible items we just put together. How? Well, we’re going to compare it against the number of items that were visible before the Pivot was refreshed. If there’s a difference for a particular field, then bing! we have our culprit. But where do we get those previous pf.VisibleItems stats from? Why, we stored them somewhere clever the last time this code ran…in the PivotTable itself!

PT Summary box 2

Ever wondered what pt.Summary did? Wonder no more…it allows you to read or write whatever you want to that “Description” box above. Here’s the code that does the reading and comparison:

With pt
If InStr(.Summary, "|") = 0 Then 'the Summary field contains NO previous info about pivot layout etc
PivotChange = "PivotFilter changed: Unable to determine which one." 'Ahh, but we will, next time.
If .Summary <> strVisibleItems Then
For i = 0 To UBound(Split(.Summary, "||"))
If Split(.Summary, "||")(i) <> Split(strVisibleItems, "||")(i) Then
PivotChange = "PivotFilter changed: " & Split(Split(.Summary, "||")(i), "|")(0)
bIdentified = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If 'If .Summary <> strVisibleItems Then

So far, we’ve got code that will pick up most instances of a PivotField being filtered. But not all, because our method so far relies on there being a change in the number of visible items in a PivotField. Meaning if some malicious filterer (filteree?) changes the filter selection whilst leaving the same number of things visible, then we’ll miss it.

What’s more, if the PivotField is a PageField and the filter text reads ‘Multiple Items’ both before and after the change, then because we were forced to rely on picking up changes in the actual filter’s titleg rather than the unhelpful .visibleitems property, we wouldn’t have noticed any change even if the user did leave a different amount of items visible before and after. Stinky PageFields. Ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

But even in both of those cases, we’ve got one last-ditch effort to identify the culprit with the information that we already have to hand. Can you think of it? No? Come on now…how often have I said to you:

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

That’s right…once. So pay attention, Sherlock. If we check all the visible fields to see if *just one of them alone* has neither .AllItemsVisible = True nor .EnableMultiplePageItems = false, then by process of elimination, this field must be the one that triggered the change, as changes to any of the others would have been identified in the code earlier.

Here’s Watson store:

If Not bIdentified Then
'Check all the visible fields to see if *just one of them alone* has
' neither .AllItemsVisible = True nor .EnableMultiplePageItems = false.
' If that's the case, then by process of eliminaiton, this field
' must be the one that triggered the change, as changes to any of the
' others would have been identified in the code earlier.
i = 0
For Each pf In pt.VisibleFields
With pf
If .Orientation <> xlDataField And .Name <> "Values" Then
If .AllItemsVisible = True Then
'it's not this field
bElimination = True
ElseIf .Orientation = xlPageField And .EnableMultiplePageItems = False Then
' it's not this field either
bElimination = True
'It *might* be this field
i = i + 1
strElimination = strElimination & .Name & ";"
End If 'If .AllItemsVisible = True The
End If 'If .Orientation <> xlDataField And .Name <> "Values" Then
End With
Next pf

If i = 1 Then
PivotChange = "PivotFilter changed: " & Left(strElimination, Len(strElimination) - 1) & "."
ElseIf bElimination = True Then PivotChange = "PivotFilter changed: one of " & Left(strElimination, Len(strElimination) - 1) & "."
Else: PivotChange = "PivotFilter changed: Unable to determine which one."
End If 'If i = 1 Then
End If 'If Not bIdentified Then
End If 'If InStr(.Summary, "|") = 0 Then
End With

And if the PivotTableUpdate wasn’t caused by filtering, then all we need do is tell the calling procedure what that action the user performed was:

Case Else: PivotChange = strLastUndoStackItem
End Select

All that’s left now is to overwrite the old record of visible fields in that PivotTable Alt Text box with the current record, so that next time the code runs we’ll have something to reminisce about:

pt.Summary = strVisibleItems
End If 'If strLastUndoStackItem <> ""
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function

So there we have it: a function that lets you know what triggered a PivotTableUpdate event and that does it’s *utmost* to let you know which PivotFilter was changed, if any.

Here’s a sample file with it all good to go:

Sure, it will still not capture cases where malicious filterers (filterees?) leave the same number of things visible, or where any stinky PageField filter read ‘Multiple Items’ both before and after the change. But it will warn you if that happens, and it’s not like that’s gonna happen every time.

And besides, in our upcoming season finale I’ll introduce an additional function that will do a far deeper, resource-intensive dive in that particular case.

Till then, Hasta Pronto.

What caused that PivotTableUpdate? Part Two.

In Part One, we considered the problem of determining what actually triggered a PivotTableUpdate (or it’s equally gormless twin, the PivotTableChangeSync event), with a view to identifying when a specific PivotField is filtered. Today we’re going to take a look at how we can find out more about what triggered those events. And what better place to glean information about the last action the user performed than here:


That’s right, the Undies stack. (That’s what we call it down-under). Or rather, the Undo stack to you uptight northerners. (Ok, enough of the innuendo and Double entendre.)

Go on, then…show us what’s in your undies…er…undo stack, Jeff:

Undo Pivot Actions 5

Wow: all of the above relate to some kind of action on a PivotTable. If only we could access that list, we’d have a pretty rich source from which to answer the title of this post. And we can indeed do just that.

If you want everything in that list, then you can use this code from MVP Siddharth Rout at msdn:

For i = 1 To xlApp.CommandBars("Standard").Controls("&Undo").Control.ListCount
UnDoList(i) = xlApp.CommandBars("Standard").Controls("&Undo").Control.List(i)

…and if you just want the last undo item, you can use this:

Let’s take a look at how all the different things that raise a PivotTableUpdate event get reflected in that Undo list. If an action isn’t listed in the below table, then as far as I know from my rather in-exhaustive testing, it doesn’t raise a PivotTableUpdate event.

Actions and associated undo stack text v2

There’s a few things worth noting about the above.

  • Firstly, we can now clearly determine whether the update was caused by filtering, a refresh, a structure change (in which case the Undo Stack just says ‘Pivot’, or other less common tweaks.
  • Secondly, while we can use this to confirm whether or not a PivotTableUpdate event was in fact caused by someone adjusting a PivotFilter, we still can’t tell which filter.
  • Thirdly, it’s surprising just how many things trigger an update – which is why it will be good to call out filter changes explicitly in the event that we want to sync lots of large pivots.
  • And finally, one of the actions – adding/amending/deleting a Calculated Field – actually clears the Undo Stack. How weird is that?

Okay, that’s enough for today…I’ve got to go cook my dinner. (My wife is in Spain with the kids, and so apparently it won’t cook itself). Tune in next time, when we’ll look at how we can write a routine that leverages off the undo stack, and that also helps us determine not only that a PivotField was filtered, but which PivotField it was.

What caused that PivotTableUpdate? Part One.

Over at MSDN, ToWIZ writes:

I’m looking for a detailed guide that would help users understand the details of PivotTable events and their functioning. The documentation has only one sentence for each event. Surely Microsoft doesn’t consider this to be a detailed guide?

Apparently so.


  • The PivotTableUpdate event occurs after a PivotTable report is updated on a worksheet.
  • The PivotTableChangeSync occurs after changes to a PivotTable. This event can be used only in Excel 2010 projects.

And let me get this straight: reading between the lines on this extensive documentation, you’re telling me that the new event does the same thing as the old event, except for the fact that it only works in Excel 2010 or later? Wow. Quite some improvement.

I can’t find a single thing that differentiates these two events – either on the web or in practice. Here, you try. Put this in a Sheet Module where you’ve got some pivots, and play around with them:

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableChangeSync(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Debug.Print "PivotTableChangeSync: " & now()
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Debug.Print “PivotTableUpdate: ” & now()
End Sub

Did you find a single case where one got triggered and the other didn’t? Me neither.


Eric van Rooijen did: Ticking the ‘Defer Layout Update’ option in the PivotFilter Pane means that only the Worksheet_PivotTableChangeSync gets triggered when changing PivotTable Fields.

You’ve almost got to wonder if someone on the team at Redmond misheard the brief for that 2010 addition. I’m sure they meant to introduce a new handler called PivotFieldChangeSync that would allow us to do something that we currently can’t – work out exactly what a user was doing to a PivotField (e.g. filtering a particular field). Instead we got this rehash with less scope than the old thing, as near as I can tell.

Which is a pity. Because PivotTables are the best thing about Excel, and PivotFilters (and now Slicers) are how users interact with that best thing. And here we are in Excel 2013 with still no good way to find out what PivotFilter a user just changed.

Why would you want to know that? Plenty of reasons…one of which is so that then you could efficiently sync a whole bunch of pivots in a dashboard in the case that slicers aren’t an option (e.g. the pivots are on different caches, or users have an earlier version of Excel that doesn’t support slicers). In that scenario, relying on just one of the above event handlers to run the code is damned inefficient, because:

  • It would get triggered by any old change that you make to a Pivot.
  • Even when it does get triggered by someone actually changing a PivotFilter, the question remains…which one did they change? Those events won’t tell you…

Don’t go thinking that a Worksheet_Selection change is going to help you work it out, because clicking on a PivotFilter or Slicer does not change your selection. And don’t go thinking you can use a Worksheet_Change event to capture the filter refreshing neither…when a PivotTable gets updated, the whole PivotTable gets updated, meaning that Worksheet_Change event returns the entire range that a PivotTable occupies – not just the cell behind the filter that a user just changed.

All this means that if you wanna say sync a whole bunch of pivots – and slicers aren’t an option – then relying solely on one of those insensitive Update events alone means you’ll have no choice but to sync pretty much every visible field that appears in the master pivot…something that may result in unacceptable delays to users if there are lots of pivots with lots of fields and with lots and lots of pivotitems in them. It could take many many minutes to iterate through all of them.

Sure, you can build some sort of userform control or array of shapes (one for each pivotfield) that the user clicks before they say filter a particular field. But that sounds complicated and quite likely bespoke to the dashboard concerned.

Or perhaps you could programatically put some invisible shapes in front of each PivotFilter, so that when when the user goes to click the PivotFilter they actually click those shapes instead, meaning you can then use application.caller to work out which shape – and therefore which PivotFilter – they clicked on. But you’d have to use SendKeys to open the filter that they just thought they clicked on, and you’d have to ensure those invisible boxes always moved with the PivotTable. Pretty invasive and unreliable stuff, really. And pretty complicated to set up.

Screw that…how ’bout a generalised solution that works right out of the box on any pivot, with no setup whatsoever?

How would you capture changes to specific PivotFields and the like?

Got a good method? Let us know in the comments. Got no idea? Tune in next time to see my approach.

Playing Peekaboo with the Used Range

I was trying to reset the used range in a spreadsheet template I inherited the other day, that had a much bigger used range than it should have had. Damned if I could get it to reset. Tried deleting rows and columns below and to the right of the actual used range. Tried this:

Sub ResetUsedRange()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim lng As Long

For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
lng = sht.UsedRange.Rows.Count

End Sub

Still no joy.

Then after much playing around, I discovered the problem. Several problems, really:

  • If you hide a row – or adjust it’s width, then the UsedRange is extended down to that row. But only for rows. And deleting all the rows below your ‘actual’ used range soon fixes this problem.
  • Hiding columns or adjusting their width does nothing to the used range. Unless you hide a column, and then unhide it by manually dragging on the boundary of the hidden column in order to resize it. Then you just screwed up the UsedRange bigtime: the used range now extends to that column, and it is devilishly hard to reset it again. Deleting all columns to the right of your ‘actual’ used range does NOT fix the problem.

Try it. You’ll find that the extended used range this gives is much more persistent than the Spanish Football Team.

After much experimentation, I found that you can only reset the used range back to what it should be if you:

  1. Hide that pesky column again.
  2. Unhide that pesky column again, using the Right Click > Unhide method.
  3. Delete that pesky column.
  4. Delete the perfectly innocent column that took it’s place.

Then and only then could I get the used range to go back to it’s cage. Weird. But might explain why you’ve had used ranges in the past that you simply could not get to behave.

(UPDATE:As demonstrated by snb’s code, the weird result you get by resizing a hidden column disappears if you close and then reopen the workbook.)

In the course of all this, I noticed that if you hide a row, then if you put the cursor over the hidden row and double-click when this icon comes up:
Autofit Row
…then the row is unhidden.

But if you hide a column, and then double click when this comes up:
Autofit Column
…absolutely nothing happens. What’s with that?

In both cases, the Macro Recorder spits out Rows(“25:25”).EntireRow.AutoFit or Columns(“M:M”).EntireColumn.AutoFit as the case may be. But in the case of hidden columns, it just doesn’t seem to do anything.

Weird again.

NOT learning from my Errors

I was writing some formulas today that need to return TRUE if a search term appears in a cell, and FALSE otherwise. For instance, I wanted to know if FOO appeared in FOOBAR or not.

Originally I was using FIND, along these lines:

But then had some issues with case that screwed things up:

Given that for my purposes FOO was as good as Foo, I decided to replace the FIND function in this with the SEARCH function, on account of SEARCH being an insensitive bastard. (Can I say that here? No? Oops…sorry!).

So I manually edited the formula, and replaced FIND with SEACH. Then cut and pasted that formula in lots of other places. Then did lots of analysis with the output. Without learning from the error of my ways:

Whoops…that’s not how you spell SEARCH! Why didn’t you tell me Excel? Oh…because of this:

Which don’t mean there ain’t no FOO (or Foo) to be found. Rather it means “Yes, I am in fact returning an error – thank you for asking – because I have no idea what this damn SEACH does.”

Murphy’s law: I never noticed that I’d screwed it up until right at the very end of my days work.

Still, not noticing till the very end is better than not noticing.

Or as Excel would put it:
=NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH(“not noticing”,”not noticing till the end is better than not noticing.”)))