Back to Blogging

I just submitted the last chapter of a super-awesome new book project I’m doing with Mike Alexander. Submitting the last chapter is always a great feeling. I have no idea when it will be available, but I’ll be pimping it right here when I know. It’s a formulas book, and did I mention that it’s super-awesome?

Last month was the 10 year anniversary of DDoE. Wow, ten years feels like a long time. The only way to see the first post from March 2004 is in the wayback machine. It was lost in the great data loss event of a couple years ago. I had designs to restore all the lost posts, but it has not happened. I still have hope that will happen.

That first post was about summing between two dates. It was the old trick where you sum less than the greater date and subtract the sum of less than the lesser date. Now that Excel has SUMIFS, that trick is obsolete. That may be why I’m not so eager to get it back online.

Did you know that DDoE was originally at John Walkenbach convinced me to start a blog during a trip to Seattle back in the day. We came up with the URL at the bar. I think he was trying to make hyphens more socially acceptable in URLs. The early aughts were a strange time.

If you follow DDoE, you know we’ve had some trouble here of late. Something has been spiking the memory and shutting down MySQL. It hasn’t happened in a while, but that may be because there hasn’t been much activity. Hopefully all that’s behind us. Thanks to Jeff Weir and the other contributors for all the posts they’ve made.

I’ve got several posts queued up (including one on keyboard shortcuts if you can believe that) so stay tuned for those and an announcement on when the new book will be hitting the shelves.

3 thoughts on “Back to Blogging

  1. Wow, 10 years, hard to believe, guess i need to read this once in awhile to know what you into.
    Enjoyed this morning and will touch base after i see the knee doc to see if i can shed any light on your problem.

  2. Wow, I guess I’ve been reading this since the beginning, which seems like way more than 10 years ago. I was so pleased to have you host my FaceId Viewer addin back then.

    One of the goals I’ve never said out loud before is to know everything about Excel that you knew 10 years ago. Please bring back all those posts so that I’ll have a more accurate baseline. :)

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